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Created August 8, 2014 03:32
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(function (name, context, definition) { context[name] =; if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) { module.exports = context[name]; } else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) { define(function reference() { return context[name]; }); }})("Primus", this, function PRIMUS() {/*globals require, define */
'use strict';
* Minimal EventEmitter interface that is molded against the Node.js
* EventEmitter interface.
* @constructor
* @api public
function EventEmitter() {
this._events = {};
* Return a list of assigned event listeners.
* @param {String} event The events that should be listed.
* @returns {Array}
* @api public
EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function listeners(event) {
return Array.apply(this, this._events[event] || []);
* Emit an event to all registered event listeners.
* @param {String} event The name of the event.
* @returns {Boolean} Indication if we've emitted an event.
* @api public
EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function emit(event, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) {
if (!this._events || !this._events[event]) return false;
var listeners = this._events[event]
, length = listeners.length
, len = arguments.length
, fn = listeners[0]
, args
, i;
if (1 === length) {
if (fn.__EE3_once) this.removeListener(event, fn);
switch (len) {
case 1: || this);
case 2: || this, a1);
case 3: || this, a1, a2);
case 4: || this, a1, a2, a3);
case 5: || this, a1, a2, a3, a4);
case 6: || this, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5);
for (i = 1, args = new Array(len -1); i < len; i++) {
args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
fn.apply(fn.__EE3_context || this, args);
} else {
for (i = 1, args = new Array(len -1); i < len; i++) {
args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
for (i = 0; i < length; fn = listeners[++i]) {
if (fn.__EE3_once) this.removeListener(event, fn);
fn.apply(fn.__EE3_context || this, args);
return true;
* Register a new EventListener for the given event.
* @param {String} event Name of the event.
* @param {Functon} fn Callback function.
* @param {Mixed} context The context of the function.
* @api public
EventEmitter.prototype.on = function on(event, fn, context) {
if (!this._events) this._events = {};
if (!this._events[event]) this._events[event] = [];
fn.__EE3_context = context;
return this;
* Add an EventListener that's only called once.
* @param {String} event Name of the event.
* @param {Function} fn Callback function.
* @param {Mixed} context The context of the function.
* @api public
EventEmitter.prototype.once = function once(event, fn, context) {
fn.__EE3_once = true;
return this.on(event, fn, context);
* Remove event listeners.
* @param {String} event The event we want to remove.
* @param {Function} fn The listener that we need to find.
* @api public
EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function removeListener(event, fn) {
if (!this._events || !this._events[event]) return this;
var listeners = this._events[event]
, events = [];
for (var i = 0, length = listeners.length; i < length; i++) {
if (fn && listeners[i] !== fn) {
// Reset the array, or remove it completely if we have no more listeners.
if (events.length) this._events[event] = events;
else this._events[event] = null;
return this;
* Remove all listeners or only the listeners for the specified event.
* @param {String} event The event want to remove all listeners for.
* @api public
EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function removeAllListeners(event) {
if (!this._events) return this;
if (event) this._events[event] = null;
else this._events = {};
return this;
// Alias methods names because people roll like that.
// = EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener;
EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = EventEmitter.prototype.on;
// This function doesn't apply anymore.
EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function setMaxListeners() {
return this;
* Context assertion, ensure that some of our public Primus methods are called
* with the correct context to ensure that
* @param {Primus} self The context of the function.
* @param {String} method The method name.
* @api private
function context(self, method) {
if (self instanceof Primus) return;
var failure = new Error('Primus#'+ method + '\'s context should called with a Primus instance');
if ('function' !== typeof self.listeners || !self.listeners('error').length) {
throw failure;
self.emit('error', failure);
// Sets the default connection URL, it uses the default origin of the browser
// when supported but degrades for older browsers. In Node.js, we cannot guess
// where the user wants to connect to, so we just default to localhost.
var defaultUrl;
try {
if (location.origin) {
defaultUrl = location.origin;
} else {
defaultUrl = location.protocol +'//'+ location.hostname + (location.port ? ':'+ location.port : '');
} catch (e) {
defaultUrl = '';
* Primus in a real-time library agnostic framework for establishing real-time
* connections with servers.
* Options:
* - reconnect, configuration for the reconnect process.
* - manual, don't automatically call `.open` to start the connection.
* - websockets, force the use of WebSockets, even when you should avoid them.
* - timeout, connect timeout, server didn't respond in a timely manner.
* - ping, The heartbeat interval for sending a ping packet to the server.
* - pong, The heartbeat timeout for receiving a response to the ping.
* - network, Use network events as leading method for network connection drops.
* - strategy, Reconnection strategies.
* - transport, Transport options.
