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actor Actor
participant App
participant Email
participant Backend
participant DB
participant "Email Server" as EmailServer
== Actor Logs in ==
create table account
account_id int,
tenant_id int,
username varchar(20)
alter table account
add constraint username_must_be_unique
unique (
supalogix / movie_theater_definition.pls
Last active October 19, 2021 17:19
Movie Theater Definitions
-- Rule 1: No Seat Can Be Taken Twice
CREATE TABLE no_duplicate_seats_rule
showing_id integer,
seat_id integer
ALTER TABLE no_duplicate_seats_rule
ADD CONSTRAINT seat_is_already_taken
cpp -o
dot -Tpng -o event_sourcing.png
#define Actor(id, __label) \
id [label=__label fillcolor="yellow"];
#define Command(id, __label) \
id [label=__label fillcolor="lightblue"];
#define Event(id, __label) \
id [label=__label fillcolor="darkorange"];
#define Aggregate(id, __label) \
id [label=__label fillcolor="lightyellow"];
#define System(id, __label) \
id [label=__label fillcolor="pink"];
#include ""
digraph demo
node[shape=record style=filled]
Actor(Aa, "User")
Command(Ab, "Checkout")
Event(Ac, "Checkout\nSelected")
Event(Ac1, "Multiple\nOffers\nBundled")
digraph demo
node[shape=record style=filled]
Aa [label="User" fillcolor="yellow"];
Ab [label="Checkout" fillcolor="lightblue"];
Ac [label="Checkout\nSelected" fillcolor="darkorange"];
Ac1 [label="Multiple\nOffers\nBundled" fillcolor="darkorange"];
Ad [label="Mailing\nAddress\nProvided" fillcolor="darkorange"];
Ad1 [label="Billing\nAddress\nProvided" fillcolor="darkorange"];
supalogix / dijkstra.js
Created October 3, 2021 08:59 — forked from jpillora/dijkstra.js
Dijkstra's algorithm in JavaScript
//dijkstra solve graph starting at s
function solve(graph, s) {
var solutions = {};
solutions[s] = [];
solutions[s].dist = 0;
while(true) {
var parent = null;
var nearest = null;
var dist = Infinity;
function getCandidate(accumulator, word)
if(accumulator === "")
return word;
return accumulator + " " + word.trim();
Feature: Create Account
As a visitor
I want to create an account
So that I can use exclusive features of the site
Background: Fake data for Account Creation
Given the existing <account_name> and <email>