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Last active November 2, 2021 20:58
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Standard LaTeX Homework Template
% Replace cute-kitten.jpg with image of choice (ignore compilation errors)
{\normalfont} {} {2pt} {\normalsize\bfseries\filright\thesubsection.\quad}
\usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts, amssymb}
\titleformat {\section}
{\normalfont \Large \bfseries \centering}{\thesection}{1em}{}
\newcommand{\dd}{$D$ }
\newcommand{\intt}{int \text{ }}
\newcommand{\bd}{bd \text{ }}
\newcommand{\nbd}{nbd \text{ }}
\newcommand{\cl}{cl \text{ }}
\newcommand{\StudentName}{Student Name}
\newcommand{\StudentIDNumber}{Student ID Number}
\title[COMPSCI 240: Reasoning Under Uncertainty $\mid$ Homework \mypound$\HomeworkNumber$]{COMPSCI 240: Reasoning Under Uncertainty\\Homework \mypound$\HomeworkNumber$}
\section*{Problem 1}
\section*{Problem 2.1}
If a problem has multiple parts, please put a \verb!\newpage! between each subpart. For example, like this.
\section*{Problem 2.2}
And like this.
\section*{Problem 2.3}
And like this.
\section*{Problem 3}
Similarly, if a problem (or a subpart) ends up taking more than 1 page, please put (Continued) in the \verb!\section*! for that page. You can also use \verb!\newpage! to choose where (in your work) the current page ends and where the next page begins.
\section*{Problem 3 (Continued)}
Like this.
\section*{Example Proof}
\noindent\textbf{Want to Prove:} $x+y=x+z \ni x,y,z \in \mathcal{Z} \implies y=z$.\vspace{0.5em}\\
x+y &= x + z\\
(-x)+(x+y) &= (-x)+(x+z)\\
0+y &= 0+z\\
y &= z \qed
\text{ }\vspace{2em}\\
\textbf{\LaTeX\ Pro Tip}: They key to the \texttt{aligned} environment is to use the \& operator as what everything aligns to. Note that, above, we always have it as \texttt{\&=}, meaning that each line has the \texttt{=} sign aligned to the same spot. This makes the proof much easier to read.\vspace{1em}\\
\textbf{Math Pro Tip}: The $\qed$ symbol, called \href{}{Q.E.D.}, is often used to signal the end of a proof.
\section*{Example Math Work}
(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5) \cdot 1000 &= (3+3+4+5) \cdot 1000\\
&= (6+4+5) \cdot 1000\\
&= (10+5) \cdot 1000\\
&= (15) \cdot 1000\\
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 &= \doubleunderline{15000}\\
\text{ }\vspace{2em}\\
\textbf{\LaTeX\ Pro Tip}: Feel free to use the \verb!\doubleunderline! command to double-underline your final answer, which can make your work easier to read.
\section*{Example Table}
\textbf{\LaTeX\ Pro Tip}: Use \href{}{} to save \textit{a lot} of time when making tables. You can even copy/paste from Excel or import a CSV!
{\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Column 1}} &
{\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Column 2}} &
{\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Column 3}} &
{\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Column 4}} &
{\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Column 5}} \\ \hline
& & & & \\ \hline
& & & & \\ \hline
& & & & \\ \hline
& & & & \\ \hline
& & & & \\ \hline
\caption{Table Caption Here}
\section*{Using an Uploaded Photo}
\textbf{\LaTeX\ Pro Tip}: Avoid using underscores in file names to make your life easier. \href{}{There are ways around this} but it's likely easier to just rename a file.
\caption{Example Image A}
\section*{Single Figure}
\textbf{\LaTeX\ Pro Tip}: To remove the image caption, comment out the \verb!\caption! line.