* - url, uri, The URL to use connect with the server.
* @constructor
* @param {String} url The URL of your server.
* @param {Object} options The configuration.
* @api public
function Primus(url, options) {
if (!(this instanceof Primus)) return new Primus(url, options);
if ('function' !== typeof this.client) {
var message = 'The client library has not been compiled correctly, ' +
'see for more details';
return this.critical(new Error(message));
if ('object' === typeof url) {
options = url;
url = options.url || options.uri || defaultUrl;
} else {
options = options || {};
var primus = this;
// The maximum number of messages that can be placed in queue.
options.queueSize = 'queueSize' in options ? options.queueSize : Infinity;
// Connection timeout duration.
options.timeout = 'timeout' in options ? options.timeout : 10e3;
// Stores the back off configuration.
options.reconnect = 'reconnect' in options ? options.reconnect : {};
// Heartbeat ping interval. = 'ping' in options ? : 25000;
// Heartbeat pong response timeout.
options.pong = 'pong' in options ? options.pong : 10e3;
// Reconnect strategies.
options.strategy = 'strategy' in options ? options.strategy : [];
// Custom transport options.
options.transport = 'transport' in options ? options.transport : {};
primus.buffer = []; // Stores premature send data.
primus.writable = true; // Silly stream compatibility.
primus.readable = true; // Silly stream compatibility.
primus.url = primus.parse(url || defaultUrl); // Parse the URL to a readable format.
primus.readyState = Primus.CLOSED; // The readyState of the connection.
primus.options = options; // Reference to the supplied options.
primus.timers = {}; // Contains all our timers.
primus.attempt = null; // Current back off attempt.
primus.socket = null; // Reference to the internal connection.
primus.latency = 0; // Latency between messages.
primus.stamps = 0; // Counter to make timestamps unqiue.
primus.disconnect = false; // Did we receive a disconnect packet?
primus.transport = options.transport; // Transport options.
primus.transformers = { // Message transformers.
outgoing: [],
incoming: []
// Parse the reconnection strategy. It can have the following strategies:
// - timeout: Reconnect when we have a network timeout.
// - disconnect: Reconnect when we have an unexpected disconnect.
// - online: Reconnect when we're back online.
if ('string' === typeof options.strategy) {
options.strategy = options.strategy.split(/\s?\,\s?/g);
if (false === options.strategy) {
// Strategies are disabled, but we still need an empty array to join it in
// to nothing.
options.strategy = [];
} else if (!options.strategy.length) {
options.strategy.push('disconnect', 'online');
// Timeout based reconnection should only be enabled conditionally. When
// authorization is enabled it could trigger.
if (!this.authorization) options.strategy.push('timeout');
options.strategy = options.strategy.join(',').toLowerCase();
// Only initialise the EventEmitter interface if we're running in a plain
// browser environment. The Stream interface is inherited differently when it
// runs on browserify and on Node.js.
if (!Stream);
// Force the use of WebSockets, even when we've detected some potential
// broken WebSocket implementation.
if ('websockets' in options) {
primus.AVOID_WEBSOCKETS = !options.websockets;
// Force or disable the use of NETWORK events as leading client side
// disconnection detection.
if ('network' in options) {
// Check if the user wants to manually initialise a connection. If they don't,
// we want to do it after a really small timeout so we give the users enough
// time to listen for `error` events etc.
if (!options.manual) = setTimeout(function open() {
}, 0);
* Simple require wrapper to make browserify, node and require.js play nice.
* @param {String} name The module to require.
* @returns {Object|Undefined} The module that we required.
* @api private
Primus.require = function requires(name) {
if ('function' !== typeof require) return undefined;
return !('function' === typeof define && define.amd)
? require(name)
: undefined;
// It's possible that we're running in Node.js or in a Node.js compatible
// environment such as browserify. In these cases we want to use some build in
// libraries to minimize our dependence on the DOM.
var Stream, parse;
try {
Primus.Stream = Stream = Primus.require('stream');
parse = Primus.require('url').parse;
// Normally inheritance is done in the same way as we do in our catch
// statement. But due to changes to the EventEmitter interface in Node 0.10
// this will trigger annoying memory leak warnings and other potential issues
// outlined in the issue linked below.
