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Last active September 5, 2019 06:46
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Python lookup table generation script
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import sin, pi, asin, tan, atan
def f(x):
return ((1.0 - pow(x / 101325.0, 0.190284)) * 145366.45) * 0.3048
def finv(x):
return 101325.0 * (1 - 2.25577 * 10 ** -5 * x) ** 5.25588
max_alt = 3048 # 10,000 feet
min_alt = -430 # -1400 feet (dead sea)
max = finv(min_alt)
min = finv(max_alt)
scale = 32767/f(min)
num_entries = 200
function_name = "pressure"
x = np.arange(min, max, (max - min) / num_entries)
lookup_table = [round(scale*f(i)) for i in x]
# Make sure we aren't going to overflow
for i in lookup_table:
if abs(i) > 32767:
print "going to overflow"
def fast_f(x):
dx = (max - min) / num_entries
global lookup_table
t = (x - min) / (max - min) * num_entries
index = int(t)
dp = t - index
if index >= num_entries:
out = min
elif index < num_entries - 1:
out = lookup_table[index]/scale + dp * (lookup_table[index + 1] - lookup_table[index])/scale
out = lookup_table[index]/scale + dp * (lookup_table[index] - lookup_table[index - 1])/scale
return out
def fast_f_no_interp(x):
dx = (max - min) / num_entries
global lookup_table
t = (x - min) / (max - min) * num_entries
index = int(t)
return lookup_table[index]
y = np.arange(min, max, (max - min)/(num_entries*1000))
fast = [fast_f(i) for i in y]
truth = [f(i) for i in y]
error = [abs(i - j) for i, j in zip(fast, truth)]
file = open('table.txt', 'w')
count = 0
file.write("static const float %s_max_x = %f;\n" % (function_name , max))
file.write("static const float %s_min_x = %f;\n" % (function_name , min))
file.write("static const float %s_scale_factor = %f;\n" % (function_name , scale))
file.write("static const int16_t %s_num_entries = %d;\n" % (function_name , num_entries))
file.write("static const int16_t %s_lookup_table[%s] = {\n" % (function_name , int(len(lookup_table))))
for i in lookup_table:
count += 1
if count == 10:
file.write("%s,\n" % int(i))
count = 0
file.write("%s,\t" % int(i))
# plt.plot(y, [fast_alt_no_interp(i) for i in y])
plt.plot(y, [fast_f(i) for i in y], "o")
plt.plot(y, [f(i) for i in y])
plt.plot(y, error)
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len0rd commented Jul 25, 2017

Also added a few lines so that a comma isnt appended onto the final value in the array. This isn't a huge deal since it wasnt causing build errors before, more of an aesthetic thing I guess?

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