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An occupancy grid mapping example
# This is an implementation of Occupancy Grid Mapping as Presented
# in Chapter 9 of "Probabilistic Robotics" By Sebastian Thrun et al.
# In particular, this is an implementation of Table 9.1 and 9.2
import scipy.stats
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
class Map():
def __init__(self, xsize, ysize, grid_size):
self.xsize = xsize+2 # Add extra cells for the borders
self.ysize = ysize+2
self.grid_size = grid_size # save this off for future use
self.log_prob_map = np.zeros((self.xsize, self.ysize)) # set all to zero
self.alpha = 1.0 # The assumed thickness of obstacles
self.beta = 5.0*np.pi/180.0 # The assumed width of the laser beam
self.z_max = 150.0 # The max reading from the laser
# Pre-allocate the x and y positions of all grid positions into a 3D tensor
# (pre-allocation = faster)
self.grid_position_m = np.array([np.tile(np.arange(0, self.xsize*self.grid_size, self.grid_size)[:,None], (1, self.ysize)),
np.tile(np.arange(0, self.ysize*self.grid_size, self.grid_size)[:,None].T, (self.xsize, 1))])
# Log-Probabilities to add or remove from the map
self.l_occ = np.log(0.65/0.35)
self.l_free = np.log(0.35/0.65)
def update_map(self, pose, z):
dx = self.grid_position_m.copy() # A tensor of coordinates of all cells
dx[0, :, :] -= pose[0] # A matrix of all the x coordinates of the cell
dx[1, :, :] -= pose[1] # A matrix of all the y coordinates of the cell
theta_to_grid = np.arctan2(dx[1, :, :], dx[0, :, :]) - pose[2] # matrix of all bearings from robot to cell
# Wrap to +pi / - pi
theta_to_grid[theta_to_grid > np.pi] -= 2. * np.pi
theta_to_grid[theta_to_grid < -np.pi] += 2. * np.pi
dist_to_grid = scipy.linalg.norm(dx, axis=0) # matrix of L2 distance to all cells from robot
# For each laser beam
for z_i in z:
r = z_i[0] # range measured
b = z_i[1] # bearing measured
# Calculate which cells are measured free or occupied, so we know which cells to update
# Doing it this way is like a billion times faster than looping through each cell (because vectorized numpy is the only way to numpy)
free_mask = (np.abs(theta_to_grid - b) <= self.beta/2.0) & (dist_to_grid < (r - self.alpha/2.0))
occ_mask = (np.abs(theta_to_grid - b) <= self.beta/2.0) & (np.abs(dist_to_grid - r) <= self.alpha/2.0)
# Adjust the cells appropriately
self.log_prob_map[occ_mask] += self.l_occ
self.log_prob_map[free_mask] += self.l_free
if __name__ == '__main__':
# load matlab generated data (located at
data ='state_meas_data.mat')
state = data['X']
meas = data['z']
# Define the parameters for the map. (This is a 100x100m map with grid size 1x1m)
grid_size = 1.0
map = Map(int(100/grid_size), int(100/grid_size), grid_size)
plt.ion() # enable real-time plotting
plt.figure(1) # create a plot
for i in tqdm(range(len(state.T))):
map.update_map(state[:,i], meas[:,:,i].T) # update the map
# Real-Time Plotting
# (comment out these next lines to make it run super fast, matplotlib is painfully slow)
pose = state[:,i]
circle = plt.Circle((pose[1], pose[0]), radius=3.0, fc='y')
arrow = pose[0:2] + np.array([3.5, 0]).dot(np.array([[np.cos(pose[2]), np.sin(pose[2])], [-np.sin(pose[2]), np.cos(pose[2])]]))
plt.plot([pose[1], arrow[1]], [pose[0], arrow[0]])
plt.imshow(1.0 - 1./(1.+np.exp(map.log_prob_map)), 'Greys')
# Final Plotting
plt.imshow(1.0 - 1./(1.+np.exp(map.log_prob_map)), 'Greys') # This is probability
plt.imshow(map.log_prob_map, 'Greys') # log probabilities (looks really cool)
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Could you please provide an update link or maybe where I can get such files to run this code.

Hello. To other people finding the file, I found a link to a gitlab project by the original author.
I hope this was the same file. @superjax, please let me know if this is the same. Thanks


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rajab-m commented Sep 13, 2020

hello, thanks for the code, could you please explain about the z (measurements) in the .mat file, what do they represent exactly?

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hello, thanks for the code, could you please explain about the z (measurements) in the .mat file, what do they represent exactly?

they show distance and angle of ray in the format:
[ [distance_1, angle_1],
[distance_2, angle_2],
[ . . . , . . . ],
. . .

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this amazing code. Can someone tell me how to get the (x,y) coordinates of an obstacle from the probability that this code gets? is it possible? thanks

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jsjax commented Apr 11, 2022

Hi @anggara70,

First pass would probably be to threshold on some probability to create a binary mask of the map.


prob = 1.0 - 1./(1.+np.exp(map.log_prob_map))
obstacles = np.zeros_like(prob)
obstacles[prob > THRESHOLD] = 1.0

and then you could sample from the obstacles array. If it's a 1, then it's likely an obstacle, 0 would likely be free space.

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mte14eha commented Nov 11, 2022


I am getting confused with the conversion from odds to probabilities.

"# Log-Probabilities to add or remove from the map "
self.l_occ = np.log(0.65/0.35)
self.l_free = np.log(0.35/0.65)

These are afaik log-odds and not log probabilities.

If we call P(A) prob. Then P(not A) is 1 - P(A) ie P(not A) = 1-prob
So in the conversion to probabilities the formula should be:

P(not A) = 1.0 - np.exp(map.log_prob_map)*1./(1.+np.exp(map.log_prob_map))

I am getting superconfused and will probably edit this but if you happen to read this I would love some input! :)

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salvex commented Dec 14, 2022


Thanks for your work.I'm currently studying in "Università Degli Studi di Palermo" and i'm attending Robotics class; we're using your code as "study case" for grid mapping. The code it's ok but there's a problem: the file "state_meas_data.mat" and the site provided here it's unreachable. Could you provide a new link?

Best regards

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I just updated the link -- should work now.

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fb1812 commented Jun 16, 2023

I have the same issue

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