\caption{Example Image A}
\section*{Two Side-By-Side Figures}
\captionof{figure}{Example Image A}
\captionof{figure}{Example Image B}
\section*{Three Side-By-Side Figures}
\captionof{figure}{Example Image A}
\captionof{figure}{Example Image B}
\captionof{figure}{Example Image C}
\section*{Side-By-Side Figure and Table}
\captionof{figure}{Example Image A}
{\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Column 1}} &
{\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Column 2}} &
{\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Column 3}} &
{\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Column 4}} &
{\color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \textbf{Column 5}} \\ \hline
& & & & \\ \hline
& & & & \\ \hline
& & & & \\ \hline
& & & & \\ \hline
& & & & \\ \hline
\captionof{table}{Table Caption}
Cheat Sheet:
Template: Prof. Peter Haas, CS240 @ UMass, Amherst (Fall 2021)
Refer to commit history to find original versions (files in this gist will be modified)
Notes/Scratch work for self: refer as you please, but do not expect much.
Use the Latex command {n \choose x} in math mode to insert the symbol $n \choose x$.
{\vskip 0.2in} to mimic <br>
Lists (unordered):
\item List entries start with the \verb|\item| command.
\item This is an entry
\item Another one
LaTeX math symbols:
\leqslant for less than or equal to
$\text{This is how you write text inside a math equation}$
% To make this come out properly in landscape mode, do one of the following
% 1.
% pdflatex latexsheet.tex
% 2.
% latex latexsheet.tex
% dvips -P pdf -t landscape latexsheet.dvi
% ps2pdf
% If you're reading this, be prepared for confusion. Making this was
% a learning experience for me, and it shows. Much of the placement
% was hacked in; if you make it better, let me know...
% 2008-04
% Changed page margin code to use the geometry package. Also added code for
% conditional page margins, depending on paper size. Thanks to Uwe Ziegenhagen
% for the suggestions.
% 2006-08
% Made changes based on suggestions from Gene Cooperman. <gene at>
% To Do:
% \listoffigures \listoftables
% \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0}
% This sets page margins to .5 inch if using letter paper, and to 1cm
% if using A4 paper. (This probably isn't strictly necessary.)
% If using another size paper, use default 1cm margins.
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest { \paperwidth = 11in}}
{ \geometry{top=.5in,left=.5in,right=.5in,bottom=.5in} }
{\ifthenelse{ \lengthtest{ \paperwidth = 297mm}}
{\geometry{top=1cm,left=1cm,right=1cm,bottom=1cm} }
{\geometry{top=1cm,left=1cm,right=1cm,bottom=1cm} }
% Turn off header and footer
% Redefine section commands to use less space
{-1ex plus -.5ex minus -.2ex}%
{0.5ex plus .2ex}%x
{-1explus -.5ex minus -.2ex}%
{0.5ex plus .2ex}%
{-1ex plus -.5ex minus -.2ex}%
{1ex plus .2ex}%
% Define BibTeX command
\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em
% Don't print section numbers
\setlength{\parskip}{0pt plus 0.5ex}
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% multicol parameters
% These lengths are set only within the two main columns
\Large{\textbf{\LaTeXe\ Cheat Sheet}} \\
\section{Document classes}
\verb!book! & Default is two-sided. \\
\verb!report! & No \verb!\part! divisions. \\
\verb!article! & No \verb!\part! or \verb!\chapter! divisions. \\
\verb!letter! & Letter (?). \\
\verb!slides! & Large sans-serif font.
Used at the very beginning of a document:
\verb!\documentclass{!\textit{class}\verb!}!. Use
\verb!\begin{document}! to start contents and \verb!\end{document}! to
end the document.
\subsection{Common \texttt{documentclass} options}
\settowidth{\MyLen}{\texttt{letterpaper}/\texttt{a4paper} \ }
\texttt{10pt}/\texttt{11pt}/\texttt{12pt} & Font size. \\
\texttt{letterpaper}/\texttt{a4paper} & Paper size. \\
\texttt{twocolumn} & Use two columns. \\
\texttt{twoside} & Set margins for two-sided. \\
\texttt{landscape} & Landscape orientation. Must use
\texttt{dvips -t landscape}. \\
\texttt{draft} & Double-space lines.
\settowidth{\MyLen}{\texttt{multicol} }
\texttt{fullpage} & Use 1 inch margins. \\
\texttt{anysize} & Set margins: \verb!\marginsize{!\textit{l}%
\verb!}{!\textit{b}\verb!}!. \\
\texttt{multicol} & Use $n$ columns:
\verb!\begin{multicols}{!$n$\verb!}!. \\
\texttt{latexsym} & Use \LaTeX\ symbol font. \\
\texttt{graphicx} & Show image:
\textit{file}\verb!}!. \\
\texttt{url} & Insert URL: \verb!\url{!%
Use before \verb!\begin{document}!.