// @see
Primus.require('util').inherits(Primus, Stream);
} catch (e) {
Primus.Stream = EventEmitter;
Primus.prototype = new EventEmitter();
// In the browsers we can leverage the DOM to parse the URL for us. It will
// automatically default to host of the current server when we supply it path
// etc.
parse = function parse(url) {
var a = document.createElement('a')
, data = {}
, key;
a.href = url;
// Transform it from a readOnly object to a read/writable object so we can
// change some parsed values. This is required if we ever want to override
// a port number etc. (as browsers remove port 443 and 80 from the URL's).
for (key in a) {
if ('string' === typeof a[key] || 'number' === typeof a[key]) {
data[key] = a[key];
// If we don't obtain a port number (e.g. when using zombie) then try
// and guess at a value from the 'href' value.
if (!data.port) {
var splits = (data.href || '').split('/');
if (splits.length > 2) {
var host = splits[2]
, atSignIndex = host.lastIndexOf('@');
if (~atSignIndex) host = host.slice(atSignIndex + 1);
splits = host.split(':');
if (splits.length === 2) data.port = splits[1];
// IE quirk: The `protocol` is parsed as ":" when a protocol agnostic URL
// is used. In this case we extract the value from the `href` value.
if (':' === data.protocol) {
data.protocol = data.href.substr(0, data.href.indexOf(':') + 1);
// Safari 5.1.7 (windows) quirk: When parsing a URL without a port number
// the `port` in the data object will default to "0" instead of the expected
// "". We're going to do an explicit check on "0" and force it to "".
if ('0' === data.port) data.port = '';
// Browsers do not parse authorization information, so we need to extract
// that from the URL.
if (~data.href.indexOf('@') && !data.auth) {
var start = data.protocol.length + 2;
data.auth = data.href.slice(start, data.href.indexOf(data.pathname, start)).split('@')[0];
return data;
* Primus readyStates, used internally to set the correct ready state.
* @type {Number}
* @private
Primus.OPENING = 1; // We're opening the connection.
Primus.CLOSED = 2; // No active connection.
Primus.OPEN = 3; // The connection is open.
* Are we working with a potentially broken WebSockets implementation? This
* boolean can be used by transformers to remove `WebSockets` from their
* supported transports.
* @type {Boolean}
* @private
Primus.prototype.AVOID_WEBSOCKETS = false;
* Some browsers support registering emitting `online` and `offline` events when
* the connection has been dropped on the client. We're going to detect it in
* a simple `try {} catch (e) {}` statement so we don't have to do complicated
* feature detection.
* @type {Boolean}
* @private
Primus.prototype.NETWORK_EVENTS = false; = true;
try {
if (
Primus.prototype.NETWORK_EVENTS = 'onLine' in navigator
&& (window.addEventListener || document.body.attachEvent)
) {
if (!navigator.onLine) { = false;
} catch (e) { }
* The Ark contains all our plugins definitions. It's namespaced by
* name => plugin.
* @type {Object}
* @private
Primus.prototype.ark = {};
* Return the given plugin.
* @param {String} name The name of the plugin.
* @returns {Object|undefined} The plugin or undefined.
* @api public
Primus.prototype.plugin = function plugin(name) {
context(this, 'plugin');
if (name) return this.ark[name];
var plugins = {};
for (name in this.ark) {
plugins[name] = this.ark[name];
return plugins;
* Checks if the given event is an emitted event by Primus.
* @param {String} evt The event name.
* @returns {Boolean} Indication of the event is reserved for internal use.
* @api public
Primus.prototype.reserved = function reserved(evt) {
return (/^(incoming|outgoing)::/).test(evt)
|| evt in;
* The actual events that are used by the client.
* @type {Object}
* @public
*/ = {
readyStateChange: 1,
reconnecting: 1,
reconnect: 1,
offline: 1,
timeout: 1,
online: 1,
error: 1,
close: 1,
open: 1,
data: 1,
end: 1
* Initialise the Primus and setup all parsers and internal listeners.
* @param {Object} options The original options object.
* @returns {Primus}
* @api private
Primus.prototype.initialise = function initialise(options) {
var primus = this
, start;
primus.on('outgoing::open', function opening() {
var readyState = primus.readyState;
primus.readyState = Primus.OPENING;
if (readyState !== primus.readyState) {
primus.emit('readyStateChange', 'opening');
start = +new Date();
primus.on('incoming::open', function opened() {
if (primus.attempt) primus.attempt = null;
// The connection has been openend so we should set our state to
// (writ|read)able so our stream compatibility works as intended.
primus.writable = true;
primus.readable = true;
var readyState = primus.readyState;
primus.readyState = Primus.OPEN;
if (readyState !== primus.readyState) {
primus.emit('readyStateChange', 'open');
primus.latency = +new Date() - start;
primus.clearTimeout('ping', 'pong').heartbeat();
if (primus.buffer.length) {
for (var i = 0, length = primus.buffer.length; i < length; i++) {
primus.buffer = [];
primus.on('incoming::pong', function pong(time) { = true;
primus.latency = (+new Date()) - time;
primus.on('incoming::error', function error(e) {
var connect = primus.timers.connect
, err = e;
// We're still doing a reconnect attempt, it could be that we failed to
// connect because the server was down. Failing connect attempts should
// always emit an `error` event instead of a `open` event.
