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Last active October 19, 2016 12:19
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Torch Notes

  1. How to use boolean variables in cmd:

cmd:option('--sample_patch', false, 'generate patch or image?')

So default is false, when one wants to turn that option on: th myfile.lua --sample_path

  1. Writing network architecture in option: For instance, if we have opt.arch = 'o-19,c-5-1-2-32,c-1-1-0-1024', then the structure of this network is:

    nn.Sequential {
      [input -> (1) -> (2) -> (3) -> output]
      (1): nn.Sequential {
        [input -> (1) -> (2) -> output]
        (1): nn.OneHot
        (2): nn.Transpose
      (2): nn.Sequential {
        [input -> (1) -> (2) -> (3) -> output]
        (1): nn.SpatialConvolution(3 -> 32, 5x5, 1,1, 2,2)
        (2): nn.SpatialBatchNormalization
        (3): nn.ReLU
      (3): nn.Sequential {
        [input -> (1) -> (2) -> (3) -> output]
        (1): nn.SpatialConvolution(32 -> 1024, 1x1)
        (2): nn.SpatialBatchNormalization
        (3): nn.ReLU
    require 'nn'
    require 'dpnn'
    local M = {}
    local function build_conv_block(nInputPlane, nOutputPlane, kW, kH, dW, dH, padW, padH)
      This function build a convolution block: Convolution -> BatchNormalization -> ReLU
      Sample Input: c-5-1-2-32, this will build a convolutional layer with kernel size 5,
                    stride 1, padding 2 and output plane 32.
      local conv_block = nn.Sequential()
      conv_block:add(nn.SpatialConvolution(nInputPlane, nOutputPlane, kW, kH, dW, dH, padW, padH)) --receptive field: 5x5
      conv_block:add(nn.ReLU(true)) -- 32x128x128
      return conv_block
    local function build_onehot_block(outputSize)
      This function build a one-hot block
      Sample Input: o-19, this will build a one-hot layer with a outputSize of 19
      local onehot_block = nn.Sequential()
      onehot_block:add(nn.OneHot(outputSize)) --receptive field: 5x5
      return onehot_block
    function M.build_model(opt)
      local arch = opt.arch:split(',')
      local model = nn.Sequential()
      local prev_dim = opt.input_dim -- input image dimension
      local next_dim, layer
      for i,v in ipairs(arch) do
        local params = string.split(v,'-')
        if params[1] == 'c' then -- convolutional layer
          local f = tonumber(params[2]) -- filter size
          local d = tonumber(params[3]) -- stride
          local p = tonumber(params[4]) -- padding size
          next_dim = tonumber(params[5]) -- nOutputPlane
          layer = build_conv_block(prev_dim, next_dim, f, f, d, d, p, p)
        elseif params[1] == 'o' then -- one hot layer
          local outputSize = tonumber(params[2]) -- outputSize
          layer = build_onehot_block(outputSize)
          next_dim = prev_dim
        prev_dim = next_dim
      return model
    return M
  2. Implement own layer

    require 'torch'
    require 'nn'
    local LayerName, parent = torch.class('nn.LayerName', 'nn.Module')
    function LayerName:__init()
      -- initialization code
    function LayerName:updateOutput(input)
      -- forward pass
    function LayerName:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
      -- backward pass
    function LayerName:setMode(mode)
      -- other functions
  3. Set up GPU

local M = {}
function M.setup_gpu(gpu, backend, use_cudnn)
  local dtype = 'torch.FloatTensor'
  if gpu >= 0 then
    if backend == 'cuda' then
      require 'cutorch'
      require 'cunn'
      cutorch.setDevice(gpu + 1)
      dtype = 'torch.CudaTensor'
      if use_cudnn then
        require 'cudnn'
        cudnn.benchmark = true
    elseif backend == 'opencl' then
      require 'cltorch'
      require 'clnn'
      cltorch.setDevice(gpu + 1)
      dtype = torch.Tensor():cl():type()
      use_cudnn = false
    use_cudnn = false
  return dtype, use_cudnn
return M
local dtype, use_cudnn = setup_gpu(opt.gpu, opt.backend, opt.use_cudnn)
if use_cudnn then cudnn.convert(model, cudnn) end
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