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Last active August 13, 2024 07:31
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Save superseb/2cf186726807a012af59a027cb41270d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Cleanup host added as custom to Rancher 2.0
# OUTDATED: please refer to the link below for the latest version:
docker rm -f $(docker ps -qa)
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)
cleanupdirs="/var/lib/etcd /etc/kubernetes /etc/cni /opt/cni /var/lib/cni /var/run/calico /opt/rke"
for dir in $cleanupdirs; do
echo "Removing $dir"
rm -rf $dir
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Is this command rm all container in docker (event it doesn't relate, and installed before Rancher cluster)?

It will remove all running container on your machine (even it's not related to Rancher cluster)

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I've changed the script to just remove rancher / k8s containers and images and use docker volume prune to cleanup volumes:

if [ "${user}" != "0" ]; then
  echo "$0 must be run as root - you are running as $EUID"
  exit 1
echo "About to destroy Rancher 2.x install"
echo "5s to cancel with ^c"
sleep 5

containers=$(docker ps -a | grep -E "rancher|k8s" | awk '{print $1}')
if [ "${containers}x" != "x" ]
  docker rm -f $containers
  echo "No containers - ignoring docker rm"

images=$(docker images -a | grep -E "rancher|k8s" | awk '{print $3}')
if [ "${images}x" != "x" ]
  docker rmi $images
  echo "No images - ignoring docker rmi"

docker volume prune

cleanupdirs="/var/lib/etcd /etc/kubernetes /etc/cni /opt/cni /var/lib/cni /var/run/calico /opt/rke"
for dir in $cleanupdirs; do
  echo "Removing $dir"
  rm -rf $dir

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busla commented Oct 29, 2019

When installing rancher-agent on the same host for testing purposes the cluster would not run properly until I also removed all data from /opt/rancher, perhaps it was only one of the three dirs:

root@rancher:~# ls /opt/rancher
certs-cache  k3s  management-state

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qrzeller commented May 4, 2020

Thanks !
ros should have a clean function. Or reinstall from cloud-config...

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Will this unregister the node from the cluster too ?

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saved me a bunch of time, tyvm!

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Are you shure it's /var/run/calico and not /var/lib/calico?

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@HoffmannP This gist is outdated, I updated the code with a link to the updated version.

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