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Created October 21, 2023 02:20
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import math
from loguru import logger
import logging
import sys
import ctypes
import enum
import typing
logger.add(sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO)
InsydeDCHU = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("./InsydeDCHU.dll")
def ReadAppSettings(page: int, offset: int) -> int:
def ReadAppSettings(page: int, offset: int, length: int) -> list[int]:
def ReadAppSettings(page: int, offset: int, length: int = 1) -> list[int] | int:
InsydeDCHU.ReadAppSettings.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte)]
InsydeDCHU.ReadAppSettings.restype = ctypes.c_int
if length == 1 or length is None:
buffer = ctypes.c_ubyte()
res = InsydeDCHU.ReadAppSettings(page, offset, length, ctypes.byref(buffer))
logger.debug(f"ReadAppSettings returned {res}")
return buffer.value
buffer = (ctypes.c_ubyte * length)()
res = InsydeDCHU.ReadAppSettings(page, offset, length, buffer)
logger.debug(f"ReadAppSettings returned {res}")
return list(buffer)
def GetDCHU_Data_Buffer(command: int, length: int = 256) -> list[int]:
InsydeDCHU.GetDCHU_Data_Buffer.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte)]
InsydeDCHU.GetDCHU_Data_Buffer.restype = ctypes.c_int
buffer = (ctypes.c_ubyte * length)()
res = InsydeDCHU.GetDCHU_Data_Buffer(command, buffer)
logger.debug(f"GetDCHU_Data_Buffer returned {res}")
return list(buffer)
class KeyboardMode(enum.Enum):
Random = 0
Custom = 1
Breath = 2
Cycle = 3
Wave = 4
Dance = 5
Tempo = 6
Flash = 7
AllColor = 8
def KeyboardGetStatus():
brightness = ReadAppSettings(2, 35)
color = ReadAppSettings(2, 81, 3)
mode = ReadAppSettings(2, 32)
status = ReadAppSettings(2, 84)
state = "On" if status else "Off"
booteffect = ReadAppSettings(2, 7)
boot = "Overridden" if booteffect else "Default"
sleep = ReadAppSettings(2, 37, 3)
sleepsec = sleep[0] * 3600 + sleep[1] * 60 + sleep[2]
sleepstatus = ReadAppSettings(2, 36)
sleepstate = "On" if sleepstatus else "Off"
return f"""RGBA {color[0]} {color[1]} {color[2]} {brightness}
MODE {KeyboardMode(mode).name}
SLEEP {sleepsec} SEC
SLEEPSTATUS {sleepstate}"""
class PowerMode(enum.Enum):
Quiet = 0
Powersaving = 1
Performance = 2
Entertainment = 3
def PowerModeGetStatus():
mode = ReadAppSettings(1, 1)
return f"POWERMODE {PowerMode(mode).name}"
class FanMode(enum.Enum):
Auto = 0
Max = 1
MaxQ = 5
Custom = 6
def FanCurve():
numArray2 = ReadAppSettings(4, 0, 256)
D1 = numArray2[16]
D2 = numArray2[17]
D3 = numArray2[18]
T1 = numArray2[22]
T2 = numArray2[23]
T3 = numArray2[24]
return f"{T1}°C {D1}% {T2}°C {D2}% {T3}°C {D3}% 100°C 100% "
def FanInfo():
numArray = GetDCHU_Data_Buffer(12)
rpm = int(numArray[3]) + (int(numArray[2]) << 8)
if rpm != 0:
rpm = int(60.0 / (5.56521739130435e-05 * rpm) * 2)
percent = int(float(numArray[16]) / 255 * 100)
cpu_temp = int(numArray[18])
return f"""CPU {rpm}RPM {percent}% {cpu_temp}°C"""
def FanGetStatus():
offset = ReadAppSettings(4, 7, 4)
mode = ReadAppSettings(4, 5, 4)
return f"""FANMODE {FanMode(mode[0]).name}
FANOFFSET {offset[0]}
FANCURVE {FanCurve()}
FANINFO {FanInfo()}"""
if __name__ == "__main__":
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