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Created January 22, 2021 13:19
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package sungkmi.aoc2020.day8
import scala.collection.immutable.{BitSet, LazyList}
enum Instruction:
case Acc(arg: Int) extends Instruction
case Jmp(arg: Int) extends Instruction
case Nop(arg: Int) extends Instruction
type Instructions = IndexedSeq[Instruction]
case class ProgramState(pc: Int, acc: Int, runSet: BitSet)
object ProgramState:
val init: ProgramState = ProgramState(0, 0, BitSet.empty)
extension (s: ProgramState):
def run(instruction: Instruction): ProgramState = instruction match
case Acc(arg) => ProgramState(s.pc + 1, s.acc + arg, s.runSet + s.pc)
case Jmp(arg) => ProgramState(s.pc + arg, s.acc, s.runSet + s.pc)
case Nop(_) => ProgramState(s.pc + 1, s.acc, s.runSet + s.pc)
import Instruction._
def parseInstruction(s: String): Instruction =
val splitted = s `split` " "
val arg = splitted.tail.head
splitted.head match
case "acc" => Instruction.Acc(arg.toInt)
case "jmp" => Jmp(arg.toInt)
case "nop" => Nop(arg.toInt)
def getResult(instructions: Instructions): Int =
def loop(state: ProgramState): Int =
if state.runSet(state.pc) then state.acc else loop(
def getFiniteResult(instructions: Instructions): Option[Int] =
def loop(state: ProgramState): Option[Int] =
if state.runSet(state.pc) then None
else if state.pc == instructions.size then Some(state.acc)
else loop(
def modifiedInstructions(instructions: Instructions): Seq[Instructions] =
def modifiedAt(index: Int): Option[Instructions] =
val (front, end) = instructions `splitAt` index
end.head match
case Jmp(arg) => Some(front ++ (Nop(arg) +: end.tail))
case Nop(arg) => Some(front ++ (Jmp(arg) +: end.tail))
case _ => None
0 until instructions.size flatMap modifiedAt
def run(input: String): Int =
val instructions = input.split("\n").map(parseInstruction).toIndexedSeq
def run2(input: String): Int =
val instructions = input.split("\n").map(parseInstruction).toIndexedSeq
@main def part1: Unit =
val ans = run(input)
@main def part2: Unit =
val ans = run2(input)
//lazy val input: String = """acc -1
package sungkmi.aoc2020.day8
class Day8Test extends munit.FunSuite {
val testInput = """nop +0
acc +1
jmp +4
acc +3
jmp -3
acc -99
acc +1
jmp -4
acc +6"""
test("run") {
assertEquals(run(testInput), 5)
test("run2") {
assertEquals(run2(testInput), 8)
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