if (primus.attempt) return primus.reconnect();
// When the error is not an Error instance we try to normalize it.
if ('string' === typeof e) {
err = new Error(e);
} else if (!(e instanceof Error) && 'object' === typeof e) {
// BrowserChannel and SockJS returns an object which contains some
// details of the error. In order to have a proper error we "copy" the
// details in an Error instance.
err = new Error(e.message || e.reason);
for (var key in e) {
if (e.hasOwnProperty(key)) err[key] = e[key];
if (primus.listeners('error').length) primus.emit('error', err);
// We received an error while connecting, this most likely the result of an
// unauthorized access to the server. But this something that is only
// triggered for Node based connections. Browsers trigger the error event.
if (connect) {
if (~primus.options.strategy.indexOf('timeout')) primus.reconnect();
else primus.end();
primus.on('incoming::data', function message(raw) {
primus.decoder(raw, function decoding(err, data) {
// Do a "save" emit('error') when we fail to parse a message. We don't
// want to throw here as listening to errors should be optional.
if (err) return primus.listeners('error').length && primus.emit('error', err);
// Handle all "primus::" prefixed protocol messages.
if (primus.protocol(data)) return;
primus.transforms(primus, primus, 'incoming', data, raw);
primus.on('incoming::end', function end() {
var readyState = primus.readyState;
// This `end` started with the receiving of a primus::server::close packet
// which indicated that the user/developer on the server closed the
// connection and it was not a result of a network disruption. So we should
// kill the connection without doing a reconnect.
if (primus.disconnect) {
primus.disconnect = false;
return primus.end();
// Always set the readyState to closed, and if we're still connecting, close
// the connection so we're sure that everything after this if statement block
// is only executed because our readyState is set to `open`.
primus.readyState = Primus.CLOSED;
if (readyState !== primus.readyState) {
primus.emit('readyStateChange', 'end');
if (primus.timers.connect) primus.end();
if (readyState !== Primus.OPEN) return;
this.writable = false;
this.readable = false;
// Clear all timers in case we're not going to reconnect.
for (var timeout in this.timers) {
// Fire the `close` event as an indication of connection disruption.
// This is also fired by `primus#end` so it is emitted in all cases.
// The disconnect was unintentional, probably because the server has
// shutdown, so if the reconnection is enabled start a reconnect procedure.
if (~primus.options.strategy.indexOf('disconnect')) {
return primus.reconnect();
// Setup the real-time client.
// Process the potential plugins.
for (var plugin in primus.ark) {
primus.ark[plugin].call(primus, primus, options);
// NOTE: The following code is only required if we're supporting network
// events as it requires access to browser globals.
if (!primus.NETWORK_EVENTS) return primus;
* Handler for offline notifications.
* @api private
function offline() {
if (! return; // Already or still offline, bailout. = false;
* Handler for online notifications.
* @api private
function online() {
if ( return; // Already or still online, bailout = true;
if (~primus.options.strategy.indexOf('online')) primus.reconnect();
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('offline', offline, false);
window.addEventListener('online', online, false);
} else if (document.body.attachEvent){
document.body.attachEvent('onoffline', offline);
document.body.attachEvent('ononline', online);
return primus;
* Really dead simple protocol parser. We simply assume that every message that
* is prefixed with `primus::` could be used as some sort of protocol definition
* for Primus.
* @param {String} msg The data.
* @returns {Boolean} Is a protocol message.
* @api private
Primus.prototype.protocol = function protocol(msg) {
if (
'string' !== typeof msg
|| msg.indexOf('primus::') !== 0
) return false;
var last = msg.indexOf(':', 8)
, value = msg.slice(last + 2);
switch (msg.slice(8, last)) {
case 'pong':
this.emit('incoming::pong', value);
case 'server':
// The server is closing the connection, forcefully disconnect so we don't
// reconnect again.
if ('close' === value) {
this.disconnect = true;
case 'id':
this.emit('incoming::id', value);
// Unknown protocol, somebody is probably sending `primus::` prefixed
// messages.
return false;
return true;
* Execute the set of message transformers from Primus on the incoming or
* outgoing message.
* This function and it's content should be in sync with Spark#transforms in
* spark.js.
* @param {Primus} primus Reference to the Primus instance with message transformers.
* @param {Spark|Primus} connection Connection that receives or sends data.
* @param {String} type The type of message, 'incoming' or 'outgoing'.
