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Created January 12, 2010 21:00
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* @preserve
* Adamia 3D Engine v0.1
* Copyright (c) 2010 Adam R. Smith
* Licensed under the new BSD License:
* Project home:
* Date: 01/12/2010
if (typeof(a3d) == 'undefined') {
/** @namespace */ a3d = {};
// Taken from
// Inspired by base2 and Prototype
var initializing = false, fnTest = /xyz/.test(function(){xyz;}) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/;
// The base Class implementation (does nothing)
/** @class */
this.Class = function(){};
// Create a new Class that inherits from this class
Class.extend = function(prop) {
var _super = this.prototype;
// Instantiate a base class (but only create the instance,
// don't run the init constructor)
initializing = true;
var prototype = new this();
initializing = false;
// Copy the properties over onto the new prototype
for (var name in prop) {
// Check if we're overwriting an existing function
prototype[name] = typeof prop[name] == "function" &&
typeof _super[name] == "function" && fnTest.test(prop[name]) ?
(function(name, fn){
return function() {
var tmp = this._super;
// Add a new ._super() method that is the same method
// but on the super-class
this._super = _super[name];
// The method only need to be bound temporarily, so we
// remove it when we're done executing
var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments);
this._super = tmp;
return ret;
})(name, prop[name]) :
// The dummy class constructor
function Class() {
// All construction is actually done in the init method
if ( !initializing && this.init )
this.init.apply(this, arguments);
// Populate our constructed prototype object
Class.prototype = prototype;
// Enforce the constructor to be what we expect
Class.constructor = Class;
// And make this class extendable
Class.extend = arguments.callee;
return Class;
* Enum for big or little endian.
* @enum {number}
a3d.Endian = {
BIG: 0
* Attempt to imitate AS3's ByteArray as very high-performance javascript.
* I aliased the functions to have shorter names, like ReadUInt32 as well as ReadUnsignedInt.
* I used some code from
* to kick-start it, but I added optimizations and support both big and little endian.
* Note that you cannot change the endianness after construction.
* @extends Class
a3d.ByteArray = Class.extend({
data: ''
, length: 0
, pos: 0
, pow: Math.pow
, endian: a3d.Endian.BIG
, TWOeN23: Math.pow(2, -23)
, TWOeN52: Math.pow(2, -52)
/** @constructor */
, init: function(data, endian) { = (data !== undefined) ? data : '';
if (endian !== undefined) this.endian = endian;
this.length = data.length;
// Cache the function pointers based on endianness.
// This avoids doing an if-statement in every function call.
var funcExt = (endian == a3d.Endian.BIG) ? 'BE' : 'LE';
var funcs = ['readInt32', 'readInt16', 'readUInt32', 'readUInt16', 'readFloat32', 'readFloat64'];
for (var func in funcs) {
this[funcs[func]] = this[funcs[func] + funcExt];
// Add redundant members that match actionscript for compatibility
var funcMap = {readUnsignedByte: 'readByte', readUnsignedInt: 'readUInt32',
readFloat: 'readFloat32', readDouble: 'readFloat64', readShort: 'readInt16',
readBoolean: 'readBool', readInt: 'readInt32'};
