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Last active December 6, 2021 09:06
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List of things I do in Brave Browser after installing.
1) In welcome tour, make sure you are not using Brave rewards
2) Install ublock origin. While Brave's inbuilt ad-block is good, ublock origin is better.
3) Optional extensions - Video Speed controller, Sponsor block, Advanced Profanity Filter
4) Settings -> Search for "dashboard" -> Customize ... page -> Turn off sponsored images
5) In Newtab page, there are some cards like Binance, Crypto etc.
Click on Edit Cards at the bottom and hide the onnes you don't need
6) Enable Password autogenerate - In brave://settings/braveSync, click start new sync chain -> phone. It will generate QR code
But you don't have to use it. Click on manage your devices. Make sure sync everything is enabled.
Now, when you create a new account somewhere, it comes with password autogenerate.
7) Webtorrent - enabled by default. Looks like its bugged now.
8) search "IPFS" -> "Method.. resources" -> Gateway. Use local if you have good bandwidth.
9) Enable IPFS companion if you are using local node.
10) Login to common websites. (Gmail, protonmail, reddit, hackernews)
11) Hide bravestats in homepage (3 dot menu). Its the one which says time and GB saved.
12) Adjust page zoom if required.
13) brave://settings/content/notifications -> Don't allow sites to send notifications
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