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Last active January 10, 2022 19:41
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port of node's `require` for
const require = importModule('scriptable-require')
const moment = await require('moment', true)
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: red; icon-glyph: magic;
// shared by hwangbible
// at:
const fm = FileManager.iCloud();
const dir = fm.documentsDirectory();
const downloadIfNeeded = async (pkg, isAutoUpdateOn) => {
let name = getPackageName(pkg);
let filePath = fm.joinPath(dir, name + '.js');
let isInstalled = await isFound(filePath);
// If the package exists and autoupdate is off, stop checking further
if (isInstalled && !isAutoUpdateOn) {
console.log(`'${name}' is already installed, and autoupdate is disabled! Proceeding to import from disk...`);
// Get the package information which satisfies the given semver range
let versionInfo = await getStatus(pkg);
let versions = versionInfo.satisfied;
let version = versionInfo.highest;
// Download the newer version if necessary
if (isInstalled && isAutoUpdateOn) {
let installedVersion = await getInstalledVersion(name);
// Check if the installed version satisfies the semver range
if (versions.includes(installedVersion)) {
console.log(`'${name}@${installedVersion}' satisfies the requested version. Good to go!`);
} else {
console.log(`'${name}@${installedVersion}' doesn't match the version requested. Reinstalling '${version}' now...`);
} else {
console.log(`'${name}' was never installed previously. Downloading now...`);
// Download the package source and save to disk
let source = await getPackageSource(pkg);
savePackageToDisk(name, version, source);
const getInstalledVersion = async name => {
// Read the version from {package}.ver
let filePath = fm.joinPath(dir, name + '.ver');
let version;
if (isFound(filePath)) {
let content = fm.readString(filePath);
if (/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/g.test(content)) {
version = content;
console.log(`The installed version of '${name}' is ${version}.`);
return version;
const getPackageSource = async pkg => {
// Get the standalone package source from
let request = new Request(`${encodeURIComponent(pkg)}`);
let response = await request.loadString();
return response;
const getPackageName = pkg => {
return pkg.split('@')[0];
const getStatus = async pkg => {
// Retrieve the information about the package
let request = new Request(`${encodeURIComponent(pkg)}`);
let response = await request.loadJSON();
// Fail if the response is not good
if (response.statusCode >= 400 || response.ok === false) {
throw response.message;
// Fail if the semver did not satisfy any versions available on npm
// Otherwise, sort the versions in descending order
let versions = response.builds && Object.keys(response.builds);
if (versions.length < 1) {
throw `'${pkg}' did not satisfy any versions available on npm!`;
} else {
versions.sort((a, b) => b.localeCompare(a, undefined, { numeric: true }));
// Get all the satisfied versions and the highest version
let result = {
highest: versions[0],
satisfied: versions,
return result;
const isFound = async filePath => {
// Check if the package is already downloaded
if (fm.fileExists(filePath)) {
return true;
// Sync with iCloud and check again
await syncFileWithiCloud(filePath);
if (fm.fileExists(filePath)) {
return true;
return false;
const savePackageToDisk = (name, version, source) => {
// Write the package source and version info to disk
let filename = fm.joinPath(dir, name);
let jsFilePath = filename + '.js';
let versionFilePath = filename + '.ver';
let pkg = `${name}@${version}`;
tryWriteFile(jsFilePath, source, pkg);
tryWriteFile(versionFilePath, version, pkg);
console.log(`Successfully installed ${name}@${version}!`);
const syncFileWithiCloud = async filePath => {
// Try to sync with iCloud in case the package exists only on iCloud
try {
console.log(`Attempting to sync with iCloud just in case...`);
await fm.downloadFileFromiCloud(filePath);
console.log(`Finished syncing ${filePath}`);
} catch (err) {
console.log(`${filePath} does not exist on iCloud.`);
const tryWriteFile = (path, content, pkg) => {
// Sometimes is acting up and the file content is undefined.
// So, here is a little trick to let you know what's going on.
try {
console.log(`Saving ${pkg} to disk at ${path}...`);
fm.writeString(path, content);
} catch (err) {
throw `The package source from '${pkg}' is probably corrupted! Try with the different patch version.`;
module.exports = async (pkg, isAutoUpdateOn = false) => {
let name = getPackageName(pkg);
await downloadIfNeeded(pkg, isAutoUpdateOn);
return importModule(`${name}`);
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Thanks for the reference. I've updated the script to mention the author and thread.

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hkE29o commented Jan 10, 2022

Thank you for sharing with us. When running the example on my iPad I get the following error:
Error: Data could not be read, they are not in the right format. (Translated from German)
Any ideas why this is the case?

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