for (var func in funcMap) {
this[func] = this[funcMap[func]];
, readByte: function() {
return ( & 0xFF);
, readBool: function() {
return ( & 0xFF) ? true : false;
, readUInt32BE: function() {
var data =, pos = (this.pos += 4) - 4;
return ((data.charCodeAt(pos) & 0xFF) << 24) |
((data.charCodeAt(++pos) & 0xFF) << 16) |
((data.charCodeAt(++pos) & 0xFF) << 8) |
(data.charCodeAt(++pos) & 0xFF);
, readInt32BE: function() {
var data =, pos = (this.pos += 4) - 4;
var x = ((data.charCodeAt(pos) & 0xFF) << 24) |
((data.charCodeAt(++pos) & 0xFF) << 16) |
((data.charCodeAt(++pos) & 0xFF) << 8) |
(data.charCodeAt(++pos) & 0xFF);
return (x >= 2147483648) ? x - 4294967296 : x;
, readUInt16BE: function() {
var data =, pos = (this.pos += 2) - 2;
return ((data.charCodeAt(pos) & 0xFF) << 8) |
(data.charCodeAt(++pos) & 0xFF);
, readInt16BE: function() {
var data =, pos = (this.pos += 2) - 2;
var x = ((data.charCodeAt(pos) & 0xFF) << 8) |
(data.charCodeAt(++pos) & 0xFF);
return (x >= 32768) ? x - 65536 : x;
, readFloat32BE: function() {
var data =, pos = (this.pos += 4) - 4;
var b1 = data.charCodeAt(pos) & 0xFF,
b2 = data.charCodeAt(++pos) & 0xFF,
b3 = data.charCodeAt(++pos) & 0xFF,
b4 = data.charCodeAt(++pos) & 0xFF;
var sign = 1 - ((b1 >> 7) << 1); // sign = bit 0
var exp = (((b1 << 1) & 0xFF) | (b2 >> 7)) - 127; // exponent = bits 1..8
var sig = ((b2 & 0x7F) << 16) | (b3 << 8) | b4; // significand = bits 9..31
if (sig == 0 && exp == -127)
return 0.0;
return sign*(1 + this.TWOeN23*sig)*this.pow(2, exp);
, readFloat64BE: function() {
var data =, pos = (this.pos += 8) - 8;
var b1 = data.charCodeAt(pos) & 0xFF,
b2 = data.charCodeAt(++pos) & 0xFF,
b3 = data.charCodeAt(++pos) & 0xFF,
b4 = data.charCodeAt(++pos) & 0xFF,
b5 = data.charCodeAt(++pos) & 0xFF,
b6 = data.charCodeAt(++pos) & 0xFF,
b7 = data.charCodeAt(++pos) & 0xFF,
b8 = data.charCodeAt(++pos) & 0xFF;
var sign = 1 - ((b1 >> 7) << 1); // sign = bit 0
var exp = (((b1 << 4) & 0x7FF) | (b2 >> 4)) - 1023; // exponent = bits 1..11
// This crazy toString() stuff works around the fact that js ints are
// only 32 bits and signed, giving us 31 bits to work with
var sig = (((b2 & 0xF) << 16) | (b3 << 8) | b4).toString(2) +
((b5 >> 7) ? '1' : '0') +
(((b5&0x7F) << 24) | (b6 << 16) | (b7 << 8) | b8).toString(2); // significand = bits 12..63
sig = parseInt(sig, 2);
if (sig == 0 && exp == -1023)
return 0.0;
return sign*(1.0 + this.TWOeN52*sig)*this.pow(2, exp);
, readUInt32LE: function() {
var data =, pos = (this.pos += 4);
return ((data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF) << 24) |
((data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF) << 16) |
((data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF) << 8) |
(data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF);
, readInt32LE: function() {
var data =, pos = (this.pos += 4);
var x = ((data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF) << 24) |
((data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF) << 16) |
((data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF) << 8) |
(data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF);
return (x >= 2147483648) ? x - 4294967296 : x;
, readUInt16LE: function() {
var data =, pos = (this.pos += 2);
