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Created December 14, 2011 23:17
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basic treap implementation
(** Task X: Treap. *)
module Treap = struct
type ('a, 'b) t =
| Empty
| Node of ('a, 'b) t * 'a * 'b * ('a, 'b) t
let empty = Empty
let rec merge l r = match (l, r) with
| (Empty, _) -> r
| (_, Empty) -> l
| (Node (l1, key1, rank1, r1),
Node (l2, key2, rank2, r2)) ->
if rank1 < rank2 then
Node (l1, key1, rank1, merge r1 r)
Node (merge l l2, key2, rank2, r2)
let rec split t split_key = match t with
| Empty -> (Empty, Empty)
| Node (l, key, rank, r) ->
if key > split_key then
let (ls1, ls2) = split l split_key in
(ls1, Node (ls2, key, rank, r))
let (rs1, rs2) = split r split_key in
(Node (l, key, rank, rs1), rs2)
let add t key rank =
let (l, r) = split t key in
let mid = Node (Empty, key, rank, Empty) in
merge (merge l mid) r
let () =
let n = Scanf.scanf "%i " (fun x -> x) in
let map = Hashtbl.create n in
let int_of_node = function
| Treap.Empty -> 0
| Treap.Node (_, key, _, _) -> Hashtbl.find map key
let rec traverse parent aux = function
| Treap.Empty -> ()
| (Treap.Node (l, key, _, r)) as node -> begin
traverse node aux l;
aux.(int_of_node node) <- ((int_of_node parent),
(int_of_node l),
(int_of_node r));
traverse node aux r
let build t =
let rec inner t = function
| i when i = n -> t
| i ->
let (key, rank) = Scanf.scanf "%i %i " (fun x y -> (x, y)) in
Hashtbl.add map key (i + 1);
inner (Treap.add t key rank) (i + 1)
in inner t 0
let t = build Treap.empty in
let aux = Array.make (n + 1) (0, 0, 0) in
traverse Treap.Empty aux t;
print_endline "YES";
for i = 1 to n do
let (p, l, r) = aux.(i) in
Printf.printf "%i %i %i\n" p l r
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