Usage: \verb!\usepackage{!\textit{package}\verb!}!
\settowidth{\MyLen}{\texttt{.author.text.} }
\verb!\author{!\textit{text}\verb!}! & Author of document. \\
\verb!\title{!\textit{text}\verb!}! & Title of document. \\
\verb!\date{!\textit{text}\verb!}! & Date. \\
These commands go before \verb!\begin{document}!. The declaration
\verb!\maketitle! goes at the top of the document.
\settowidth{\MyLen}{\texttt{.pagestyle.empty.} }
\verb!\pagestyle{empty}! & Empty header, footer
and no page numbers. \\
\verb!\tableofcontents! & Add a table of contents here. \\
\section{Document structure}
\verb!\part{!\textit{title}\verb!}! \\
\verb!\chapter{!\textit{title}\verb!}! \\
\verb!\section{!\textit{title}\verb!}! \\
\verb!\subsection{!\textit{title}\verb!}! \\
\verb!\subsubsection{!\textit{title}\verb!}! \\
\verb!\paragraph{!\textit{title}\verb!}! \\
Use \verb!\setcounter{secnumdepth}{!$x$\verb!}! suppresses heading
numbers of depth $>x$, where \verb!chapter! has depth 0.
Use a \texttt{*}, as in \verb!\section*{!\textit{title}\verb!}!,
to not number a particular item---these items will also not appear
in the table of contents.
\subsection{Text environments}
\verb!\begin{comment}! & Comment (not printed). Requires \texttt{verbatim} package. \\
\verb!\begin{quote}! & Indented quotation block. \\
\verb!\begin{quotation}! & Like \texttt{quote} with indented paragraphs. \\
\verb!\begin{verse}! & Quotation block for verse.
\verb!\begin{enumerate}! & Numbered list. \\
\verb!\begin{itemize}! & Bulleted list. \\
\verb!\begin{description}! & Description list. \\
\verb!\item! \textit{text} & Add an item. \\
\verb!\item[!\textit{x}\verb!]! \textit{text}
& Use \textit{x} instead of normal
bullet or number. Required for descriptions. \\
\verb!\label{!\textit{marker}\verb!}! & Set a marker for cross-reference,
often of the form \verb!\label{sec:item}!. \\
\verb!\ref{!\textit{marker}\verb!}! & Give section/body number of marker. \\
\verb!\pageref{!\textit{marker}\verb!}! & Give page number of marker. \\
\verb!\footnote{!\textit{text}\verb!}! & Print footnote at bottom of page. \\
\subsection{Floating bodies}
\verb!\begin{table}[!\textit{place}\verb!]! & Add numbered table. \\
\verb!\begin{figure}[!\textit{place}\verb!]! & Add numbered figure. \\
\verb!\begin{equation}[!\textit{place}\verb!]! & Add numbered equation. \\
\verb!\caption{!\textit{text}\verb!}! & Caption for the body. \\
The \textit{place} is a list valid placements for the body. \texttt{t}=top,
\texttt{h}=here, \texttt{b}=bottom, \texttt{p}=separate page, \texttt{!}=place even if ugly. Captions and label markers should be within the environment.
