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Created September 1, 2010 15:12
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Save superbrothers/560827 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
" ////// options /////////////////////////////////////////////
" ex mode でインクリメント補完
set wildoptions=auto
" :[tab]open の補完対象と順序
set complete=tsl
" Change the title of the browser window.
set titlestring="vimperator!!"
" Show or hide certain GUI elements.
set guioptions-=rb
"set guioptions+=n
" Never show tab bar
"set showtabline=0
" Show the link in the command line
set showstatuslinks=1
" ページロード時にテキストボックにフォーカスするのを防ぐ
set focuscontent
" デフォルト検索エンジンの指定
set defsearch=g
" Beep設定
set visualbell
:hi Bell display: none;
" エラーメッセージ表示レベル
set verbose=0
" ////// mapping /////////////////////////////////////////////
" undo一覧から開く
noremap U :undo<Space>
" <C-r> でブラウザ再起動
noremap <C-r> :restart
" e で読み込み中止
noremap e :st<CR>
" 上のディレクトリに移動
noremap <BS> gu
noremap <C-BS> gU
" j/k スクロール幅変更
noremap j 3j
noremap k 3k
noremap J 3j
noremap K 3k
" タブ移動
noremap h <C-p>
noremap l <C-n>
" タブ順序変更
noremap <C-h> :tabmove! -1<CR>
noremap <C-l> :tabmove! +1<CR>
" buffer
noremap <silent> . :buffer<Space>
" C-a で未分類のブックマークに追加/削除
"noremap <C-a> A
" ! でページのCSSをon/off
noremap ! :set invum<CR>
" Backspaceに戻るを割当
map <BS> <A-Left>
" .vimperatorrc読み込み
noremap ,s :so ~/.vimperatorrc<CR>
" ////// qmarks ///////////////////////////////////////////////
qmark g
qmark t
qmark m
qmark f
" ////// plugin ///////////////////////////////////////////////
" #########################
" direct_bookmark.js
" #########################
let g:direct_sbm_use_services_by_tag = "h"
let g:direct_sbm_use_services_by_post = "h"
let g:direct_sbm_is_normalize = "false"
let g:direct_sbm_is_use_migemo = "true"
noremap B :bentry<CR>
"noremap a :sbm<CR>
noremap A :sbm<Space>
"noremap ,a :btags<CR>
" #########################
" hatenabookmark.js
" #########################
javascript if (typeof hBookmark != 'undefined') liberator.loadScript('chrome://hatenabookmark/content/vimperator/plugin/hatenabookmark.js', {__proto__: this});
"javascript <<EOM
"liberator.globalVariables.hBookmark_shortcuts = {
" hintsAdd : ' ',
" hintsComment : ' ',
" add : ['C'],
" comment : ['c'],
noremap s :hbtab<Space>
noremap S :hbtab<Space>
set complete+=H
" #########################
" copy.js
" #########################
noremap ,c :copy<Space>
javascript <<EOM
liberator.globalVariables.copy_templates = [
{ label: 'titleAndURL', value: '%TITLE% %URL%' },
{ label: 'title', value: '%TITLE%' },
{ label: 'url', value: '%URL%' },
{ label: 'hatena', value: '[%URL%:title=%TITLE%]' },
{ label: 'hatenacite', value: '>%URL%:title=%TITLE%>\n%SEL%\n<<' },
{ label: 'htmlblockquote', value: '<blockquote cite="%URL%" title="%TITLE%">%HTMLSEL%</blockquote>' }
" #########################
" sbm_incsearch.js
" #########################
let sbmincsearch_service_name = "googlebookmarks"
let sbmincsearch_max = 10
autocmd VimperatorEnter .* :set complete+=I
" #########################
" feedSomeKeys_2.js
" #########################
autocmd LocationChange .* :fmapc
" Gmail
autocmd LocationChange ^https?://mail\\.google\\.com/(mail|a)/ :fmap! c / j k n p o u e x s r a # [ ] z ? gi gs gt gd ga gc
