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Created April 20, 2013 15:20
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<div class='update'>
<span class='created-at'>{{view.content.createdAt}}</span>
{{view Ember.TextArea valueBinding='view.content.details'}}
<a {{action deleteUpdate view.content}} href='#'>delete</button>
App.TaskUpdatesController = Ember.ArrayController.extend {
needs: ['task']
taskBinding: 'controllers.task.model'
sortProperties: ['createdAt']
sortAscending: false
newUpdateDetails: ""
createUpdate: ->
transaction = @store.transaction()
transaction.add @get('task')
newRecord = transaction.createRecord(App.Update, {
details: @get('newUpdateDetails')
task: @get('task')
createdAt: new Date()
@set('newUpdateDetails', '')
deleteUpdate: (model) ->
App.TaskUpdatesView = Ember.View.extend {
templateName: 'task-updates'
App.TaskUpdatesListView = Ember.CollectionView.extend {
classNames: ['task-updates']
contentBinding: 'controller'
itemViewClass: Ember.View.extend({
templateName: 'task-updates-item'
didInsertElement: ->
$('.updates textarea').autosize({append: "\n"})
# Hack to not transition textarea height on creation
setTimeout ->
$('.updates textarea').addClass('transition')
, 1000
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