* @param {Mixed} data The data to send or that has been received.
* @param {String} raw The raw encoded data.
* @returns {Primus}
* @api public
Primus.prototype.transforms = function transforms(primus, connection, type, data, raw) {
var packet = { data: data }
, fns = primus.transformers[type];
// Iterate in series over the message transformers so we can allow optional
// asynchronous execution of message transformers which could for example
// retrieve additional data from the server, do extra decoding or even
// message validation.
(function transform(index, done) {
var transformer = fns[index++];
if (!transformer) return done();
if (1 === transformer.length) {
if (false ===, packet)) {
// When false is returned by an incoming transformer it means that's
// being handled by the transformer and we should not emit the `data`
// event.
return transform(index, done);
}, packet, function finished(err, arg) {
if (err) return connection.emit('error', err);
if (false === arg) return;
transform(index, done);
}(0, function done() {
// We always emit 2 arguments for the data event, the first argument is the
// parsed data and the second argument is the raw string that we received.
// This allows you, for example, to do some validation on the parsed data
// and then save the raw string in your database without the stringify
// overhead.
if ('incoming' === type) return connection.emit('data',, raw);
return this;
* Retrieve the current id from the server.
* @param {Function} fn Callback function.
* @returns {Primus}
* @api public
*/ = function id(fn) {
if (this.socket && return fn(;
return this.once('incoming::id', fn);
* Establish a connection with the server. When this function is called we
* assume that we don't have any open connections. If you do call it when you
* have a connection open, it could cause duplicate connections.
* @returns {Primus}
* @api public
*/ = function open() {
context(this, 'open');
// Only start a `connection timeout` procedure if we're not reconnecting as
// that shouldn't count as an initial connection. This should be started
// before the connection is opened to capture failing connections and kill the
// timeout.
if (!this.attempt && this.options.timeout) this.timeout();
return this;
* Send a new message.
* @param {Mixed} data The data that needs to be written.
* @returns {Boolean} Always returns true as we don't support back pressure.
* @api public
Primus.prototype.write = function write(data) {
context(this, 'write');
this.transforms(this, this, 'outgoing', data);
return true;
* The actual message writer.
* @param {Mixed} data The message that needs to be written.
* @returns {Boolean} Successful write to the underlaying transport.
* @api private
Primus.prototype._write = function write(data) {
var primus = this;
// The connection is closed, normally this would already be done in the
// `spark.write` method, but as `_write` is used internally, we should also
// add the same check here to prevent potential crashes by writing to a dead
// socket.
if (Primus.OPEN !== primus.readyState) {
// If the buffer is at capacity, remove the first item.
if (this.buffer.length === this.options.queueSize) {
this.buffer.splice(0, 1);
return false;
primus.encoder(data, function encoded(err, packet) {
// Do a "save" emit('error') when we fail to parse a message. We don't
// want to throw here as listening to errors should be optional.
if (err) return primus.listeners('error').length && primus.emit('error', err);
primus.emit('outgoing::data', packet);
return true;
* Send a new heartbeat over the connection to ensure that we're still
* connected and our internet connection didn't drop. We cannot use server side
* heartbeats for this unfortunately.
* @returns {Primus}
* @api private
Primus.prototype.heartbeat = function heartbeat() {
var primus = this;
if (! return primus;
* Exterminate the connection as we've timed out.
* @api private
function pong() {
// The network events already captured the offline event.
if (! return; = false;
* We should send a ping message to the server.
* @api private
function ping() {
var value = +new Date();
primus.clearTimeout('ping').write('primus::ping::'+ value);
primus.emit('outgoing::ping', value);
primus.timers.pong = setTimeout(pong, primus.options.pong);
} = setTimeout(ping,;
return this;
* Start a connection timeout.
* @returns {Primus}
* @api private
Primus.prototype.timeout = function timeout() {
var primus = this;
* Remove all references to the timeout listener as we've received an event
* that can be used to determine state.
* @api private
function remove() {
primus.removeListener('error', remove)
.removeListener('open', remove)
.removeListener('end', remove)
primus.timers.connect = setTimeout(function expired() {
remove(); // Clean up old references.
if (primus.readyState === Primus.OPEN || primus.attempt) return;
// We failed to connect to the server.
if (~primus.options.strategy.indexOf('timeout')) primus.reconnect();
else primus.end();
}, primus.options.timeout);
return primus.on('error', remove)
.on('open', remove)
.on('end', remove);
* Properly clean up all `setTimeout` references.
* @param {String} ..args.. The names of the timeout's we need clear.
