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Last active September 8, 2020 01:48
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Storj Bridge Payout Formula

Payout Formula

paymentModelFunction = function(gbHours, telemReports, downloadedBytes) {
 gbHoursScaled =  (gbHours - mean(gbHours)) / sd(gbHours)
 telemReportsScaled =  (telemReports - mean(telemReports)) / sd(telemReports)
 downloadedBytesScaled = (downloadedBytes - mean(downloadedBytes)) / sd(downloadedBytes)
 basePayout = 10
 ghHourPayout = 12.2221 * gbHoursScaled
 telemReportsPayout = 0.1452 * telemReportsScaled
 downloadedBytesPayout = 12.6849 * downloadedBytesScaled
 finalPayout = ghHourPayout + telemReportsPayout + downloadedBytesPayout + basePayout

Payment Cut-off

farmerCutoff = function(farmerData, hoursInMonth) {
        GigabyteHours >= hoursInMonth | (TelemetryReportCount >= mean(TelemetryReportCount) &
        DownloadedBytes >= mean(DownloadedBytes))
  • There are no rewards for storing less than 1 GB for the month.
  • However, if a user has telemetry reports, exchange reports, or downloads they may still receive a reward.
  • There are no rewards if a user has not been seen in the past week.


  • Each component (gbHours, telemetry reports, and downloaded bytes) is scaled so that each metric ends up being a measurement of how far away you are from the mean
  • Those values are multiplied by certain weights and summed to arrive at a final value
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that page is no longer there. where do i look now?

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