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Created December 29, 2023 20:55
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Adaptation of the expandable_bottom_sheet removing deprecated parameters + minor cleanups.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
/// [ExpandableBottomSheet] is a BottomSheet with a draggable height like the
/// Google Maps App on Android.
/// __Example:__
/// ```dart
/// ExpandableBottomSheet(
/// background: Container(
/// color:,
/// child: Center(
/// child: Text('Background'),
/// ),
/// ),
/// persistentHeader: Container(
/// height: 40,
/// color:,
/// child: Center(
/// child: Text('Header'),
/// ),
/// ),
/// expandableContent: Container(
/// height: 500,
/// color:,
/// child: Center(
/// child: Text('Content'),
/// ),
/// ),
/// );
/// ```
final class ExpandableBottomSheet extends StatefulWidget {
/// [expandableContent] is the widget which you can hide and show by dragging.
/// It has to be a widget with a constant height. It is required for the [ExpandableBottomSheet].
final Widget expandableContent;
/// [background] is the widget behind the [expandableContent] which holds
/// usually the content of your page. It is required for the [ExpandableBottomSheet].
final Widget background;
/// [persistentContentHeight] is the height of the content which will never
/// been contracted. It only relates to [expandableContent]. [persistentHeader]
/// and [persistentFooter] will not be affected by this.
final double persistentContentHeight;
/// [animationDurationExtend] is the duration for the animation if you stop
/// dragging with high speed.
final Duration animationDurationExtend;
/// [animationDurationContract] is the duration for the animation to bottom
/// if you stop dragging with high speed. If it is `null` [animationDurationExtend] will be used.
final Duration animationDurationContract;
/// [animationCurveExpand] is the curve of the animation for expanding
/// the [expandableContent] if the drag ended with high speed.
final Curve animationCurveExpand;
/// [animationCurveContract] is the curve of the animation for contracting
/// the [expandableContent] if the drag ended with high speed.
final Curve animationCurveContract;
/// [onIsExtendedCallback] will be executed if the extend reaches its maximum.
final void Function()? onIsExtendedCallback;
/// [onIsContractedCallback] will be executed if the extend reaches its minimum.
final void Function()? onIsContractedCallback;
/// [enableToggle] will enable tap to toggle option on header.
final bool enableToggle;
/// [isDraggable] will make the [ExpandableBottomSheet] draggable by the user or not.
final bool isDraggable;
/// Creates the [ExpandableBottomSheet].
/// [persistentContentHeight] has to be greater 0.
const ExpandableBottomSheet({
required this.expandableContent,
required this.background,
this.persistentContentHeight = 0.0,
this.animationCurveExpand = Curves.ease,
this.animationCurveContract = Curves.ease,
this.animationDurationExtend = const Duration(milliseconds: 250),
this.animationDurationContract = const Duration(milliseconds: 250),
this.enableToggle = false,
this.isDraggable = true,
}) : assert(persistentContentHeight >= 0);
ExpandableBottomSheetState createState() => ExpandableBottomSheetState();
final class ExpandableBottomSheetState extends State<ExpandableBottomSheet>
with TickerProviderStateMixin {
final GlobalKey _contentKey = GlobalKey(debugLabel: 'contentKey');
late AnimationController _controller;
double _draggableHeight = 0;
double? _positionOffset;
double _startOffsetAtDragDown = 0;
double? _startPositionAtDragDown = 0;
double _minOffset = 0;
double _maxOffset = 0;
double _animationMinOffset = 0;
AnimationStatus _oldStatus = AnimationStatus.dismissed;
bool _useDrag = true;
bool _callCallbacks = false;
/// Expands the content of the widget.
void expand() {
_callCallbacks = true;
/// Contracts the content of the widget.
void contract() {
_callCallbacks = true;
/// The status of the expansion.
