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Created January 6, 2022 16:09
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New Yandex authorization
import requests, json
import urllib.parse
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
login = ""
password = ""
secondAttempt = "" # Enter your trackID, if you were redirected to verification page.
# For Charles
verify = True
proxies = None
# For Charles
# Dev settings
domain = ""
clientID = "c0ebe342af7d48fbbbfcf2d2eedb8f9e"
clientSecret = "ad0a908f0aa341a182a37ecd75bc319e"
clientID2 = "23cabbbdc6cd418abb4b39c32c41195d"
clientSecret2 = "53bc75238f0c4d08a118e51fe9203300"
# Dev settings
uids = {"yandexuid": None, "uniqueuid": None, "theme": "dark", "_ym_isad": "2", "_ym_visorc": "b"}
r = requests.get(domain+"am?app_platform=ios&", verify = verify, proxies = proxies)
for i in r.cookies:
uids[] = i.value
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
c = soup.find_all("form", {"action": domain+"auth"})[0]
csrfToken = c.find_all("input", {"name": "csrf_token"})[0].get('value')
# Step1 Auth (Get track_id)
if secondAttempt == "":
trackID = None
r ="registration-validations/auth/multi_step/start", verify = verify, proxies = proxies, cookies = uids, data = {"csrf_token": csrfToken, "login": login, "app_id": "", "appId": "", "am_version_name": "6.6.1", "app_platform": "ios", "isAm": True})
j = json.loads(r.text)
trackID = j['track_id']
trackID = secondAttempt
# Step2 Commit password and get Session_id, if password correct
sessionID = None
r ="registration-validations/auth/multi_step/commit_password", verify = verify, proxies = proxies, cookies = uids, data = {"csrf_token": csrfToken, "password": password, "track_id": trackID, "retpath": domain+"am/finish?status=ok&from=Login"})
j = json.loads(r.text)
if 'state' in j and j['state'] == "auth_challenge":
exit("Open "+domain+j['redirect_url'][1:]+" and then try again with this trackID: "+trackID) # Very important note! Don't allow browser to redirect after phone confirmation, because trackID will become invalid.
if j['status'] != "ok":
for i in r.cookies:
if == "Session_id":
sessionID = i.value
# Step3 get access_token by sessionID
headers = {
"Ya-Client-Host": "",
"Accept-Language": "en-US;q=1",
"Ya-Client-Cookie": "Session_id="+sessionID+";"
data = {
"client_id": clientID,
"client_secret": clientSecret,
"grant_type": "sessionid",
"host": ""
url = ""
r =, data = data, headers = headers, verify = verify, proxies = proxies)
accessToken = json.loads(r.text)['access_token'] #This access token can't be used in Yandex.Music
# Step4 Exchange unknown accessToken to Yandex.Music access token
data = {
"access_token": accessToken,
"client_id": clientID2,
"client_secret": clientSecret2,
"grant_type": "x-token"
r ="", data = data)
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