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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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Tic Tacs Toe
function evaluateBoard(data) {
* Setup
// Don't want to keep calling .charAt, so save all the values with easier-to-use names up front
var topLeft = data.charAt(0);
var topMiddle = data.charAt(1);
var topRight = data.charAt(2);
var centerLeft = data.charAt(3);
var centerMiddle = data.charAt(4);
var centerRight = data.charAt(5);
var bottomLeft = data.charAt(6);
var bottomMiddle = data.charAt(7);
var bottomRight = data.charAt(8);
// Ways to win: Rows
var topRow = [topLeft, topMiddle, topRight];
var centerRow = [centerLeft, centerMiddle, centerRight];
var bottomRow = [bottomLeft, bottomMiddle, bottomRight];
// Ways to win: Columns
var leftColumn = [topLeft, centerLeft, bottomLeft];
var middleColumn = [topMiddle, centerMiddle, bottomMiddle];
var rightColumn = [topRight, centerRight, bottomRight];
// Ways to win: Diagonals
var firstDiagonal = [topLeft, centerMiddle, bottomRight];
var secondDiagonal = [bottomLeft, centerMiddle, topRight];
// Put all the ways to win together in an array of "ways to win"
var waysToWin = [topRow, centerRow, bottomRow, leftColumn, middleColumn, rightColumn, firstDiagonal, secondDiagonal];
* Start actual algorithm to evaluate the board
// Is there a winner? Go through each way to win and see if either side won that way
var isWinner = false;
var winningSide = null;
for (var wayToWinIndex = 0; wayToWinIndex < waysToWin.length; wayToWinIndex++) {
// Which group are we testing in this iteration?
var targetGroup = waysToWin[wayToWinIndex];
// Test the group to see if it's a winner
isWinner = groupIsWinner(targetGroup);
// did someone win?
if (isWinner) {
// Which side won?
winningSide = targetGroup[0]; // x or o
break; // don't have to keep going
// If we have a winner, declare it!
if (isWinner) {
return winningSide + ' wins!';
else { // we don't have a winner
// is the game incomplete or tie?
// If it's a tie, there won't be any empty squares
if (data.indexOf('-') === -1) {
// No empty squares, it's a tie
return 'The game is a tie';
else { // there are empty sqaures. Game is incomplete
return 'The game is still in progress';
function groupIsWinner (group) {
// Only a winner if the three spaces match and they're not empty
return group[0] !== '-' &&
group[0] === group[1] &&
group[1] === group[2];
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@kmckinley I only see a reason to split up a function if it really is going to be used in more than one place. To me theirs a value of being able to read a function top to bottom too rather than jumping around the file constantly for stuff that is only used in that one place anyway.
Plus if it can be reused then you have to rely it will be reused - meaning you are actually adding to the maintenance cost - you have more functions to maintain and cannot change their ins and outs without causing a cascade change.

I am not defending the monolyth function here - I just believe that if you add complexity of the namespace (class, global, whatever) there should be a good reason to do so. Personally I did not find that function compelling enough for ~35% hit on performance. I do not believe that having the function made the code 35% better to read.

Any compiler runs on heuristics - here I know enough about Javascript virtual machines to trigger off some performance ones. So in a sense I am relying on the (just in time) compiler.

The compiler can only reason about a very, very proportion about your code. It really is not that intelligent, it cannot guess your intention. And it often assumes the worst case. You might think of it as an SQL database that will use that primary key index, but you must write your SQL Query in a way that will use that index rather than a full lookup.

Also although inlining is often a good thing, it can also make performance worse. There's an instruction cache and a data cache separately in many architectures - and it is again read in chunks and tiny. So if lots of inlining causes memory reads instead of branching to an instruction already in the cache, then you get a penalty waiting for the next instruction to be read from memory. So inlining all the things is also not a necessarily good thing. Though if the memory access pattern is predictable you may get lucky and have that section pre-read for you (even in Javascript)... as you are sharing that cache with other applications on the same machine that advantage can be lost if you are relying on monopolising the cache.

If readabilty of the performance code is tougher, I would try and educate my teammates so it was more readable for them, should they be interested. After all at one point or another we cannot read language x very easily (in my case Swift), but with enough exposure it becomes second nature.

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Awesome thanks. My question my have seemed a little out of context here, I was thinking more of my swift solution since I have three main test functions that are called multiple times.

Also, just to clarify, I wasn't suggesting that this function shouldn't be inline.

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@kmckinley I'm not even sure how you would profile swift! I'm such a Mac newbie. I have no idea if it would inline it because there is quite a bit of state and a few branches in there (for loop + if). If you know how to compile it to assembly or some kind of readable intermediate language I'm sure we could figure it out. That's a ton of effort though! With Swift + Mac, I don't even know where to tell you to begin.

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@paulevans, awesome! Just getting a chance to read through this now - I'd say keep it here for now, if you want to generalize into something more easily digestible for the thread though, that would be awesome.

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