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Last active December 27, 2022 16:36
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.15;
contract BinaryTree2 {
struct Node {
uint256 value;
int256 height;
bytes32 left;
bytes32 right;
mapping (bytes32 => Node) public tree;
bytes32 public rootAddress;
mapping (uint256 => bytes32) public bytesmap;
uint256 public count;
uint256 public flagcheck;
bytes32 public zerobytes = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
uint[] public values1;
uint[] public values2;
uint[] public values3;
bytes32 public checkBytes;
int256 public height1;
constructor() {
rootAddress = bytes32(0);
// helper function to generate an ID
function generateId(uint256 value, bytes32 parentAddress) public view returns (bytes32) {
// generate a unique id for the node
return keccak256(
function createNode(
uint256 _value,
int256 _height,
bytes32 _left,
bytes32 _right
) internal returns (Node memory node) {
node = Node({
value: _value,
height: _height,
left: _left,
right: _right
function isEmpty() public returns(bool){
return rootAddress == bytes32(0);
function clear() public {
rootAddress = bytes32(0);
function insert(uint256 data) public {
rootAddress = insert(data, rootAddress);
function height(bytes32 root) public returns(int256) {
return root == bytes32(0) ? -1 : tree[root].height;
function max(int256 lhs, int256 rhs) public returns(int256) {
return lhs > rhs ? lhs : rhs;
function setFlagcheck() public {
flagcheck = 0;
function insert(uint256 x, bytes32 root)
Node memory t = tree[root];
bytes32 nodeId;
if (root == zerobytes) {
Node memory t1 = createNode(x, 0, bytes32(0), bytes32(0));
nodeId = generateId(x, root);
tree[nodeId] = t1;
bytesmap[count] = nodeId;
if (rootAddress == zerobytes) {
flagcheck = 1;
rootAddress = nodeId;
root = rootAddress;
} else {
flagcheck = 2;
root = nodeId;
} else if (x < t.value) {
flagcheck += 100;
nodeId = insert(x, t.left);
t.left = nodeId;
// t.left = insert(x, t.left);
if (height(t.left) - height(t.right) == 2){
if (x < tree[t.left].value) {
t = rotateWithLeftChild(root);
} else {
t = doubleWithLeftChild(root);
// root = nodeId;
tree[root] = t;
else if (x > t.value) {
flagcheck += 200;
nodeId = insert(x, t.right);
t.right = nodeId;
// t.right = insert(x, t.right);
if (height(t.right) - height(t.left) == 2) {
if (x > tree[t.right].value) {
t = rotateWithRightChild(root);
} else {
t = doubleWithRightChild(root);
// root = nodeId;
tree[root] = t;
tree[root].height = max(
) + 1;
// return t;
checkBytes = root;
return root;
function rotateWithLeftChild(
// Node memory t
bytes32 nodeId
) public returns (Node memory) {
Node memory k2 = tree[nodeId];
Node memory k1 = tree[k2.left];
// Node memory k2 = t;
// Node memory k1 = tree[k2.left];
k2.left = k1.right;
k1.right = nodeId; // nodeId of k2
k2.height = max(height(k2.left), height(k2.right)) + 1;
k1.height = max(height(k1.left), k2.height) + 1;
return k1;
// return k2.left;
function rotateWithRightChild(
// Node memory t
bytes32 nodeId
) public returns (Node memory) {
Node memory k1 = tree[nodeId];
Node memory k2 = tree[k1.right];
// Node memory k1 = t;
// Node memory k2 = tree[k1.right];
k1.right = k2.left;
k2.left = nodeId; // nodeId of k2
k1.height = max(height(k1.left), height(k1.right)) + 1;
k2.height = max(height(k2.right), k1.height) + 1;
return k2;
// return k1.right;
function doubleWithLeftChild(bytes32 nodeIdOfK3) public returns (Node memory) {
tree[tree[nodeIdOfK3].left] = rotateWithRightChild(tree[nodeIdOfK3].left);
return rotateWithLeftChild(nodeIdOfK3);
function doubleWithRightChild(bytes32 nodeIdOfK1) public returns (Node memory) {
tree[tree[nodeIdOfK1].right] = rotateWithLeftChild(tree[nodeIdOfK1].right);
return rotateWithRightChild(nodeIdOfK1);
function inorder(bytes32 root) public returns(uint256[] memory) {
if (root != bytes32(0)) {
return values1;
function preorder(bytes32 root) public returns(uint256[] memory) {
if (root != bytes32(0)) {
return values2;
function postorder(bytes32 root) public returns(uint256[] memory) {
if (root != bytes32(0)) {
return values3;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.15;
contract BinaryTree2 {
struct Node {
uint256 value;
int256 height;
bytes32 left;
bytes32 right;
mapping (bytes32 => Node) public tree;
bytes32 public rootAddress;
mapping (uint256 => bytes32) public bytesmap;
uint256 public count;
uint256 public flagcheck;
bytes32 public zerobytes = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
uint[] public values1;
uint[] public values2;
uint[] public values3;
bytes32 public checkBytes;
int256 public height1;
constructor() {
rootAddress = bytes32(0);
// helper function to generate an ID
