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Created November 30, 2018 19:58
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Run kube-dns preferably on controlplane nodes and else on etcd nodes on a Rancher 2 custom cluster

Warning: this is not a recommended approach. This is solely to exempt worker nodes from running kube-dns, so that if they die, kube-dns does not die with them.


Tolerations for etcd and controlplane

Because of the taints on the etcd and controlplane nodes, we need to add tolerations to the kube-dns Deployment:

kubectl -n kube-system patch deploy/kube-dns -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"tolerations":[{"key":"","effect":"NoSchedule","value":"true"},{"key":"","effect":"NoExecute","value":"true"}]}}}}'

Add node affinity

Secondly, we want to add node affinity to the deployment to make sure it is preferred to be scheduled to controlplane nodes (weight: 100) and possibly on etcd nodes (weight: 1), with a requirement not to land on worker nodes.

kubectl -n kube-system patch deploy/kube-dns -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"affinity":{"nodeAffinity":{"preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[{"preference":{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"","operator":"Exists"}]},"weight":1},{"preference":{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"","operator":"Exists"}]},"weight":100}],"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":{"nodeSelectorTerms":[{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"","operator":"DoesNotExist"}]}]}}}}}}}'

Disabling (rollback)

Remove tolerations

kubectl -n kube-system patch deploy/kube-dns -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"tolerations":[{"key":"CriticalAddonsOnly","operator":"Exists"}]}}}}'

Remove node affinity

kubectl -n kube-system patch deploy/kube-dns --type json -p '[{ "op": "remove", "path": "/spec/template/spec/affinity/nodeAffinity" }]'
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