\section{Text properties}
\subsection{Font face}
\newcommand{\FontCmd}[3]{\PBS\verb!\#1{!\textit{text}\verb!}! \> %
\verb!{\#2 !\textit{text}\verb!}! \> %
\textit{Command} & \textit{Declaration} & \textit{Effect} \\
\verb!\textrm{!\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\verb!{\rmfamily !\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\textrm{Roman family} \\
\verb!\textsf{!\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\verb!{\sffamily !\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\textsf{Sans serif family} \\
\verb!\texttt{!\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\verb!{\ttfamily !\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\texttt{Typewriter family} \\
\verb!\textmd{!\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\verb!{\mdseries !\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\textmd{Medium series} \\
\verb!\textbf{!\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\verb!{\bfseries !\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\textbf{Bold series} \\
\verb!\textup{!\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\verb!{\upshape !\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\textup{Upright shape} \\
\verb!\textit{!\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\verb!{\itshape !\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\textit{Italic shape} \\
\verb!\textsl{!\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\verb!{\slshape !\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\textsl{Slanted shape} \\
\verb!\textsc{!\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\verb!{\scshape !\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\textsc{Small Caps shape} \\
\verb!\emph{!\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\verb!{\em !\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\emph{Emphasized} \\
\verb!\textnormal{!\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\verb!{\normalfont !\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
\textnormal{Document font} \\
\verb!\underline{!\textit{text}\verb!}! & %
& %
The command (t\textit{tt}t) form handles spacing better than the
declaration (t{\itshape tt}t) form.
\subsection{Font size}
\setlength{\columnsep}{14pt} % Need to move columns apart a little
\verb!\footnotesize! \= \kill
\verb!\tiny! \> \tiny{tiny} \\
\verb!\scriptsize! \> \scriptsize{scriptsize} \\
\verb!\footnotesize! \> \footnotesize{footnotesize} \\
\verb!\small! \> \small{small} \\
\verb!\normalsize! \> \normalsize{normalsize} \\
\verb!\large! \> \large{large} \\
\verb!\Large! \= \Large{Large} \\ % Tab hack for new column
\verb!\LARGE! \> \LARGE{LARGE} \\
\verb!\huge! \> \huge{huge} \\
\verb!\Huge! \> \Huge{Huge}
\setlength{\columnsep}{1pt} % Set column separation back
These are declarations and should be used in the form
\verb!{\small! \ldots\verb!}!, or without braces to affect the entire
\subsection{Verbatim text}
\settowidth{\MyLen}{\texttt{.begin.verbatim..} }
\verb@\begin{verbatim}@ & Verbatim environment. \\
\verb@\begin{verbatim*}@ & Spaces are shown as \verb*@ @. \\
\verb@\verb!text!@ & Text between the delimiting characters (in this case %
`\texttt{!}') is verbatim.
\textit{Environment} & \textit{Declaration} \\
\verb!\begin{center}! & \verb!\centering! \\
\verb!\begin{flushleft}! & \verb!\raggedright! \\
\verb!\begin{flushright}! & \verb!\raggedleft! \\
\verb!\linespread{!$x$\verb!}! changes the line spacing by the
multiplier $x$.
\section{Text-mode symbols}
\& & \verb!\&! &
\_ & \verb!\_! &
\ldots & \verb!\ldots! &
\textbullet & \verb!\textbullet! \\
\$ & \verb!\$! &
\^{} & \verb!\^{}! &
\textbar & \verb!\textbar! &
\textbackslash & \verb!\textbackslash! \\
\% & \verb!\%! &
\~{} & \verb!\~{}! &
\# & \verb!\#! &
\S & \verb!\S! \\
\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\ }l|l@{\ }l|l@{\ }l|l@{\ }l|l@{\ }l@{}}
\`o & \verb!\`o! &
\'o & \verb!\'o! &
\^o & \verb!\^o! &
\~o & \verb!\~o! &
\=o & \verb!\=o! \\
\.o & \verb!\.o! &
\"o & \verb!\"o! &
\c o & \verb!\c o! &
\v o & \verb!\v o! &
\H o & \verb!\H o! \\
\c c & \verb!\c c! &
\d o & \verb!\d o! &
\b o & \verb!\b o! &
\t oo & \verb!\t oo! &
\oe & \verb!\oe! \\
\OE & \verb!\OE! &
\ae & \verb!\ae! &
\AE & \verb!\AE! &
\aa & \verb!\aa! &
\AA & \verb!\AA! \\
\o & \verb!\o! &
\O & \verb!\O! &
\l & \verb!\l! &
\L & \verb!\L! &
\i & \verb!\i! \\
\j & \verb!\j! &
!` & \verb!~`! &
?` & \verb!?`! &
\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\ }ll@{\ }ll@{\ }ll@{\ }ll@{\ }ll@{\ }l@{}}
` & \verb!`! &
`` & \verb!``! &
\{ & \verb!\{! &
\lbrack & \verb![! &
( & \verb!(! &
\textless & \verb!\textless! \\
' & \verb!'! &
'' & \verb!''! &
\} & \verb!\}! &
\rbrack & \verb!]! &
) & \verb!)! &
\textgreater & \verb!\textgreater! \\
\textit{Name} & \textit{Source} & \textit{Example} & \textit{Usage} \\
hyphen & \verb!-! & X-ray & In words. \\
en-dash & \verb!--! & 1--5 & Between numbers. \\
em-dash & \verb!---! & Yes---or no? & Punctuation.
