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Created June 4, 2020 11:56
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OCaml, LWT, Rresult - Catching exception before reaching
(name lwt_demo1)
(public_name lwt_demo1.exe)
(libraries rresult lwt lwt.unix)
(preprocess (pps lwt_ppx))
(flags (:standard -warn-error -22))
Fatal error: exception Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ENOENT, "open", "a_non_existent_filename")
Raised by primitive operation at file "src/unix/", line 235, characters 14-31
Re-raised at file "", line 28, characters 4-233
Re-raised at file "src/core/", line 3027, characters 20-29
Called from file "src/unix/", line 27, characters 10-20
Called from file "src/unix/", line 114, characters 8-13
Re-raised at file "src/unix/", line 120, characters 4-13
Called from file "", line 38, characters 9-33
I want to catch an exception before it reaches
I know I can catch the exception at Lwt_main. Just want to avoid it somehow.
open Rresult
let printLine line =
let newline = "-> " ^ line in
let () = print_endline newline in
let resultOpenFile =
Lwt.return (R.ok (Lwt_io.open_file ~mode:Input "a_non_existent_filename"))
| Unix.Unix_error (uerr, ucommand, dir) ->
(match uerr with
| ENOENT -> Lwt.return (R.error ("NEVER CALLED - ENOENT"))
| _ -> Lwt.return (R.error "NEVER CALLED"))
| _ -> Lwt.return (R.error "NEVER CALLED")
let mainPromise =
match%lwt resultOpenFile with
| Ok wrappedInputChannel ->
(* If Ok, Let's print result *)
let%lwt inputChannel = wrappedInputChannel in
let strLwtStream = Lwt_io.read_lines inputChannel in
let%lwt resultList = Lwt_stream.to_list strLwtStream in
let _list = printLine resultList in
Lwt.return ()
| Error _ ->
let () = print_endline "RRESULT Some error happened" in
Lwt.return ()
let () = mainPromise
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