return ((data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF) << 8) |
(data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF);
, readInt16LE: function() {
var data =, pos = (this.pos += 2);
var x = ((data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF) << 8) |
(data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF);
return (x >= 32768) ? x - 65536 : x;
, readFloat32LE: function() {
var data =, pos = (this.pos += 4);
var b1 = data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF,
b2 = data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF,
b3 = data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF,
b4 = data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF;
var sign = 1 - ((b1 >> 7) << 1); // sign = bit 0
var exp = (((b1 << 1) & 0xFF) | (b2 >> 7)) - 127; // exponent = bits 1..8
var sig = ((b2 & 0x7F) << 16) | (b3 << 8) | b4; // significand = bits 9..31
if (sig == 0 && exp == -127)
return 0.0;
return sign*(1 + this.TWOeN23*sig)*this.pow(2, exp);
, readFloat64LE: function() {
var data =, pos = (this.pos += 8);
var b1 = data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF,
b2 = data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF,
b3 = data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF,
b4 = data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF,
b5 = data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF,
b6 = data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF,
b7 = data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF,
b8 = data.charCodeAt(--pos) & 0xFF;
var sign = 1 - ((b1 >> 7) << 1); // sign = bit 0
var exp = (((b1 << 4) & 0x7FF) | (b2 >> 4)) - 1023; // exponent = bits 1..11
// This crazy toString() stuff works around the fact that js ints are
// only 32 bits and signed, giving us 31 bits to work with
var sig = (((b2 & 0xF) << 16) | (b3 << 8) | b4).toString(2) +
((b5 >> 7) ? '1' : '0') +
(((b5&0x7F) << 24) | (b6 << 16) | (b7 << 8) | b8).toString(2); // significand = bits 12..63
sig = parseInt(sig, 2);
if (sig == 0 && exp == -1023)
return 0.0;
return sign*(1.0 + this.TWOeN52*sig)*this.pow(2, exp);
Adamia 3D Engine v0.1
Copyright (c) 2010 Adam R. Smith
Licensed under the new BSD License:
Project home:
Date: 01/12/2010
if(typeof a3d=="undefined")a3d={};
(function(){var a=false,b=/xyz/.test(function(){})?/\b_super\b/:/.*/;this.Class=function(){};Class.extend=function(d){function c(){!a&&this.init&&this.init.apply(this,arguments)}var f=this.prototype;a=true;var g=new this;a=false;for(var e in d)g[e]=typeof d[e]=="function"&&typeof f[e]=="function"&&b.test(d[e])?function(h,i){return function(){var j=this._super;this._super=f[h];var k=i.apply(this,arguments);this._super=j;return k}}(e,d[e]):d[e];c.prototype=g;c.constructor=c;c.extend=arguments.callee;
return c}})();a3d.Endian={BIG:0,LITTLE:1};
a3d.ByteArray=Class.extend({data:"",length:0,pos:0,pow:Math.pow,endian:a3d.Endian.BIG,TWOeN23:Math.pow(2,-23),TWOeN52:Math.pow(2,-52),init:function(a,b){!==undefined?a:"";if(b!==undefined)this.endian=b;this.length=a.length;a=b==a3d.Endian.BIG?"BE":"LE";b=["readInt32","readInt16","readUInt32","readUInt16","readFloat32","readFloat64"];for(var d in b)this[b[d]]=this[b[d]+a];a={readUnsignedByte:"readByte",readUnsignedInt:"readUInt32",readFloat:"readFloat32",readDouble:"readFloat64",readShort:"readInt16",