\subsection{Line and page breaks}
\settowidth{\MyLen}{\texttt{.pagebreak} }
\verb!\\! & Begin new line without new paragraph. \\
\verb!\\*! & Prohibit pagebreak after linebreak. \\
\verb!\kill! & Don't print current line. \\
\verb!\pagebreak! & Start new page. \\
\verb!\noindent! & Do not indent current line.
\settowidth{\MyLen}{\texttt{.rule.w..h.} }
\verb!\today! & \today. \\
\verb!$\sim$! & Prints $\sim$ instead of \verb!\~{}!, which makes \~{}. \\
\verb!~! & Space, disallow linebreak (\verb!W.J.~Clinton!). \\
\verb!\@.! & Indicate that the \verb!.! ends a sentence when following
an uppercase letter. \\
\verb!\hspace{!$l$\verb!}! & Horizontal space of length $l$
(Ex: $l=\mathtt{20pt}$). \\
\verb!\vspace{!$l$\verb!}! & Vertical space of length $l$. \\
\verb!\rule{!$w$\verb!}{!$h$\verb!}! & Line of width $w$ and height $h$. \\
\section{Tabular environments}
\subsection{\texttt{tabbing} environment}
\verb!\=! & Set tab stop. &
\verb!\>! & Go to tab stop.
Tab stops can be set on ``invisible'' lines with \verb!\kill!
at the end of the line. Normally \verb!\\! is used to separate lines.
\subsection{\texttt{tabular} environment}
\verb!\begin{array}[!\textit{pos}\verb!]{!\textit{cols}\verb!}! \\
\verb!\begin{tabular}[!\textit{pos}\verb!]{!\textit{cols}\verb!}! \\
\subsubsection{\texttt{tabular} column specification}
\settowidth{\MyLen}{\texttt{p}\{\textit{width}\} \ }
\texttt{l} & Left-justified column. \\
\texttt{c} & Centered column. \\
\texttt{r} & Right-justified column. \\
\verb!p{!\textit{width}\verb!}! & Same as %
\verb!\parbox[t]{!\textit{width}\verb!}!. \\
\verb!@{!\textit{decl}\verb!}! & Insert \textit{decl} instead of
inter-column space. \\
\verb!|! & Inserts a vertical line between columns.
\subsubsection{\texttt{tabular} elements}
\verb!\hline! & Horizontal line between rows. \\
\verb!\cline{!$x$\verb!-!$y$\verb!}! &
Horizontal line across columns $x$ through $y$. \\
\verb!\multicolumn{!\textit{n}\verb!}{!\textit{cols}\verb!}{!\textit{text}\verb!}! \\
& A cell that spans \textit{n} columns, with \textit{cols} column specification.
\section{Math mode}
For inline math, use \verb!\(...\)! or \verb!$...$!.
For displayed math, use \verb!\[...\]! or \verb!\begin{equation}!.
Superscript$^{x}$ &
\verb!^{x}! &
Subscript$_{x}$ &
\verb!_{x}! \\
$\frac{x}{y}$ &
\verb!\frac{x}{y}! &
$\sum_{k=1}^n$ &
\verb!\sum_{k=1}^n! \\
$\sqrt[n]{x}$ &
\verb!\sqrt[n]{x}! &
$\prod_{k=1}^n$ &
\verb!\prod_{k=1}^n! \\
\subsection{Math-mode symbols}
% The ordering of these symbols is slightly odd. This is because I had to put all the
% long pieces of text in the same column (the right) for it all to fit properly.
