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Last active August 24, 2018 02:31
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A brief summary of a typical workflow from Guppy

Let's walk through adding a new dependency - I think that's complex enough without being too much to grasp:

  • User clicks Add to Project after searching for and finding a dependency
  • ADD_DEPENDENCY_START action is fired using addDependencyStart action creator
  • ADD_DEPENDENCY_START workflow from dependency.middleware is fired
  • this, in turn, fires off installDependency from dependencies.service
  • dependencies.reducer updates the state for that project to indicate that the new dependency is installing
  • installDependency spawns a child shell process to actually run yarn add lodash or whatever
  • the dependency finishes installing, which resolves the Promise returned by installDependency and moves to the next step of the middleware, loadProjectDependency
  • loadProjectDependency (from read-from-disk.service) loads the specifics about the newly installed dependency and dispatches them as an ADD_DEPENDENCY_FINISH action using the addDependencyFinish action creator
  • if installDependency or loadProjectDependency fail, an ADD_DEPENDENCY_ERROR action is dispatched using the addDependencyError action creator
  • dependencies.reducer will handle ADD_DEPENDENCY_FINISH or ADD_DEPENDENCY_ERROR accordingly and update the project's state

Since middleware are constructed like

const middleware = store => next => action => {
  /* ... */

You can dispatch actions in one of two ways:

// dispatch an action to the beginning of the middleware chain
store.dispatch(/* ACTION */);

// * this helps to avoid infinite looping in case you're dispatching an
// action you're also handling
next(/* ACTION */);

So all the next() calls in middleware are essentially just store.dispatch() (this tripped me up for a while).

To try and summarize:

  • actions - tell us that something needs to happen
  • reducers - update Redux state according to actions
  • middleware - fire off side-effects of actions
  • services - utility methods for interacting with the host OS
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