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Last active May 26, 2024 15:43
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HAProxy JA3N Fingerprint - Lua Script
-- JA3N = sorted extensions to tackle browsers randomizing their order
-- see:
-- examples:
-- before (JA3): 771,4865-4867-4866-49195-49199-52393-52392-49196-49200-49162-49161-49171-49172-156-157-47-53,0-23-65281-10-11-16-5-34-51-43-13-45-28-65037-41,29-23-24-25-256-257,0
-- after (JA3N): 771,4865-4867-4866-49195-49199-52393-52392-49196-49200-49162-49161-49171-49172-156-157-47-53,0-10-11-13-16-23-28-34-41-43-45-5-51-65037-65281,29-23-24-25-256-257,0
-- usage:
-- register: lua-load /etc/haproxy/lua/ja3n.lua (in global)
-- run: http-request lua.fingerprint_ja3n
-- log: http-request capture var(txn.fingerprint_ssl) len 32
-- acl: var(txn.fingerprint_ja3n) -m str a195b9c006fcb23ab9a2343b0871e362
function split_string(str, delimiter)
local result = {}
local from = 1
local delim_from, delim_to = string.find(str, delimiter, from)
while delim_from do
table.insert(result, string.sub(str, from , delim_from-1))
from = delim_to + 1
delim_from, delim_to = string.find(str, delimiter, from)
table.insert(result, string.sub(str, from))
return result
function fingerprint_ja3n(txn)
local p1 = tostring(txn.f:ssl_fc_protocol_hello_id())
local p2 = tostring(txn.c:be2dec(txn.f:ssl_fc_cipherlist_bin(1),"-",2))
local p3u = tostring(txn.c:be2dec(txn.f:ssl_fc_extlist_bin(1),"-",2))
local p3l = split_string(p3u, "-")
local p3 = table.concat(p3l, "-")
local p4 = tostring(txn.c:be2dec(txn.f:ssl_fc_eclist_bin(1),"-",2))
local p5 = tostring(txn.c:be2dec(txn.f:ssl_fc_ecformats_bin(),"-",1))
local fingerprint = p1 .. "," .. p2 .. "," .. p3 .. "," .. p4 .. "," .. p5
local fingerprint_hash = string.lower(tostring(txn.c:hex(txn.c:digest(fingerprint, "md5"))))
txn:set_var('txn.fingerprint_ja3n_raw', fingerprint)
txn:set_var('txn.fingerprint_ja3n', fingerprint_hash)
core.register_action('fingerprint_ja3n', {'tcp-req', 'http-req'}, fingerprint_ja3n)
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