* @returns {Primus}
* @api private
Primus.prototype.clearTimeout = function clear() {
for (var args = arguments, i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
if (this.timers[args[i]]) clearTimeout(this.timers[args[i]]);
delete this.timers[args[i]];
return this;
* Exponential back off algorithm for retry operations. It uses an randomized
* retry so we don't DDOS our server when it goes down under pressure.
* @param {Function} callback Callback to be called after the timeout.
* @param {Object} opts Options for configuring the timeout.
* @returns {Primus}
* @api private
Primus.prototype.backoff = function backoff(callback, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var primus = this;
// Bailout when we already have a backoff process running. We shouldn't call
// the callback then as it might cause an unexpected `end` event as another
// reconnect process is already running.
if (opts.backoff) return primus;
opts.maxDelay = 'maxDelay' in opts ? opts.maxDelay : Infinity; // Maximum delay.
opts.minDelay = 'minDelay' in opts ? opts.minDelay : 500; // Minimum delay.
opts.retries = 'retries' in opts ? opts.retries : 10; // Allowed retries.
opts.attempt = (+opts.attempt || 0) + 1; // Current attempt.
opts.factor = 'factor' in opts ? opts.factor : 2; // Back off factor.
// Bailout if we are about to make to much attempts. Please note that we use
// `>` because we already incremented the value above.
if (opts.attempt > opts.retries) {
callback(new Error('Unable to retry'), opts);
return primus;
// Prevent duplicate back off attempts using the same options object.
opts.backoff = true;
// Calculate the timeout, but make it randomly so we don't retry connections
// at the same interval and defeat the purpose. This exponential back off is
// based on the work of:
opts.timeout = opts.attempt !== 1
? Math.min(Math.round(
(Math.random() + 1) * opts.minDelay * Math.pow(opts.factor, opts.attempt)
), opts.maxDelay)
: opts.minDelay;
primus.timers.reconnect = setTimeout(function delay() {
opts.backoff = false;
callback(undefined, opts);
}, opts.timeout);
// Emit a `reconnecting` event with current reconnect options. This allows
// them to update the UI and provide their users with feedback.
primus.emit('reconnecting', opts);
return primus;
* Start a new reconnect procedure.
* @returns {Primus}
* @api private
Primus.prototype.reconnect = function reconnect() {
var primus = this;
// Try to re-use the existing attempt.
primus.attempt = primus.attempt || primus.clone(primus.options.reconnect);
primus.backoff(function attempt(fail, backoff) {
if (fail) {
primus.attempt = null;
return primus.emit('end');
// Try to re-open the connection again.
primus.emit('reconnect', backoff);
}, primus.attempt);
return primus;
* Close the connection completely.
* @param {Mixed} data last packet of data.
* @returns {Primus}
* @api public
Primus.prototype.end = function end(data) {
context(this, 'end');
if (this.readyState === Primus.CLOSED && !this.timers.connect) {
// If we are reconnecting stop the reconnection procedure.
if (this.timers.reconnect) {
this.attempt = null;
return this;
if (data) this.write(data);
this.writable = false;
this.readable = false;
var readyState = this.readyState;
this.readyState = Primus.CLOSED;
if (readyState !== this.readyState) {
this.emit('readyStateChange', 'end');
for (var timeout in this.timers) {
return this;
* Create a shallow clone of a given object.
* @param {Object} obj The object that needs to be cloned.
* @returns {Object} Copy.
* @api private
Primus.prototype.clone = function clone(obj) {
return this.merge({}, obj);
* Merge different objects in to one target object.
* @param {Object} target The object where everything should be merged in.
* @returns {Object} Original target with all merged objects.
* @api private
Primus.prototype.merge = function merge(target) {
var args =, 1);
for (var i = 0, l = args.length, key, obj; i < l; i++) {
obj = args[i];
for (key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) target[key] = obj[key];
return target;
* Parse the connection string.
* @type {Function}
* @param {String} url Connection URL.
* @returns {Object} Parsed connection.
* @api private
Primus.prototype.parse = parse;
* Parse a query string.
* @param {String} query The query string that needs to be parsed.
* @returns {Object} Parsed query string.
* @api private
Primus.prototype.querystring = function querystring(query) {
var parser = /([^=?&]+)=([^&]*)/g
, result = {}
, part;
// Little nifty parsing hack, leverage the fact that RegExp.exec increments
// the lastIndex property so we can continue executing this loop until we've
// parsed all results.
for (;
part = parser.exec(query);
result[decodeURIComponent(part[1])] = decodeURIComponent(part[2])
return result;
* Transform a query string object back in to string equiv.
* @param {Object} obj The query string object.
