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Created February 7, 2011 06:39
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RMSD alignment for membrane protein
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
def usage():
print """
This script calculates C-alpha RMSD between 2 PDB structures,
and gererates optimal superposition of the 2nd structure to the
1st structure.
Transmembrane proteins are often aligned along the Z-axis, because,
conventionally, the bilayer normal is parallel to the Z-axis. To
preserve the orientation of protein with respect to the bilayer,
the optimal rotation matrix will be constructed in a way that the
rotation will be carried along the Z-axis only.
Usage: python pdb-file1 pdb-file2 selection
selection: string of residue number separated by colon, e.g. 10:40.
C-alpha atoms of selected residues will be used for alignment. Currently,
only a PDB that contains single chain can be used.
class Atom:
def __init__(self, line): = int(line[6:11].strip()) = line[11:16].strip().upper()
self.resname = line[17:21].strip()
self.chain = line[21:22].strip()
self.x = float(line[30:38])
self.y = float(line[38:46])
self.z = float(line[46:54])
self.alt = line[16]
resid = line[22:27].strip()
type = line[77:80].strip()
self.resid = int(resid)
self.resid = int(resid[:-1])
if not type: type =[0]
self.type = type
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.__dict__[key]
class PDB:
def __init__(self, pdbfile):
self.residues = {}
self.atoms = []
def _parse(self, pdbfile):
for line in open(pdbfile, 'r').readlines():
if line.startswith('ATOM'):
atom = Atom(line)
if not self.residues.has_key(atom.resid):
self.residues[atom.resid] = {}
self.residues[atom.resid][] = atom
def get_com(self, selection):
atoms = self.get_selection(selection)
com = np.sum([(atom.x, atom.y, atom.z) for atom in atoms], axis=0)/len(atoms)
return com
def orient(self, selection):
atoms = self.get_selection(selection)
com = np.sum([(atom.x, atom.y, atom.z) for atom in atoms], axis=0)/len(atoms)
for i in self.residues.keys():
for j in self.residues[i].keys():
self.residues[i][j].x -= com[0]
self.residues[i][j].y -= com[1]
self.residues[i][j].z -= com[2]
def translate(self, dist):
for atom in self.atoms:
atom.x += dist[0]
atom.y += dist[1]
atom.z += dist[2]
def get_selection(self, selection):
selections = []
for rid in range(selection[0], selection[1]+1):
return selections
def get_crds(self, selection):
atoms = self.get_selection(selection)
crds = np.zeros((len(atoms), 3), float)
for i, a in enumerate(atoms):
crds[i,0] = a.x
crds[i,1] = a.y
crds[i,2] = a.z
return crds
def transform(self, matrix):
for atom in self.atoms:
pos = (atom.x, atom.y, atom.z)
atom.x = matrix[0,0] * pos[0] + matrix[0,1] * pos[1] + matrix[0,2] * pos[2]
atom.y = matrix[1,0] * pos[0] + matrix[1,1] * pos[1] + matrix[1,2] * pos[2]
atom.z = matrix[2,0] * pos[0] + matrix[2,1] * pos[1] + matrix[2,2] * pos[2]
def write_pdb(self, filename):
fp = open(filename, 'w')
for atom in self.atoms:
atomdata = (,, atom.resname, atom.resid, atom.x, atom.y, atom.z, 0.0, 0.0)
if len( == 4:
fp.write("ATOM %6i %4s%5s%5i %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f\n" % atomdata)
fp.write("ATOM %6i %3s%5s%5i %8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f\n" % atomdata)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
pdbfile1 = sys.argv[1]
pdbfile2 = sys.argv[2]
selection = map(int, sys.argv[3].split(':'))
pdb1 = PDB(pdbfile1)
com1 = pdb1.get_com(selection)
pdb1.translate((-com1[0], -com1[1], 0))
crds1 = pdb1.get_crds(selection)
pdb2 = PDB(pdbfile2)
com2 = pdb2.get_com(selection)
pdb2.translate((-com2[0], -com2[1], 0))
crds2 = pdb2.get_crds(selection)
# calculate rotation matrix
correlation_matrix =, crds2)
v, s, w = np.linalg.svd(correlation_matrix)
is_reflection = (np.linalg.det(np.transpose(v)) * np.linalg.det(np.transpose(w))) < 0.0
if is_reflection:
v[-1,:] = -v[-1,:]
u =, w)
psi = -np.arctan2(u[0,2], u[1,2])
z = np.zeros(9).reshape(3,3)
z[2,2] = 1
z[0,0] = z[1,1] = np.cos(psi)
z[0,1] = -np.sin(psi)
z[1,0] = np.sin(psi)
if u[0,1] > 0 and z[0,1] < 0:
z[0,1] = -z[0,1]
z[1,0] = -z[1,0]
pdb2.translate((com1[0], com1[1], 0))
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