% Otherwise, it wouldn't be possible to fit four columns of symbols here.
\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{1ex}}l@{\hspace{1em}}l@{\hspace{1ex}}l@{\hspace{1em}}l@{\hspace{1ex}} l@{\hspace{1em}}l@{\hspace{1ex}}l@{}}
$\leq$ & \verb!\leq! &
$\geq$ & \verb!\geq! &
$\neq$ & \verb!\neq! &
$\approx$ & \verb!\approx! \\
$\times$ & \verb!\times! &
$\div$ & \verb!\div! &
$\pm$ & \verb!\pm! &
$\cdot$ & \verb!\cdot! \\
$^{\circ}$ & \verb!^{\circ}! &
$\circ$ & \verb!\circ! &
$\prime$ & \verb!\prime! &
$\cdots$ & \verb!\cdots! \\
$\infty$ & \verb!\infty! &
$\neg$ & \verb!\neg! &
$\wedge$ & \verb!\wedge! &
$\vee$ & \verb!\vee! \\
$\supset$ & \verb!\supset! &
$\forall$ & \verb!\forall! &
$\in$ & \verb!\in! &
$\rightarrow$ & \verb!\rightarrow! \\
$\subset$ & \verb!\subset! &
$\exists$ & \verb!\exists! &
$\notin$ & \verb!\notin! &
$\Rightarrow$ & \verb!\Rightarrow! \\
$\cup$ & \verb!\cup! &
$\cap$ & \verb!\cap! &
$\mid$ & \verb!\mid! &
$\Leftrightarrow$ & \verb!\Leftrightarrow! \\
$\dot a$ & \verb!\dot a! &
$\hat a$ & \verb!\hat a! &
$\bar a$ & \verb!\bar a! &
$\tilde a$ & \verb!\tilde a! \\
$\alpha$ & \verb!\alpha! &
$\beta$ & \verb!\beta! &
$\gamma$ & \verb!\gamma! &
$\delta$ & \verb!\delta! \\
$\epsilon$ & \verb!\epsilon! &
$\zeta$ & \verb!\zeta! &
$\eta$ & \verb!\eta! &
$\varepsilon$ & \verb!\varepsilon! \\
$\theta$ & \verb!\theta! &
$\iota$ & \verb!\iota! &
$\kappa$ & \verb!\kappa! &
$\vartheta$ & \verb!\vartheta! \\
$\lambda$ & \verb!\lambda! &
$\mu$ & \verb!\mu! &
$\nu$ & \verb!\nu! &
$\xi$ & \verb!\xi! \\
$\pi$ & \verb!\pi! &
$\rho$ & \verb!\rho! &
$\sigma$ & \verb!\sigma! &
$\tau$ & \verb!\tau! \\
$\upsilon$ & \verb!\upsilon! &
$\phi$ & \verb!\phi! &
$\chi$ & \verb!\chi! &
$\psi$ & \verb!\psi! \\
$\omega$ & \verb!\omega! &
$\Gamma$ & \verb!\Gamma! &
$\Delta$ & \verb!\Delta! &
$\Theta$ & \verb!\Theta! \\
$\Lambda$ & \verb!\Lambda! &
$\Xi$ & \verb!\Xi! &
$\Pi$ & \verb!\Pi! &
$\Sigma$ & \verb!\Sigma! \\
$\Upsilon$ & \verb!\Upsilon! &
$\Phi$ & \verb!\Phi! &
$\Psi$ & \verb!\Psi! &
$\Omega$ & \verb!\Omega!
%\subsection{Special symbols}
%$^{\circ}$ & \verb!^{\circ}! Ex: $22^{\circ}\mathrm{C}$: \verb!$22^{\circ}\mathrm{C}$!.
\section{Bibliography and citations}
When using \BibTeX, you need to run \texttt{latex}, \texttt{bibtex},
and \texttt{latex} twice more to resolve dependencies.