* @returns {String}
* @api private
Primus.prototype.querystringify = function querystringify(obj) {
var pairs = [];
for (var key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
pairs.push(encodeURIComponent(key) +'='+ encodeURIComponent(obj[key]));
return pairs.join('&');
* Generates a connection URI.
* @param {String} protocol The protocol that should used to crate the URI.
* @returns {String|options} The URL.
* @api private
Primus.prototype.uri = function uri(options) {
var url = this.url
, server = []
, qsa = false;
// Query strings are only allowed when we've received clearance for it.
if (options.query) qsa = true;
options = options || {};
options.protocol = 'protocol' in options ? options.protocol : 'http';
options.query = && 'query' in options ? ( === '?' ? : : false; = 'secure' in options ? : (url.protocol === 'https:' || url.protocol === 'wss:');
options.auth = 'auth' in options ? options.auth : url.auth;
options.pathname = 'pathname' in options ? options.pathname : this.pathname.slice(1);
options.port = 'port' in options ? +options.port : +url.port || ( ? 443 : 80); = 'host' in options ? : url.hostname ||':'+ url.port, '');
// Allow transformation of the options before we construct a full URL from it.
this.emit('outgoing::url', options);
// `` might be undefined (e.g. when using zombie) so we use the
// hostname and port defined above.
var host = (443 !== options.port && 80 !== options.port)
? +':'+ options.port
// We need to make sure that we create a unique connection URL every time to
// prevent bfcache back forward cache of becoming an issue. We're doing this
// by forcing an cache busting query string in to the URL.
var querystring = this.querystring(options.query || '');
querystring._primuscb = +new Date() +'-'+ this.stamps++;
options.query = this.querystringify(querystring);
// Automatically suffix the protocol so we can supply `ws` and `http` and it gets
// transformed correctly.
server.push( ? options.protocol +'s:' : options.protocol +':', '');
if (options.auth) server.push(options.auth +'@'+ host);
else server.push(host);
// Pathnames are optional as some Transformers would just use the pathname
// directly.
if (options.pathname) server.push(options.pathname);
// Optionally add a search query, again, not supported by all Transformers.
// SockJS is known to throw errors when a query string is included.
if (qsa) server.push('?'+ options.query);
else delete options.query;
if (options.object) return options;
return server.join('/');
* Simple emit wrapper that returns a function that emits an event once it's
* called. This makes it easier for transports to emit specific events. The
* scope of this function is limited as it will only emit one single argument.
* @param {String} event Name of the event that we should emit.
* @param {Function} parser Argument parser.
* @returns {Function} The wrapped function that will emit events when called.
* @api public
Primus.prototype.emits = function emits(event, parser) {
var primus = this;
return function emit(arg) {
var data = parser ? parser.apply(primus, arguments) : arg;
// Timeout is required to prevent crashes on WebSockets connections on
// mobile devices. We need to handle these edge cases in our own library
// as we cannot be certain that all frameworks fix these issues.
setTimeout(function timeout() {
primus.emit('incoming::'+ event, data);
}, 0);
* Register a new message transformer. This allows you to easily manipulate incoming
* and outgoing data which is particularity handy for plugins that want to send
* meta data together with the messages.
* @param {String} type Incoming or outgoing
* @param {Function} fn A new message transformer.
* @returns {Primus}
* @api public
Primus.prototype.transform = function transform(type, fn) {
context(this, 'transform');
if (!(type in this.transformers)) {
return this.critical(new Error('Invalid transformer type'));
return this;
* A critical error has occurred, if we have an `error` listener, emit it there.
* If not, throw it, so we get a stack trace + proper error message.
* @param {Error} err The critical error.
* @returns {Primus}
* @api private
Primus.prototype.critical = function critical(err) {
if (this.listeners('error').length) {
this.emit('error', err);
return this;
throw err;
* Syntax sugar, adopt a Socket.IO like API.
* @param {String} url The URL we want to connect to.
* @param {Object} options Connection options.
* @returns {Primus}
* @api public
Primus.connect = function connect(url, options) {
return new Primus(url, options);
// Expose the EventEmitter so it can be re-used by wrapping libraries we're also
// exposing the Stream interface.
Primus.EventEmitter = EventEmitter;
// These libraries are automatically are automatically inserted at the
// server-side using the Primus#library method.