readBoolean:"readBool",readInt:"readInt32"};for(d in a)this[d]=this[a[d]]},readByte:function(){return},readBool:function(){return},readUInt32BE:function(){var,b=(this.pos+=4)-4;return(a.charCodeAt(b)&255)<<24|(a.charCodeAt(++b)&255)<<16|(a.charCodeAt(++b)&255)<<8|a.charCodeAt(++b)&255},readInt32BE:function(){var,b=(this.pos+=4)-4;a=(a.charCodeAt(b)&255)<<24|(a.charCodeAt(++b)&255)<<16|(a.charCodeAt(++b)&
255)<<8|a.charCodeAt(++b)&255;return a>=2147483648?a-4294967296:a},readUInt16BE:function(){var,b=(this.pos+=2)-2;return(a.charCodeAt(b)&255)<<8|a.charCodeAt(++b)&255},readInt16BE:function(){var,b=(this.pos+=2)-2;a=(a.charCodeAt(b)&255)<<8|a.charCodeAt(++b)&255;return a>=32768?a-65536:a},readFloat32BE:function(){var,b=(this.pos+=4)-4,d=a.charCodeAt(b)&255,c=a.charCodeAt(++b)&255,f=a.charCodeAt(++b)&255;b=a.charCodeAt(++b)&255;a=(d<<1&255|c>>7)-127;c=(c&127)<<16|
f<<8|b;if(c==0&&a==-127)return 0;return(1-(d>>7<<1))*(1+this.TWOeN23*c)*this.pow(2,a)},readFloat64BE:function(){var,b=(this.pos+=8)-8,d=a.charCodeAt(b)&255,c=a.charCodeAt(++b)&255,f=a.charCodeAt(++b)&255,g=a.charCodeAt(++b)&255,e=a.charCodeAt(++b)&255,h=a.charCodeAt(++b)&255,i=a.charCodeAt(++b)&255;b=a.charCodeAt(++b)&255;a=1-(d>>7<<1);d=(d<<4&2047|c>>4)-1023;c=((c&15)<<16|f<<8|g).toString(2)+(e>>7?"1":"0")+((e&127)<<24|h<<16|i<<8|b).toString(2);c=parseInt(c,2);if(c==0&&d==-1023)return 0;
return a*(1+this.TWOeN52*c)*this.pow(2,d)},readUInt32LE:function(){var,b=this.pos+=4;return(a.charCodeAt(--b)&255)<<24|(a.charCodeAt(--b)&255)<<16|(a.charCodeAt(--b)&255)<<8|a.charCodeAt(--b)&255},readInt32LE:function(){var,b=this.pos+=4;a=(a.charCodeAt(--b)&255)<<24|(a.charCodeAt(--b)&255)<<16|(a.charCodeAt(--b)&255)<<8|a.charCodeAt(--b)&255;return a>=2147483648?a-4294967296:a},readUInt16LE:function(){var,b=this.pos+=2;return(a.charCodeAt(--b)&255)<<8|a.charCodeAt(--b)&
255},readInt16LE:function(){var,b=this.pos+=2;a=(a.charCodeAt(--b)&255)<<8|a.charCodeAt(--b)&255;return a>=32768?a-65536:a},readFloat32LE:function(){var,b=this.pos+=4,d=a.charCodeAt(--b)&255,c=a.charCodeAt(--b)&255,f=a.charCodeAt(--b)&255;b=a.charCodeAt(--b)&255;a=(d<<1&255|c>>7)-127;c=(c&127)<<16|f<<8|b;if(c==0&&a==-127)return 0;return(1-(d>>7<<1))*(1+this.TWOeN23*c)*this.pow(2,a)},readFloat64LE:function(){var,b=this.pos+=8,d=a.charCodeAt(--b)&255,c=a.charCodeAt(--b)&
255,f=a.charCodeAt(--b)&255,g=a.charCodeAt(--b)&255,e=a.charCodeAt(--b)&255,h=a.charCodeAt(--b)&255,i=a.charCodeAt(--b)&255;b=a.charCodeAt(--b)&255;a=1-(d>>7<<1);d=(d<<4&2047|c>>4)-1023;c=((c&15)<<16|f<<8|g).toString(2)+(e>>7?"1":"0")+((e&127)<<24|h<<16|i<<8|b).toString(2);c=parseInt(c,2);if(c==0&&d==-1023)return 0;return a*(1+this.TWOeN52*c)*this.pow(2,d)}});
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velara3 commented Dec 30, 2015

"I did not port any of the write() functions since my current project does not need them, but if there is enough demand I would consider porting them too. "

+1 please

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devlfm commented Mar 28, 2017


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ohimark commented Feb 16, 2018

Hey man, a simple thank you is not enough !

THANK YOU For Sharing !

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