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Last active April 21, 2021 13:17
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package sungkmi.aoc2020.day18
sealed trait Token
final case class Digit(n: BigInt) extends OpDigit
sealed trait OpParen extends Token
enum Op extends OpParen with OpDigit:
case Plus, Multiply
enum Parentheses extends OpParen:
case Open, Close
sealed trait OpDigit extends Token
def precBasic(opp: OpParen): Int = opp match
case _: Parentheses => 0
case _: Op => 1
def precAdvanced(opp: OpParen): Int = opp match
case _: Parentheses => 0
case Op.Multiply => 1
case Op.Plus => 2
def toPostfix(s: String, prec: OpParen => Int): List[OpDigit] =
def mergeDigitStackToOut(digitStack: List[Char], out: List[OpDigit]): List[OpDigit] =
if digitStack.isEmpty then out else
Digit(BigInt(digitStack.reverse.mkString)) :: out
def filterOpAndReverse(input: List[OpParen]): List[Op] =
(acc, op) => op match
case op: Op => op :: acc
case p: Parentheses => acc
val (out, digitStack, opStack) =
s.toList.foldLeft((List.empty[OpDigit], List.empty[Char], List.empty[OpParen])):
case ((out, digitStack, opStack), char) if char.isDigit =>
(out, char :: digitStack, opStack)
case ((out, digitStack, opStack), char) =>
//println(s"===> ($out, $digitStack, $opStack), '$char'")
val out0 = mergeDigitStackToOut(digitStack, out)
val (out1, opStack1) = char match
case ' ' => (out0, opStack)
case '(' => (out0, Parentheses.Open :: opStack)
case ')' =>
val (f, b) = opStack.span(_ != Parentheses.Open)
(filterOpAndReverse(f) ::: out0, b.tail)
case opChar if opChar =='+' || opChar == '*' =>
val op: Op = opChar match
case '+' => Op.Plus
case '*' => Op.Multiply
val (f, b) = opStack.span(prec(_) >= prec(op))
(filterOpAndReverse(f) ::: out0, op :: b)
(out1, Nil, opStack1)
(filterOpAndReverse(opStack) ::: mergeDigitStackToOut(digitStack, out)).reverse
def evalPostFix(postFix: List[OpDigit]): BigInt =
//println(s"===> Postfix: $postFix")
case (stack, Digit(n)) => n :: stack
case (stack, Op.Plus) => stack match
case x :: y :: ints => (x + y) :: ints
case _ => throw Exception(s"Wrong stack: $stack")
case (stack, Op.Multiply) => stack match
case x :: y :: ints => (x * y) :: ints
case _ => throw Exception(s"Wrong stack: $stack")
def evalBasic(line: String): BigInt =
evalPostFix(toPostfix(line, precBasic))
def evalAdvanced(line: String): BigInt =
evalPostFix(toPostfix(line, precAdvanced))
def solve1(input: String): BigInt =
def solve2(input: String): BigInt =
@main def part1: Unit =
val ans = solve1(input)
@main def part2: Unit =
val ans = solve2(input)
//lazy val input: String = """
package sungkmi.aoc2020.day18
class Day18Test extends munit.FunSuite {
val testInputs = IndexedSeq(
"1 + 2 * 3 + 4 * 5 + 6",
"1 + (2 * 3) + (4 * (5 + 6))",
"2 * 3 + (4 * 5)",
"5 + (8 * 3 + 9 + 3 * 4 * 3)",
"5 * 9 * (7 * 3 * 3 + 9 * 3 + (8 + 6 * 4))",
"((2 + 4 * 9) * (6 + 9 * 8 + 6) + 6) + 2 + 4 * 2",
val expectedPostfix2 = List(
val expectedAnswers = IndexedSeq(
71, 51, 26, 437, 12240, 13632
val expectedAnswers2 = IndexedSeq(
231, 51, 46, 1445, 669060, 23340
test("toPostfix") {
assertEquals(toPostfix(testInputs(2), precBasic), expectedPostfix2)
test("evalPostFix") {
assertEquals(evalPostFix(expectedPostfix2), expectedAnswers(2))
test("evalBasic") {
for(i <- 0 until 6) assertEquals(evalBasic(testInputs(i)), expectedAnswers(i))
test("evalAdvanced") {
for(i <- 0 until 6) assertEquals(evalAdvanced(testInputs(i)), expectedAnswers2(i))
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