\subsection{Citation types}
\verb!\cite{!\textit{key}\verb!}! &
Full author list and year. (Watson and Crick 1953) \\
\verb!\citeA{!\textit{key}\verb!}! &
Full author list. (Watson and Crick) \\
\verb!\citeN{!\textit{key}\verb!}! &
Full author list and year. Watson and Crick (1953) \\
\verb!\shortcite{!\textit{key}\verb!}! &
Abbreviated author list and year. ? \\
\verb!\shortciteA{!\textit{key}\verb!}! &
Abbreviated author list. ? \\
\verb!\shortciteN{!\textit{key}\verb!}! &
Abbreviated author list and year. ? \\
\verb!\citeyear{!\textit{key}\verb!}! &
Cite year only. (1953) \\
All the above have an \texttt{NP} variant without parentheses;
Ex. \verb!\citeNP!.
\subsection{\BibTeX\ entry types}
\verb!@article! & Journal or magazine article. \\
\verb!@book! & Book with publisher. \\
\verb!@booklet! & Book without publisher. \\
\verb!@conference! & Article in conference proceedings. \\
\verb!@inbook! & A part of a book and/or range of pages. \\
\verb!@incollection! & A part of book with its own title. \\
%\verb!@manual! & Technical documentation. \\
%\verb!@mastersthesis! & Master's thesis. \\
\verb!@misc! & If nothing else fits. \\
\verb!@phdthesis! & PhD. thesis. \\
\verb!@proceedings! & Proceedings of a conference. \\
\verb!@techreport! & Tech report, usually numbered in series. \\
\verb!@unpublished! & Unpublished. \\
\subsection{\BibTeX\ fields}
\verb!address! & Address of publisher. Not necessary for major
publishers. \\
\verb!author! & Names of authors, of format .... \\
\verb!booktitle! & Title of book when part of it is cited. \\
\verb!chapter! & Chapter or section number. \\
\verb!edition! & Edition of a book. \\
\verb!editor! & Names of editors. \\
\verb!institution! & Sponsoring institution of tech.\ report. \\
\verb!journal! & Journal name. \\
\verb!key! & Used for cross ref.\ when no author. \\
\verb!month! & Month published. Use 3-letter abbreviation. \\
\verb!note! & Any additional information. \\
\verb!number! & Number of journal or magazine. \\
\verb!organization! & Organization that sponsors a conference. \\
\verb!pages! & Page range (\verb!2,6,9--12!). \\
\verb!publisher! & Publisher's name. \\
\verb!school! & Name of school (for thesis). \\
\verb!series! & Name of series of books. \\
\verb!title! & Title of work. \\
\verb!type! & Type of tech.\ report, ex. ``Research Note''. \\
\verb!volume! & Volume of a journal or book. \\
\verb!year! & Year of publication. \\
Not all fields need to be filled. See example below.
\subsection{Common \BibTeX\ style files}
\verb!abbrv! & Standard &
\verb!abstract! & \texttt{alpha} with abstract \\
\verb!alpha! & Standard &
\verb!apa! & APA \\
\verb!plain! & Standard &
\verb!unsrt! & Unsorted \\
The \LaTeX\ document should have the following two lines just before
\verb!\end{document}!, where \verb!bibfile.bib! is the name of the
\BibTeX\ file.
\subsection{\BibTeX\ example}
The \BibTeX\ database goes in a file called
\textit{file}\texttt{.bib}, which is processed with \verb!bibtex file!.
@String{N = {Na\-ture}}
author = {James Watson and Francis Crick},
title = {A structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid},
journal = N,
volume = {171},
pages = {737},
year = 1953
\section{Sample \LaTeX\ document}
\subsection*{subsection without number}
text \textbf{bold text} text. Some math: $2+2=5$
text \emph{emphasized text} text. \cite{WC:1953}
discovered the structure of DNA.
A table:
first & row & data \\
second & row & data \\
\caption{This is the caption}
The table is numbered \ref{ex:table}.
Copyright \copyright\ 2014 Winston Chang
Copy link

suobset commented Oct 6, 2021

Cheat Sheet:
Template: Prof. Peter Haas, CS240 @ UMass, Amherst (Fall 2021)
Refer to commit history to find original versions (files in this gist will be modified)

template.tex is the main file here; to be used in documents. Included a cheat sheet for reference too alongside.

notes.txt is for self use only; just a scratch space for me to write common pointers and such.


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