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Last active July 19, 2017 09:02
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algorithm: suffix_tree
package main
import (
type Node struct {
children map[byte]*Node
value string
compressed bool
func build(s string, root *Node) {
for len(s) != 0 {
b := s[0]
if root.children[b] == nil {
node := NewNode()
node.value = string(b)
root.children[b] = node
root = root.children[b]
s = s[1:]
func buildSuffixTree(s string) *Node {
root := NewNode()
root.value = "x"
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
build(s[i:], root)
return root
func splitCompressed(root *Node) *Node {
b := root.value[0]
node := NewNode()
node.value = root.value[1:]
if len(node.value) > 1 {
node.compressed = true
root.children[root.value[1]] = node
root.compressed = false
root.value = string(b)
return root
func NewNode() *Node {
node := new(Node)
node.children = make(map[byte]*Node)
return node
func buildCompressed(s string, root *Node) {
for len(s) != 0 {
c := s[0]
if root.children[c] == nil {
node := NewNode()
node.value = s
node.compressed = true
root.children[c] = node
root = root.children[c]
s = s[1:]
if root.compressed {
root = splitCompressed(root)
func buildCompressedSuffixTree(s string) *Node {
root := new(Node)
root.children = make(map[byte]*Node)
root.value = "x"
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
buildCompressed(s[i:], root)
return root
func doDump(graph *gographviz.Graph, root *Node, parent string) {
n += 1
node := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", string(root.value), n)
graph.AddNode("", node, map[string]string{"label": string(root.value)})
if len(parent) != 0 {
graph.AddEdge(parent, node, false, nil)
for _, value := range root.children {
doDump(graph, value, node)
var n int = 0
func dumpSuffixTree(root *Node) {
graph := gographviz.NewGraph()
doDump(graph, root, "")
func main() {
// root := buildSuffixTree("ababcadc")
root := buildCompressedSuffixTree("aabcdabc")
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