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Created May 21, 2014 00:28
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jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var mobileNavMenu = $("#mobile-nav-menu");
var mobileNavButton = $(".mobile-nav-button") ;
var uberMenu = $("#ubermenu") ;
window.larkinApp = {
data : {
mobileNavVisible : 'false',
uberdropVisible : 'false'
}, // ends data
functions : {
toggleNav : function() {
console.debug("got to toggleNav") ;
}, // ends toggleNav
uberMenuShowHide : function(){
console.debug("got to showhide");
console.debug("uberMenuShowHide is done") ;
} // ends findDropDownTrigger
}, //ends functions
init : {
tests : function() {
console.debug("got to test") ;
}, // ends tests
uberMenu: function() {
console.debug("got to uberMenu") ;
var trigger = $(".header-nav .page-item-4") ;
} // ends uberMenu
} // ends init
window.larkinApp.init.tests() ;
window.larkinApp.init.uberMenu() ;
})(); // ends our iife
mobileNavButton.on("click", function() {
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