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Created January 28, 2022 13:38
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package lascala.aoc2021.day1_10.day9
case class Point(row: Int, column: Int)
case class HeightMap(
map: Map[Point, Int],
numberOfRows: Int,
numberOfColumns: Int,
extension (hm: HeightMap)
def height(point: Point): Option[Int] =
def lowPointsHeight: Seq[Int] = for
row <- 0 until hm.numberOfRows
column <- 0 until hm.numberOfColumns
point = Point(row, column)
Some(h) = height(point)
if h < point.neighbors.flatMap(height).min
yield h
def basins: Seq[Int] =
val points: Seq[Point] = for
row <- 0 until hm.numberOfRows
column <- 0 until hm.numberOfColumns
if height(Point(row, column)).get < 9
yield Point(row, column)
val flow: Map[Point, Point] = {
p <- points
val lowest = (p :: p.neighbors)
.flatMap{ n => height(n).map( h => (h, n)) }
(p -> lowest)
flow.toSeq.sortBy{ case (f, t) => (f.row, f.column)} foreach println
val basins0: Set[List[Point]] =
val lookup0: Map[Point, List[Point]] = => (p -> List(p))).toMap
val (basins, lookup) = flow.foldLeft((basins0, lookup0)){
case ((basins, lookup), (from, to)) =>
val fromBasin = lookup(from)
val toBasin = lookup(to)
val combined = fromBasin ::: toBasin
val basins1 = basins - fromBasin - toBasin + combined
val lookup1 = lookup + (from -> combined) + (to -> combined)
// println("=======")
// println(s"$from -> $to")
// println("---")
// for
// row <- 0 until hm.numberOfRows
// yield
// println((0 until hm.numberOfColumns).map{
// column =>
// lookup1.get(Point(row, column)).fold(Point(row, column))(_.minBy(p => height(p).get))
// }.mkString(" "))
// println("---")
// basins1 foreach println
// println("---")
// lookup1 foreach println
// println("=======")
(basins1, lookup1)
end basins
end extension
extension (p: Point)
def neighbors: List[Point] =
Point(p.row - 1, p.column),
Point(p.row + 1, p.column),
Point(p.row, p.column - 1),
Point(p.row, p.column + 1),
end extension
object HeightMap:
def parse(s: String): HeightMap =
val lines = s.split("\n")
val numberOfRows = lines.length
val numberOfColumns = lines.head.length
val map = for
row <- 0 until numberOfRows
column <- 0 until numberOfColumns
point = Point(row, column)
h = lines(row)(column).toString.toInt
yield point -> h.toInt
HeightMap(map.toMap, numberOfRows, numberOfColumns)
end parse
def solve1(s: String): BigInt =
HeightMap.parse(s) + 1).sum
end solve1
def solve2(s: String): BigInt =
val basins = HeightMap.parse(s).basins.sorted.reverse
end solve2
@main def part1: Unit =
val ans = solve1(input)
@main def part2: Unit =
val ans = solve2(input)
//val input =
package lascala.aoc2021.day1_10.day9
import minitest.SimpleTestSuite
import hedgehog.minitest.HedgehogSupport
import hedgehog.*
object Day9Test extends SimpleTestSuite with HedgehogSupport:
val testInput = """2199943210
example("day9 - solve1") {
solve1(testInput) ==== 15
example("day9 - solve2") {
solve2(testInput) ==== 1134
end Day9Test
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