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Created August 18, 2011 21:50
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Save superfeedr/1155334 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Chrome Application Airbrake Notifier
// Set your Airbrake API key here [REQ]
// Set the environment. [OPT]
// Set the app version [OPT]
// Set the session variables [OPT]
AirbrakeNotifier.setSessionVars({hello: "world"});
// Set the Params [OPT]
AirbrakeNotifier.setParams({page: 1});
1. You can just catch errors and then do :
try {
... die ...
} catch(e) {
2. You can also use the window.onerror call, however, this call 'lost' the error object, so you have to create a new one (feel free to customize it)
window.onerror = function (message, file, line) {
var error = {
arguments: [],
message : message.match(/Uncaught (.*): (.*)/)[2],
stack : ["-" + " (" + file + ":" + line + ":0)"],
type : message.match(/Uncaught (.*): (.*)/)[1]
var AirbrakeNotifier = {
airbrake_key : '',
app_version : '1.0',
session_vars : [],
params_vars : [],
request_component : "",
app_environment : 'development',
host : '',
notice_xml : '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><notice version="2.1"><api-key>airbrake_key</api-key><notifier><name>chrome_app_airbrake_notifier</name><version>0.1.0</version><url></url></notifier><error><class>exception_class</class><message>exception_message</message><backtrace>backtrace_lines</backtrace></error><request><url>request_url</url><component>request_component</component><action>request_action</action></request><server-environment><project-root>project_root</project-root><environment-name>app_environment</environment-name><app-version>app_version</app-version></server-environment></notice>',
root : window.location.protocol + '//' +,
backtrace_matcher : /^(.*) \((.*):(.*):(.*)\)$/,
// Generates the error XML and sends it to Airbrake's servers thru the inclusion of an iframe element.
notify: function (error) {
var xml = escape(AirbrakeNotifier.generateXML(error));
var host =;
var url = '//' + host + '/notifier_api/v2/notices?data=' + xml;
var request = document.createElement('iframe'); = '1px'; = '1px'; = 'none';
request.src = "http:" + url; /* Adding http: to avoid using the default scheme. */
// Sets the environment
setEnvironment: function (value) {
AirbrakeNotifier.app_environment = value;
// Sets the host
sethost: function (value) { = value;
// Sets the session variables
setSessionVars: function (value) {
AirbrakeNotifier.session_vars = value;
// Sets the params
setParams: function (value) {
AirbrakeNotifier.params_vars = value;
// Sets the API Key
setKey: function (value) {
AirbrakeNotifier.airbrake_key = value;
// Sets the defaults for the error
setErrorDefaults: function (value) {
AirbrakeNotifier.errorDefaults = value;
// Sets the app version
setAppVersion: function (value) {
AirbrakeNotifier.app_version = value;
// Generates XML
generateXML: function (errorWithoutDefaults) {
errorWithoutDefaults.url = window.location.href;
var error = AirbrakeNotifier.mergeDefault(AirbrakeNotifier.errorDefaults, errorWithoutDefaults);
var xml = AirbrakeNotifier.notice_xml;
var baseUrl = error.url || '';
var hash = location.hash || '';
var url = AirbrakeNotifier.escapeText((baseUrl + hash) || '');
var component = AirbrakeNotifier.escapeText(error.component || '');
var type = AirbrakeNotifier.escapeText(error.type || 'Error');
var message = AirbrakeNotifier.escapeText(error.message || 'Unknown error.');
var backtrace = AirbrakeNotifier.generateBacktrace(error);
if (AirbrakeNotifier.trim(url) === '' && AirbrakeNotifier.trim(component) === '') {
xml = xml.replace(/<request>.*<\/request>/, '');
} else {
var data = '';
var cgi_data = error['cgi-data'] || {};
cgi_data.HTTP_USER_AGENT = navigator.userAgent;
data += '<cgi-data>';
data += AirbrakeNotifier.generateVariables(cgi_data);
data += '</cgi-data>';
if(AirbrakeNotifier.session_vars.length > 0) {
data += '<session>';
data += AirbrakeNotifier.generateVariables(AirbrakeNotifier.session_vars);
data += '</session>';
if(AirbrakeNotifier.params_vars.length > 0) {
data += '<params>';
data += AirbrakeNotifier.generateVariables(AirbrakeNotifier.params_vars);
data += '</params>';
xml = xml.replace('</request>', data + '</request>');
xml = xml.replace('request_url', url);
xml = xml.replace('request_component', component);
xml = xml.replace('request_action', ""); // Not applicable to Chrome Applications
xml = xml.replace('project_root', AirbrakeNotifier.escapeText(AirbrakeNotifier.root));
xml = xml.replace('exception_class', type);
xml = xml.replace('app_version', AirbrakeNotifier.app_version);
xml = xml.replace('exception_message', message);
xml = xml.replace('backtrace_lines', backtrace.join(''));
xml = xml.replace('airbrake_key', AirbrakeNotifier.escapeText(AirbrakeNotifier.airbrake_key));
xml = xml.replace('app_environment', AirbrakeNotifier.escapeText(AirbrakeNotifier.app_environment));
return xml;
// Generates the XML backtrace to be sent.
generateBacktrace: function (error) {
error = error || {};
var backtrace = [];
var stacktrace = error.stack;
if (error.stack.length === 0) {
stacktrace = AirbrakeNotifier.getStackTrace();
for (var i = 0, l = stacktrace.length; i < l; i++) {
var line = stacktrace[i];
var matches = line.match(AirbrakeNotifier.backtrace_matcher);
if (matches) {
var file = matches[2].replace(AirbrakeNotifier.root, '[project_root]');
backtrace.push('<line method="' + AirbrakeNotifier.escapeText(matches[1]) + '" file="' + AirbrakeNotifier.escapeText(file) + '" number="' + matches[3] + '" />');
return backtrace;
// Generate the XML variables
generateVariables: function (parameters) {
var key;
var result = '';
for (key in parameters) {
result += '<var key="' + AirbrakeNotifier.escapeText(key) + '">' +
AirbrakeNotifier.escapeText(parameters[key]) +
return result;
// Escape Text for XML
escapeText: function (text) {
return text.replace(/&/g, '&#38;').replace(/</g, '&#60;').replace(/>/g, '&#62;').replace(/'/g, '&#39;').replace(/"/g, '&#34;');
// Deletes trainling whitespaces
trim: function (text) {
return text.toString().replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '');
// Mergeing defaults.
mergeDefault: function (defaults, hash) {
var cloned = {};
var key;
for (key in hash) {
cloned[key] = hash[key];
for (key in defaults) {
if (!cloned.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
cloned[key] = defaults[key];
return cloned;
// Returns a stack Trace
getStackTrace: function () {
var obj = {};
Error.captureStackTrace(obj, AirbrakeNotifier.getStackTrace);
var lines = obj.stack.split("\n");
var stack = [];
for (var line in lines) {
stack.push(lines[line].trim().replace("at", "").trim());
return stack;
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