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Forked from skyriverbend/
Last active August 19, 2022 10:04
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Save sunny/4731403 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Task to checkout a branch in rails and apply or rollback the migrations between the two.
# encoding: UTF-8
# $ rake checkout new_branch_name
# Via
# 1. Roll back any migrations on your current branch which do not exist on the
# other branch
# 2. Discard any changes to the db/schema.rb file
# 3. Check out the other branch
# 4. Run any new migrations existing in the other branch
# 5. Update your test database
desc "Switch git branches and apply migrations"
task "checkout" do
# We can't checkout if we're dirty
unless `git diff --shortstat`.blank?
$stderr.puts "error: Your local changes would be overwritten by checkout."
$stderr.puts "Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can switch branches."
abort "Aborting"
# Last argument trick
# Via
task ARGV.last do ; end
branch_name = ARGV.last
# List migrations
changes = `git diff #{branch_name} --name-status`.lines
migrations = { |change|
match = /^A.*migrate\/([0-9]+)/.match(change)
match ? match[1] : nil
# Drop it like it's hot
migrations.sort.reverse.each do |migration|
# TODO we're already in rake, we should call these tasks directly
sh "bundle exec rake db:migrate:down VERSION=#{migration}"
# Switch
sh "git checkout db/schema.rb"
sh "git checkout #{branch_name}"
sh "bundle exec rake db:migrate"
sh "bundle exec rake db:test:prepare"
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