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Last active December 10, 2015 14:38
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You want to call a function from within that same function.


You can use the named function identifier to call from inside. Named functions have as advantage that they keep their purpose more explicit, it's better readible and maintainable this way.

ping = ->
  console.log "Pinged"
	setTimeout ping, 1000

With an unnamed function, using @arguments.callee@ which allows for recursion of anonymous functions. Might also have advantage in memory-intensive application.

delay = 1000

  console.log "Pinged"
	setTimeout arguments.callee, delay
	), delay)


You want to detect if a function exists and create it if it does not (such as an ECMAScript 5 function in Internet Explorer 8).


Use the :: sign to access prototype methods and to detect the function, also assign to it if non-existent.

unless Array::filter
  Array::filter = (callback) ->
    element for element in this when callback element

array = [1..10]

array.filter (x) -> x > 5
# => [6,7,8,9,10]


You want to execute a function only once, coalescing multiple sequential calls into a single execution at the beginning or end.


With a named function

debounce: (func, threshold, execAsap) ->
  timeout = null
  (args...) ->
    obj = this
    delayed = ->
      func.apply(obj, args) unless execAsap
      timeout = null
    if timeout
    else if (execAsap)
      func.apply(obj, args)
    timeout = setTimeout delayed, threshold || 100
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