ExpansionStatus get expansionStatus {
if (_positionOffset == null) return ExpansionStatus.contracted;
if (_positionOffset == _maxOffset) return ExpansionStatus.contracted;
if (_positionOffset == _minOffset) return ExpansionStatus.expanded;
return ExpansionStatus.middle;
void initState() {
_controller = AnimationController(
vsync: this,
lowerBound: 0.0,
upperBound: 1.0,
.addPostFrameCallback((_) => _afterUpdateWidgetBuild(true));
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
.addPostFrameCallback((_) => _afterUpdateWidgetBuild(false));
return Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
children: <Widget>[
child: Stack(
clipBehavior: Clip.hardEdge,
children: <Widget>[
alignment: Alignment.topLeft,
child: widget.background,
animation: _controller,
builder: (_, Widget? child) {
if (_controller.isAnimating) {
_positionOffset = _animationMinOffset +
_controller.value * _draggableHeight;
return Positioned(
top: _positionOffset,
right: 0.0,
left: 0.0,
child: child!,
child: GestureDetector(
onTap: _toggle,
onVerticalDragDown: widget.isDraggable ? _dragDown : (_) {},
widget.isDraggable ? _dragUpdate : (_) {},
onVerticalDragEnd: widget.isDraggable ? _dragEnd : (_) {},
child: Container(
key: _contentKey,
child: widget.expandableContent,
void _handleAnimationStatusUpdate(AnimationStatus status) {
if (status == AnimationStatus.completed) {
if (_oldStatus == AnimationStatus.forward) {
setState(() {
_draggableHeight = _maxOffset - _minOffset;
_positionOffset = _minOffset;
if (widget.onIsExtendedCallback != null && _callCallbacks) {
if (_oldStatus == AnimationStatus.reverse) {
setState(() {
_draggableHeight = _maxOffset - _minOffset;
_positionOffset = _maxOffset;
if (widget.onIsContractedCallback != null && _callCallbacks) {
void _afterUpdateWidgetBuild(bool isFirstBuild) {
double contentHeight = _contentKey.currentContext!.size!.height;
double checkedPersistentContentHeight =
(widget.persistentContentHeight < contentHeight)
? widget.persistentContentHeight
: contentHeight;
_minOffset = context.size!.height - contentHeight;
_maxOffset = context.size!.height - checkedPersistentContentHeight;
if (!isFirstBuild) {
} else {
setState(() {
_positionOffset = _maxOffset;
_draggableHeight = _maxOffset - _minOffset;
void _positionOutOfBounds() {
if (_positionOffset! < _minOffset) {
// The extend is larger than contentHeight.
_callCallbacks = false;
} else {
if (_positionOffset! > _maxOffset) {
// The extend is smaller than persistentContentHeight.
_callCallbacks = false;
} else {
_draggableHeight = _maxOffset - _minOffset;
void _animateOnIsAnimating() {
if (_controller.isAnimating) {
void _toggle() {
if (widget.enableToggle) {
if (expansionStatus == ExpansionStatus.expanded) {
_callCallbacks = true;
if (expansionStatus == ExpansionStatus.contracted) {
_callCallbacks = true;
void _dragDown(DragDownDetails details) {
if (_controller.isAnimating) {
_useDrag = false;
} else {
_useDrag = true;
_startOffsetAtDragDown = details.localPosition.dy;
_startPositionAtDragDown = _positionOffset;
void _dragUpdate(DragUpdateDetails details) {
if (!_useDrag) return;
double offset = details.localPosition.dy;
double newOffset =
_startPositionAtDragDown! + offset - _startOffsetAtDragDown;
if (_minOffset <= newOffset && _maxOffset >= newOffset) {
setState(() {
_positionOffset = newOffset;
} else {
if (_minOffset > newOffset) {
setState(() {
_positionOffset = _minOffset;
if (_maxOffset < newOffset) {
setState(() {
_positionOffset = _maxOffset;
void _dragEnd(DragEndDetails details) {
if (_startPositionAtDragDown == _positionOffset || !_useDrag) return;
if (details.primaryVelocity! < -250) {
// Drag up ended with high speed.
_callCallbacks = true;
} else {
if (details.primaryVelocity! > 250) {
// Drag down ended with high speed.
_callCallbacks = true;
} else {
if (_positionOffset == _maxOffset &&
widget.onIsContractedCallback != null) {
if (_positionOffset == _minOffset &&
widget.onIsExtendedCallback != null) {
void _animateToTop() {
_controller.value = (_positionOffset! - _minOffset) / _draggableHeight;
_animationMinOffset = _minOffset;
_oldStatus = AnimationStatus.forward;
duration: widget.animationDurationExtend,
curve: widget.animationCurveExpand,
void _animateToBottom() {
_controller.value = (_positionOffset! - _minOffset) / _draggableHeight;
_animationMinOffset = _minOffset;
_oldStatus = AnimationStatus.reverse;
duration: widget.animationDurationContract,
curve: widget.animationCurveContract,
void _animateToMax() {
_controller.value = 1.0;
_draggableHeight = _positionOffset! - _maxOffset;
_animationMinOffset = _maxOffset;
_oldStatus = AnimationStatus.reverse;
duration: widget.animationDurationExtend,
curve: widget.animationCurveExpand,
void _animateToMin() {
_controller.value = 1.0;
_draggableHeight = _positionOffset! - _minOffset;
_animationMinOffset = _minOffset;
_oldStatus = AnimationStatus.forward;
duration: widget.animationDurationContract,
curve: widget.animationCurveContract,
void dispose() {
/// The status of the expandable content.
enum ExpansionStatus {
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The original is available on, and here's the source code.

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