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Last active October 28, 2020 07:33
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Convert GoogleDoc To HTML (on Google Drive )
Converting a Google Document to simple HTML
function test_convertGoogleDoc(){
var document_id = '1GWQoQHBuixQKm-9TS7c1I6eh1DXUqbbsHG4UCqlupX8'
var url = convertGoogleDoc( document_id )
Logger.log( url )
function convertGoogleDoc(document_id) {
/* Returns a URL to publicly available HTML file */
var html = ""
var doc = DocumentApp.openById( document_id )
// Create new folders
var folder = DriveApp.createFolder(doc.getName())
var folder_id = folder.getId()
folder.setSharing(DriveApp.Access.ANYONE, DriveApp.Permission.VIEW ) // Make it public on the web.
var image_folder = folder.createFolder("images" )
var body = doc.getBody()
var attributes = body.getAttributes( )
var is_in_code_block = false
for ( var i= 0; i < body.getNumChildren();i++ ){
var child = body.getChild(i)
var type = child.getType()
var is_heading = false
if ( type == DocumentApp.ElementType.PARAGRAPH){
var atts = child.getAttributes( );
if ( atts['HEADING'] == 'Heading 1'){
html = html + "\r<h1>"
var is_heading = true
}else if ( atts['HEADING'] == 'Heading 2'){
html = html + "\r<h2>"
var is_heading = true
}else if ( atts['HEADING'] == 'Heading 3'){
html = html + "\r<h3>"
var is_heading = true
for ( var c=0; c < child.getNumChildren();c++){
var grandchild = child.getChild(c)
var grandchild_type = grandchild.getType( )
var grandchild_atts = grandchild.getAttributes( )
var grandchild_font_family = atts['FONT_FAMILY']
if ( grandchild_type == DocumentApp.ElementType.INLINE_IMAGE ){ /////// IMAGE
var blob = grandchild.getBlob( )
var content_type = blob.getContentType()
var suffix = content_type.split("/")[1] //e.g gif/jpg or png
var image_name = "test.png" //Invent a name, the blob seems to need it?
blob.setName( image_name )
image_name = "image_" + i + "." + suffix
var photo = image_folder.createFile(blob)
//Logger.log( "Photo created: " + image_name + " " + photo.getId() )
Logger.log( "Image problem: " + e )
var src = '' + folder_id + '/images/' + image_name
html = html + "\r<p>" + '<a href="' + src + '"><img src="'+ src +'"/></a></p>\r'
}else if ( grandchild_type ==DocumentApp.ElementType.TEXT){ ////// TEXT
var text = grandchild.getText( )
if ( is_heading == false){
if ( grandchild.getLinkUrl() != null){ // Is it a link?
html = html + '<a href="' + grandchild.getLinkUrl() + '">' + my_escape(text) + '</a>'
if (grandchild_font_family != null){ // It's been set as courier.
if ( == 'COURIER_NEW'){
var font_name =
html = html + text + "\r"
html = html + "\r\r<p>" + my_escape(text.replace(/\\r/g, '<br />')) + "</p>"
html = html + "\r\r<p>" + my_escape(text.replace(/\\r/g, '<br />')) + "</p>"
html = html + my_escape(text) + "" // The heading text
}else if ( grandchild_type ==DocumentApp.ElementType.PAGE_BREAK){
html = html + ""
Logger.log( "grandchild: " + grandchild.getType() )
if ( atts['HEADING'] == 'Heading 1'){
html = html + "</h1>"
}else if ( atts['HEADING'] == 'Heading 2'){
html = html + "</h2>"
}else if ( atts['HEADING'] == 'Heading 3'){
html = html + "</h3>"
}else if ( type == DocumentApp.ElementType.LIST_ITEM){
html = html + "\r\r<p>\t<ul>\r"
for ( var c=0; c < child.getNumChildren();c++){
var grandchild = child.getChild(c)
var grandchild_type = grandchild.getType()
html = html + "\t\t<li>" + my_escape(grandchild.asText().getText()) + "</li>\r"
Logger.log( "LIST_ITEM WOES:" + e )
html = html + "\r\t</ul></p>"
html = my_tidy( html ) // Clean up cock ups
html = '<html><head>\r<title>' + doc.getName() + '</title>\r</head>\r<body>\r' + html + '</body></html>'
var html_file = folder.createFile('index.html', html, 'text/html' )
folder.addFile( html_file )
//Logger.log( "Doc created: " + html_file.getId() )
var public_url = '' + folder.getId() + '/index.html'
Logger.log("Access it at: " + public_url )
return public_url
function my_escape( str ){
var s = str.replace(/’/g, '&apos;') // Smart quotes!
s = s.replace(/“/g, '"')// Smart quotes!
s = s.replace(/”/g, '"')// Smart quotes!
s = entities_to_html(s) // Don't do < and > so we can add html such as <code>
return s
function my_tidy(html){
//Need more work
html = html.replace(/<h2><\/h2>/g, '')
html = html.replace(/<h3><\/h3>/g, '')
return html
function test_driveapp(){
var document_id = '1VAIipqttY6ELlIr6a38E68IuMPhxpbnGtVHRukKdEX8'
var doc = DocumentApp.openById( document_id )
var folder = DriveApp.createFolder(doc.getName())
html = '<html><title>Hello</title><body>yeah!</body></html>'
var html_file = folder.createFile('index.html', html, 'text/html' )
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