function generateId(uint256 value, bytes32 parentAddress) public view returns (bytes32) {
// generate a unique id for the node
return keccak256(
function createNode(
uint256 _value,
int256 _height,
bytes32 _left,
bytes32 _right
) internal returns (Node memory node) {
node = Node({
value: _value,
height: _height,
left: _left,
right: _right
function isEmpty() public returns(bool){
return rootAddress == bytes32(0);
function clear() public {
rootAddress = bytes32(0);
function insert(uint256 data) public {
rootAddress = insert(data, rootAddress);
function height(bytes32 root) public returns(int256) {
return root == bytes32(0) ? -1 : tree[root].height;
function max(int256 lhs, int256 rhs) public returns(int256) {
return lhs > rhs ? lhs : rhs;
function setFlagcheck() public {
flagcheck = 0;
function insert(uint256 x, bytes32 root)
Node memory t = tree[root];
bytes32 nodeId;
if (root == zerobytes) {
t = createNode(x, 0, bytes32(0), bytes32(0));
nodeId = generateId(x, root);
tree[nodeId] = t;
checkBytes = nodeId;
bytesmap[count] = nodeId;
if (rootAddress == zerobytes) {
flagcheck += 1;
rootAddress = nodeId;
root = rootAddress;
} else {
root = nodeId;
} else if (x < t.value) {
nodeId = insert(x, t.left);
t.left = nodeId;
if (height(t.left) - height(t.right) == 2){
if (x < tree[t.left].value) {
flagcheck += 500;
t = rotateWithLeftChild(root);
} else {
flagcheck += 10000;
t = doubleWithLeftChild(root);
// root = nodeId;
// tree[root] = t;
else if (x > t.value) {
nodeId = insert(x, t.right);
t.right = nodeId;
if (height(t.right) - height(t.left) == 2) {
if (x > tree[t.right].value) {
flagcheck += 50000;
t = rotateWithRightChild(root);
} else {
flagcheck += 1000;
t = doubleWithRightChild(root);
// root = nodeId;
// tree[root] = t;
t.height = max(
) + 1;
tree[root] = t;
return root;
function rotateWithLeftChild(
bytes32 nodeId
) public returns (Node memory) {
Node memory k2 = tree[nodeId];
Node memory k1 = tree[k2.left];
k2.left = k1.right;
k1.right = nodeId; // nodeId of k2
k2.height = max(height(k2.left), height(k2.right)) + 1;
k1.height = max(height(k1.left), k2.height) + 1;
return k1;
function rotateWithRightChild(
bytes32 nodeId
) public returns (Node memory) {
Node memory k1 = tree[nodeId];
Node memory k2 = tree[k1.right];
k1.right = k2.left;
k2.left = nodeId; // nodeId of k2
k1.height = max(height(k1.left), height(k1.right)) + 1;
k2.height = max(height(k2.right), k1.height) + 1;
return k2;
function doubleWithLeftChild(bytes32 nodeIdOfk3) public returns (Node memory) {
// Node memory k3 = tree[nodeIdOfK3];
// tree[tree[nodeIdOfK3].left] = rotateWithRightChild(tree[nodeIdOfK3].left);
// k3.left = rotateWithRightChild(k3.left);
// return rotateWithLeftChild(nodeIdOfK3);
Node memory k3 = tree[nodeIdOfk3];
bytes32 tempK3Left = k3.left;
Node memory k1 = tree[k3.left];
// pass k1 to rotateWithRightChild;
Node memory k2 = tree[k1.right];
bytes32 tempK2 = k1.right;
k1.right = k2.left;
k2.left = tempK3Left; // nodeId of k2
k1.height = max(height(k1.left), height(k1.right)) + 1;
k2.height = max(height(k2.right), k1.height) + 1;
k3.left = tempK2; // update k3 and pass to rotateWithLeftChild
Node memory k11 = tree[k3.left];
k3.left = k11.right;
k11.right = tempK2;
k3.height = max(height(k3.left), height(k3.right)) + 1;
k11.height = max(height(k11.left), k3.height) + 1;
return k11;
function doubleWithRightChild(bytes32 nodeIdOfK1) public returns (Node memory) {
// tree[tree[nodeIdOfK1].right] = rotateWithLeftChild(tree[nodeIdOfK1].right);
// return rotateWithRightChild(nodeIdOfK1);
Node memory k1 = tree[nodeIdOfK1];
bytes32 tempK1Right = k1.right;
Node memory k2 = tree[k1.right];
// rotateWithLeftChild
Node memory k11 = tree[k2.left];
bytes32 tempK11 = k2.left;
k2.left = k11.right;
k11.right = tempK1Right;
k2.height = max(height(k2.left), height(k2.right)) + 1;
k11.height = max(height(k11.left), k2.height) + 1;
// return k1;
k1.right = tempK11; // update k3 and pass to rotateWithLeftChild
Node memory k22 = tree[k1.right];
k1.right = k22.left;
k22.left = tempK1Right;
k1.height = max(height(k1.left), height(k1.right)) + 1;
k22.height = max(height(k22.right), k1.height) + 1;
return k22;
function inorder(bytes32 root) public returns(uint256[] memory) {
if (root != bytes32(0)) {
return values1;
function preorder(bytes32 root) public returns(uint256[] memory) {
if (root != bytes32(0)) {
return values2;
function postorder(bytes32 root) public returns(uint256[] memory) {
if (root != bytes32(0)) {
return values3;
// Self Balancing Tree
// 45
// 46
// 48
// 98
// 23
// 34
// 65
// 59
// 21
// 10
// In-order :
// 10 21 23 34 45 46 48 59 65 98
// Pre-order :
// 46 34 21 10 23 45 65 48 59 98
// Post-order :
// 10 23 21 45 34 59 48 98 65 46
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