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Created February 6, 2014 23:14
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# 1. Require the gem sqlite3. You must `gem install sqlite3` if you get an error
# stating `cannot load such file -- sqlite3`
# This will add the gem to your local gemset
require 'firebase'
require 'faker'
# 2. Sign up for a firebase account and set the uri here
# 3. Set up a connection to the database you have created
firebase =
# Ruby some JSON to the cloud... sorta kinda like SQL
lastname: "Lubaway",
firstname: "Topher",
cohort: "Fence Lizard",
phase: "14"
15.times do
lastname: Faker::Name.last_name,
firstname: Faker::Name.first_name,
phase: rand(10)
# 1. Require the gem PG. You must `gem install pg` if you get an error
# stating `cannot load such file -- pg`
# This will add the gem to your local gemset
require 'pg'
# Faker makes fake data. Same deal on the gem
require 'faker'
# 2. From the command line `createdb YOUR_DATABASE_NAME`
# 3. Set up a connection to the database you have created
pg_connection = PG.connect( dbname: 'YOUR_DATABASE_NAME' )
# 4. Ruby your SQL commands in ruby
# Drop the table if it exist so we can run create table over and over
pg_connection.exec( "drop table students" )
# Create a table: Students
pg_connection.exec( "
create table students
lastname varchar(255),
firstname varchar(255),
cohort varchar(255),
phase int
10.times do
pg_connection.exec( "
insert into students values ('#{Faker::Name.last_name}', '#{Faker::Name.first_name}', '#{}', #{rand(4)});
# 1. Require the gem sqlite3. You must `gem install sqlite3` if you get an error
# stating `cannot load such file -- sqlite3`
# This will add the gem to your local gemset
require 'sqlite3'
# Faker makes fake data. Same deal on the gem
require 'faker'
# 2. Simply running the command on line 9 creates a database in
# your working directory
# 3. Set up a connection to the database you have created
sqlite3 = 'sqlite.db'
# 4. Ruby your SQL commands in ruby
# Drop the table if it exist so we can run create table over and over
sqlite3.execute( "drop table students" )
# Create a table: Students
sqlite3.execute( "
create table students
lastname varchar(255),
firstname varchar(255),
cohort varchar(255),
phase int
# 5 Insert some data into your database
sqlite3.execute( "
insert into students values ('Lubaway', 'Topher', 'Fence Lizard', 14);
10.times do
sqlite3.execute( "
insert into students values ('#{Faker::Name.last_name}', '#{Faker::Name.first_name}', '#{}', rand(4));
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