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Last active February 21, 2024 12:39
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fix conda/mamba env with explicit versions
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# This script fixes the environment.yml file for a conda environment.
# Dr Ting Sun ( + GitHub Copilot
# 09 Nov 2023: Initial version
# 11 Feb 2024:
# - Better handling of the pip section
# - Add "-f" flag to force overwrite the original env.yml file
# It reads the package names from the original environment.yml file, fetches the installed versions from the environment,
# and writes the installed versions to a new environment.yml file.
# The pip section from the original environment.yml file is also appended to the new environment.yml file.
# The path to the environment.yml file is passed as an argument to the script.
# Source the .zshrc file to load the mamba function
source ~/.zshrc
# add some help flag to this cmd tool
# if followed by -h or --help, print the help message
if [[ $1 == "-h" || $1 == "--help" ]]; then
# Display help information about the script
echo "This script secures dependency versions in the $(environment.yml) file for conda/mamba environments."
echo "Usage: fix-env [-f] env.yml"
echo "Options:"
echo " -f Force overwrite the original env.yml file"
exit 0
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "No arguments supplied. Please provide the path to env.yml file."
exit 1
# This script extracts the name of the environment from a file.
# It uses the 'awk' command to search for the line containing 'name:' and prints the second field.
# The file path is passed as an argument to the script.
env_name=$(awk '/name:/{print $2}' $1)
echo "Environment name: $env_name"
# Read package names from the original env.yml file
# only include those after "dependencies:" and start with " - "
contents=$(awk '/dependencies:/{flag=1} flag' $1)
contents=$(echo "$contents" | grep -E " - [a-zA-Z0-9]")
# The following removes leading hyphens, comments, version numbers, and trailing colons from the contents of a variable named "contents".
# The modified contents are stored in a variable named "packages".
# The sed command is used multiple times to perform the necessary substitutions.
# Removes leading hyphens and spaces from each line of the input contents.
packages=$(echo "$contents" | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*-[[:space:]]*//')
# Remove comments from the "packages" variable
packages=$(echo "$packages" | sed 's/[[:space:]]*#.*$//')
# Removes the trailing equal sign and everything after it from each package in the variable $packages.
packages=$(echo "$packages" | sed 's/[=].*$//')
# Removes everything after the first colon (":") in the variable "packages".
packages=$(echo "$packages" | sed 's/[:].*$//')
# Removes everything after dash ("-") in the variable "packages".
packages=$(echo "$packages" | sed 's/[-][[:space:]]*$//')
# packages=$(echo "$contents" | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*-[[:space:]]*//; s/[[:space:]]*#.*$//' | grep -E "^[a-zA-Z0-9]")
# show the packages
echo "Packages:"
echo $packages
# separate the packages with "|" for the grep command
packages=$(echo "$packages" | tr '\n' '|')
# packages=$(awk -F= '/ - /{print $1}' $1 | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*-[[:space:]]*//; s/[[:space:]]*#.*$//' | tr '\n' '|')
packages=${packages::-1} # Remove the trailing '|'
echo "Packages to be included:"
echo $packages
# Fetch installed versions from the environment
installed_versions=$(mamba list -n $env_name | grep -w -E "\b($packages) ")
echo "Installed versions:"
echo $installed_versions
# Write to a new env.yml file
# if the file exists, delete it
if [ -f fixed_env.yml ]; then
rm fixed_env.yml
# if the file does not exist, create it
touch fixed_env.yml
# write the first comment line to the new env.yml file
echo "# This file was generated automatically from '$1' " >fixed_env.yml
# Read the env.yml file and write only the first line to the new env.yml file
awk '/name:/' $1 >>fixed_env.yml
echo "channels:" >>fixed_env.yml
echo " - conda-forge" >>fixed_env.yml
echo " - defaults" >>fixed_env.yml
echo "dependencies:" >>fixed_env.yml
# initialize a text block to store the pip section
# Write the installed versions to the new env.yml file
while read -r line; do
package=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}')
version=$(echo $line | awk '{print $2}')
channel=$(echo $line | awk '{print $4}')
if [[ $channel != pypi* ]]; then
echo " - $package=$version" >>fixed_env.yml
pip_section+=" - $package==$version\n"
done <<<"$installed_versions"
# Append the pip section from the installed environment to the new env.yml file if it is not empty
if [[ -n $pip_section ]]; then
echo " - pip:" >>fixed_env.yml
echo -e $pip_section >>fixed_env.yml
# if received no error, and with the `-f` flag, remove the original env.yml file and rename the new one to env.yml
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
if [[ $2 == "-f" ]]; then
rm $1
mv fixed_env.yml $1
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