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Created September 17, 2018 14:37
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Making colour gradients
// From
// Made by Monica Dinculescu
// These are the magical methods!
* Darkening/Lightening. Params:
* - a color in an rgb format, ex rgb(123,123,123).
* - a percent, which means how much to darken/lighten the colour.
* If the percent is positive, you're lightening. Otherwise, it's darkening.
* If you need your colour to be in hex form, there's an answer in that
* SO answer, otherwise, this other answer is my goto:
function shadeRGBColor(color, percent) {
const f=color.split( ', '),t=percent<0?0:255,p=percent<0?percent*-1:percent,R=parseInt(f[0].slice(4)),G=parseInt(f[1]),B=parseInt(f[2]);
return 'rgb( '+(Math.round((t-R)*p)+R)+ ', '+(Math.round((t-G)*p)+G)+ ', '+(Math.round((t-B)*p)+B)+ ') ';
* Blending. Params:
* - two colors, both in an rgb format, ex rgb(123,123,123).
* - a percent, which means how much to go from the first colour to the second
* If you need your colour to be in hex form, there's an answer in that
* SO answer, otherwise, this other answer is my goto:
function blendRGBColors(c0, c1, p) {
const f=c0.split( ', '),t=c1.split( ', '),R=parseInt(f[0].slice(4)),G=parseInt(f[1]),B=parseInt(f[2]);
return 'rgb( '+(Math.round((parseInt(t[0].slice(4))-R)*p)+R)+ ', '+(Math.round((parseInt(t[1])-G)*p)+G)+ ', '+(Math.round((parseInt(t[2])-B)*p)+B)+ ') ';
// Fill the grid.
const COLOR1 = 'rbg(255, 22, 68)';
const COLOR2 = 'rbg(68, 138, 255)';
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
const percent = i / 10;
lighten.appendChild(makeADiv(shadeRGBColor(COLOR1, percent)));
darken.appendChild(makeADiv(shadeRGBColor(COLOR1, -percent)));
blend.appendChild(makeADiv(blendRGBColors(COLOR1, COLOR2, percent)));
function makeADiv(color) {
const div = document.createElement('div'); = 'inline-block'; = '10%'; = '50px'; = color;
return div;
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