Primus.prototype.client = function client() {
var primus = this
, socket;
// Selects an available WebSocket constructor.
var Factory = (function factory() {
if ('undefined' !== typeof WebSocket) return WebSocket;
if ('undefined' !== typeof MozWebSocket) return MozWebSocket;
try { return Primus.require('ws'); }
catch (e) {}
return undefined;
if (!Factory) return primus.critical(new Error('Missing required `ws` module. Please run `npm install --save ws`'));
// Connect to the given URL.
primus.on('outgoing::open', function opening() {
// FireFox will throw an error when we try to establish a connection from
// a secure page to an unsecured WebSocket connection. This is inconsistent
// behaviour between different browsers. This should ideally be solved in
// Primus when we connect.
try {
var prot = primus.url.protocol === 'ws+unix:' ? 'ws+unix' : 'ws'
, qsa = prot === 'ws';
// Only allow primus.transport object in Node.js, it will throw in
// browsers with a TypeError if we supply to much arguments.
if (Factory.length === 3) {
primus.socket = socket = new Factory(
primus.uri({ protocol: prot, query: qsa }), // URL
[], // Sub protocols
primus.transport // options.
} else {
primus.socket = socket = new Factory(primus.uri({ protocol: prot, query: qsa }));
} catch (e) { return primus.emit('error', e); }
// Setup the Event handlers.
socket.binaryType = 'arraybuffer';
socket.onopen = primus.emits('open');
socket.onerror = primus.emits('error');
socket.onclose = primus.emits('end');
socket.onmessage = primus.emits('data', function parse(evt) {
// We need to write a new message to the socket.
primus.on('outgoing::data', function write(message) {
if (!socket || socket.readyState !== Factory.OPEN) return;
try { socket.send(message); }
catch (e) { primus.emit('incoming::error', e); }
// Attempt to reconnect the socket. It assumes that the `outgoing::end` event is
// called if it failed to disconnect.
primus.on('outgoing::reconnect', function reconnect() {
// We need to close the socket.
primus.on('outgoing::end', function close() {
if (socket) {
socket.onerror = socket.onopen = socket.onclose = socket.onmessage = function () {};
socket = null;
Primus.prototype.authorization = false;
Primus.prototype.pathname = "/primus";
Primus.prototype.encoder = function encoder(data, fn) {
var err;
try { data = JSON.stringify(data); }
catch (e) { err = e; }
fn(err, data);
Primus.prototype.decoder = function decoder(data, fn) {
var err;
if ('string' !== typeof data) return fn(err, data);
try { data = JSON.parse(data); }
catch (e) { err = e; }
fn(err, data);
Primus.prototype.version = "2.4.1";
// Hack 1: \u2028 and \u2029 are allowed inside string in JSON. But JavaScript
// defines them as newline separators. Because no literal newlines are allowed
// in a string this causes a ParseError. We work around this issue by replacing
// these characters with a properly escaped version for those chars. This can
// cause errors with JSONP requests or if the string is just evaluated.
// This could have been solved by replacing the data during the "outgoing::data"
// event. But as it affects the JSON encoding in general I've opted for a global
// patch instead so all JSON.stringify operations are save.
if (
'object' === typeof JSON
&& 'function' === typeof JSON.stringify
&& JSON.stringify(['\u2028\u2029']) === '["\u2028\u2029"]'
) {
JSON.stringify = function replace(stringify) {
var u2028 = /\u2028/g
, u2029 = /\u2029/g;
return function patched(value, replacer, spaces) {
var result =, value, replacer, spaces);
// Replace the bad chars.
if (result) {
if (~result.indexOf('\u2028')) result = result.replace(u2028, '\\u2028');
if (~result.indexOf('\u2029')) result = result.replace(u2029, '\\u2029');
return result;
if (
'undefined' !== typeof document
&& 'undefined' !== typeof navigator
) {
// Hack 2: If you press ESC in FireFox it will close all active connections.
// Normally this makes sense, when your page is still loading. But versions
// before FireFox 22 will close all connections including WebSocket connections
// after page load. One way to prevent this is to do a `preventDefault()` and
// cancel the operation before it bubbles up to the browsers default handler.
// It needs to be added as `keydown` event, if it's added keyup it will not be
// able to prevent the connection from being closed.
if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener('keydown', function keydown(e) {
if (e.keyCode !== 27 || !e.preventDefault) return;
}, false);
// Hack 3: This is a Mac/Apple bug only, when you're behind a reverse proxy or
// have you network settings set to `automatic proxy discovery` the safari
// browser will crash when the WebSocket constructor is initialised. There is
// no way to detect the usage of these proxies available in JavaScript so we
// need to do some nasty browser sniffing. This only affects Safari versions
// lower then 5.1.4
var ua = (navigator.userAgent || '').toLowerCase()
, parsed = ua.match(/.+(?:rv|it|ra|ie)[\/: ](\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?/) || []
, version = +[parsed[1], parsed[2]].join('.');
if (
&& ~ua.indexOf('safari')
&& version < 534.54
) {
Primus.prototype.AVOID_WEBSOCKETS = true;
return Primus; });
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