" Tumblr (use: tombloo.xpi, dashboard+tombloo.user.js, reblogcommand.user.js, playontumblr.user.js)
autocmd LocationChange ^http://.*\\.tumblr\\.com/ :fmap! i,tj e,tk n,h
" favotter (use: twitfavcommandminibuffer.user.js)
autocmd LocationChange ^http://favotter\\.matope\\.com/ :fmap! f,F
" LDR/Fastladder/OpenFL (use: tombloo.xpi, ldr+tombloo.user.js, ldr_relative_rate.user.js)
autocmd LocationChange ^http://(reader\\.livedoor\\.com|fastladder\\.com|0\\.0\\.0\\.0\:3000)/reader/ :fmap! j k s a p v c z Z b,i B,b i,Tj e r < > o,vj J,<Space> K,<S-Space> q w g u T
" iview
autocmd LocationChange ^chrome://iviewfx/content/iview\\.html :fmap! j k s a z o i,tj p
" はてブ
autocmd LocationChange ^http://b\\.hatena\\.ne\\.jp/(?!entry|articles|guide) :fmap! j k o,oj e a,b
" #########################
" twittperator.js
" #########################
noremap ,t :twittperator
noremap ,T :twittperator!
noremap ,@ :twittperator!@
" ChirpUserStream を使う?
let g:twittperator_use_chirp = 1
let g:twittperator_plugin_echo_tweet = 1
" #########################
" ulti_requester.js
" #########################
"noremap ,mt :mr<Space>twitter-search-pcod-no-jp<Space>
"noremap ,mT :mr<Space>twitter-search-pcod-no-jp<Space>["superbrothers"]<CR>
"noremap ,mf :mr<Space>favotter-new<Space>
"noremap ,mF :mr<Space>favotter-new<Space>["superbrothers"]<CR>
" #########################
" ldrize_cooperation.js
" #########################
let g:ldrc_captureMappings = "['j','k','p','o','?']"
"let g:ldrc_intelligence_bind = "true"
"let g:ldrc_skip = "0.25"
noremap Q :toggleldrc<CR>
" /////// javascripts /////////////////////////////////////////
" ステータスバーにfeedボタンを表示
js <<EOM
var feedPanel = document.createElement('statusbarpanel');
var feedButton = document.getElementById('feed-button');
" //////// colorscheme ////////////////////////////////////////
" CommadLine
hi Normal color: LightYellow; background: #333; font-size: 9pt;
hi InfoMsg color: LightYellow; background: #333; font-size: 9pt;
hi ModeMsg color: LightYellow; background: #333; font-size: 9pt;
hi MoreMsg color: LimeGreen; background: #333; font-size: 9pt;
hi LineNr color: DeepPink; background: #333; font-size: 9pt;
hi Question color: Yellow; background: #333; font-size: 9pt;
hi WarningMsg color: DeepPink; background: #333; font-size: 9pt;
hi NonText background: #333;
hi Null color: CornflowerBlue;
hi Tag color: CornflowerBlue;
hi CompTitle color: magenta; background:#222; font-weight: bold;
hi CompItem[selected] color: DeepPink; background: Black;
hi CompDesc color: Pink;
hi GradientRight background-color: Black;
hi Title color: white;
hi Indicator color: DodgerBlue;
hi String color: Orchid;
hi Number color: Orchid;
hi Object color: Khaki;
hi Function color: SkyBlue;
hi URL color: LightGreen;
" Tab
"hi TabText text-align: left; font-size: 8pt;
hi TabText font-size: 8pt;
hi TabNumber font-weight: bold; font-size: 10pt;
" StatusLine
hi StatusLine height: 23px; -moz-appearance: statusbar;
" ex mode時IMEをOFF
style -name commandline-ime chrome://* #liberator-commandline-command input { ime-mode: inactive; }
" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
" vim:sw=4 ts=4 et:
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