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Last active January 16, 2020 05:58
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import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class DotsIndicator extends StatelessWidget {
this.color = Colors.white,
this.seletedColor = Colors.white,
this.dotSize = 8.0,
this.dotIncreaseSize = 2.0,
this.dotSpacing = 25.0})
: super();
// The PageController that this DotsIndicator is representing.
final ValueNotifier<int> notifier;
// The number of items managed by the PageController
final int itemCount;
// Called when a dot is tapped
final ValueChanged<int> onPageSelected;
// The color of the dots.
final Color color;
// The color of the selected dot.
final Color seletedColor;
// The base size of the dots
final double dotSize;
// The increase in the size of the selected dot
final double dotIncreaseSize;
// The distance between the center of each dot
final double dotSpacing;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Row(
children: List<Widget>.generate(this.itemCount, _buildDot));
Widget _buildDot(int index) {
return SizedBox(
width: this.dotSpacing,
height: this.dotSpacing,
child: MaterialButton(
minWidth: this.dotSpacing,
height: this.dotSpacing,
child: ValueListenableBuilder(
valueListenable: this.notifier,
builder: (_, value, __) {
bool selectedness = (this.notifier.value - index) == 0;
double zoom = 1.0 + (this.dotIncreaseSize - 1.0);
final dotColor = selectedness ? this.seletedColor : this.color;
final dotSize = this.dotSize * (selectedness ? zoom : 1);
return AnimatedContainer(
BoxDecoration(shape:, color: dotColor),
duration: Duration(milliseconds: 100),
width: dotSize,
height: dotSize,
onPressed: this.onPageSelected != null
? () => this.onPageSelected(index)
: null,
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