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Created April 7, 2019 05:14
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  • Save supernovel/c89b85aed7c8e12ed0c564f80239f775 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save supernovel/c89b85aed7c8e12ed0c564f80239f775 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var gulp = require('gulp'),
path = require('upath'),
ts = require('gulp-typescript'),
tsProject = ts.createProject('tsconfig.json'),
through = require('through2');
gulp.task('default', function () {
return tsProject.src()
.pipe(through.obj(function (file, enc, cb) {
var code = file.contents.toString('utf8');
code = replacePath(
file.contents = new Buffer(code);
function replacePath(code, filePath, rootPath, targetPaths) {
var tscpaths = Object.keys(targetPaths);
var lines = code.split("\n");
return => {
var matches = [];
var require_matches = line.match(/require\(('|")(.*)('|")\)/g);
Array.prototype.push.apply(matches, require_matches);
if (!matches)
return line;
// Walk through every require
for (var match of matches) {
// Find each paths
for (var tscpath of tscpaths) {
// Find required module & check if its path matching what is described in the paths config.
var required_modules = match.match(new RegExp(tscpath, "g"));
if (required_modules && required_modules.length > 0) {
for (var required_module of required_modules) {
// Get relative path and replace
var sourcePath = path.dirname(filePath), targetPath;
// module/* --- file/*
if (tscpath[tscpath.length - 1] === '*') {
targetPath = path.resolve(rootPath + "/" + targetPaths[tscpath].map(_p => _p.replace('/*', '')));
var relativePath = path.relative(sourcePath, targetPath);
relativePath = relativePath + '/';
line = line.replace(new RegExp(tscpath.slice(0, -1), "g"), './' + relativePath);
// module -- file
else {
targetPath = path.resolve(rootPath + "/" + targetPaths[tscpath]);
line = line.replace(new RegExp(tscpath, "g"), "./" + path.relative(sourcePath, targetPath));
return line;
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