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Last active November 2, 2022 09:45
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  • Save superwills/5415344 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save superwills/5415344 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Base64 encoding and RSA encryption sample
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <openssl/rsa.h>
#include <openssl/engine.h>
#include <openssl/pem.h>
// I'm not using BIO for base64 encoding/decoding. It is difficult to use.
// Using superwills' Nibble And A Half instead
#include "base64.h"
// The PADDING parameter means RSA will pad your data for you
// if it is not exactly the right size
RSA* loadPUBLICKeyFromString( const char* publicKeyStr )
// A BIO is an I/O abstraction (Byte I/O?)
// BIO_new_mem_buf: Create a read-only bio buf with data
// in string passed. -1 means string is null terminated,
// so BIO_new_mem_buf can find the dataLen itself.
// Since BIO_new_mem_buf will be READ ONLY, it's fine that publicKeyStr is const.
BIO* bio = BIO_new_mem_buf( (void*)publicKeyStr, -1 ) ; // -1: assume string is null terminated
BIO_set_flags( bio, BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL ) ; // NO NL
// Load the RSA key from the BIO
RSA* rsaPubKey = PEM_read_bio_RSA_PUBKEY( bio, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ;
if( !rsaPubKey )
printf( "ERROR: Could not load PUBLIC KEY! PEM_read_bio_RSA_PUBKEY FAILED: %s\n", ERR_error_string( ERR_get_error(), NULL ) ) ;
BIO_free( bio ) ;
return rsaPubKey ;
RSA* loadPRIVATEKeyFromString( const char* privateKeyStr )
BIO *bio = BIO_new_mem_buf( (void*)privateKeyStr, -1 );
//BIO_set_flags( bio, BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL ) ; // NO NL
RSA* rsaPrivKey = PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey( bio, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ;
if ( !rsaPrivKey )
printf("ERROR: Could not load PRIVATE KEY! PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey FAILED: %s\n", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL));
BIO_free( bio ) ;
return rsaPrivKey ;
unsigned char* rsaEncrypt( RSA *pubKey, const unsigned char* str, int dataSize, int *resultLen )
int rsaLen = RSA_size( pubKey ) ;
unsigned char* ed = (unsigned char*)malloc( rsaLen ) ;
// RSA_public_encrypt() returns the size of the encrypted data
// (i.e., RSA_size(rsa)). RSA_private_decrypt()
// returns the size of the recovered plaintext.
*resultLen = RSA_public_encrypt( dataSize, (const unsigned char*)str, ed, pubKey, PADDING ) ;
if( *resultLen == -1 )
printf("ERROR: RSA_public_encrypt: %s\n", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL));
return ed ;
unsigned char* rsaDecrypt( RSA *privKey, const unsigned char* encryptedData, int *resultLen )
int rsaLen = RSA_size( privKey ) ; // That's how many bytes the decrypted data would be
unsigned char *decryptedBin = (unsigned char*)malloc( rsaLen ) ;
*resultLen = RSA_private_decrypt( RSA_size(privKey), encryptedData, decryptedBin, privKey, PADDING ) ;
if( *resultLen == -1 )
printf( "ERROR: RSA_private_decrypt: %s\n", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL) ) ;
return decryptedBin ;
unsigned char* makeAlphaString( int dataSize )
unsigned char* s = (unsigned char*) malloc( dataSize ) ;
int i;
for( i = 0 ; i < dataSize ; i++ )
s[i] = 65 + i ;
s[i-1]=0;//NULL TERMINATOR ;)
return s ;
// You may need to encrypt several blocks of binary data (each has a maximum size
// limited by pubKey). You shoudn't try to encrypt more than
// RSA_LEN( pubKey ) bytes into some packet.
// returns base64( rsa encrypt( <<binary data>> ) )
// base64OfRsaEncrypted()
// base64StringOfRSAEncrypted
// rsaEncryptThenBase64
char* rsaEncryptThenBase64( RSA *pubKey, unsigned char* binaryData, int binaryDataLen, int *outLen )
int encryptedDataLen ;
// RSA encryption with public key
unsigned char* encrypted = rsaEncrypt( pubKey, binaryData, binaryDataLen, &encryptedDataLen ) ;
// To base 64
int asciiBase64EncLen ;
char* asciiBase64Enc = base64( encrypted, encryptedDataLen, &asciiBase64EncLen ) ;
// Destroy the encrypted data (we are using the base64 version of it)
free( encrypted ) ;
// Return the base64 version of the encrypted data
return asciiBase64Enc ;
// rsaDecryptOfUnbase64()
// rsaDecryptBase64String()
// unbase64ThenRSADecrypt()
// rsaDecryptThisBase64()
unsigned char* rsaDecryptThisBase64( RSA *privKey, char* base64String, int *outLen )
int encBinLen ;
unsigned char* encBin = unbase64( base64String, (int)strlen( base64String ), &encBinLen ) ;
// rsaDecrypt assumes length of encBin based on privKey
unsigned char *decryptedBin = rsaDecrypt( privKey, encBin, outLen ) ;
free( encBin ) ;
return decryptedBin ;
int main( int argc, const char* argv[] )
puts( "We are going to: rsa_decrypt( unbase64( base64( rsa_encrypt( <<binary data>> ) ) ) )" );
// public key
//1. The file must contain:
//on a separate line (i.e. it must be terminated with a newline).
//2. Each line of "gibberish" must be 64 characters wide.
//3. The file must end with:
// YOUR PUBLIC KEY MUST CONTAIN NEWLINES. If it doesn't (ie if you generated it with
// something like
// ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
// ) THEN YOU MUST INSERT NEWLINES EVERY 64 CHRS (just line it up with how I have it here
// or with how the ssh-keygen private key is formatted by default)
const char *b64_pKey = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
"-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n";
// private key
const char *b64priv_key = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
"-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n";
// String to encrypt, INCLUDING NULL TERMINATOR:
int dataSize=37 ; // 128 for NO PADDING, __ANY SIZE UNDER 128 B__ for RSA_PKCS1_PADDING
unsigned char *str = makeAlphaString( dataSize ) ;
printf( "\nThe original data is:\n%s\n\n", (char*)str ) ;
RSA *pubKey = loadPUBLICKeyFromString( b64_pKey ) ;
int asciiB64ELen ;
char* asciiB64E = rsaEncryptThenBase64( pubKey, str, dataSize, &asciiB64ELen ) ;
RSA_free( pubKey ) ; // free the public key when you are done all your encryption
printf( "Sending base64_encoded ( rsa_encrypted ( <<binary data>> ) ):\n%s\n", asciiB64E ) ;
puts( "<<---------------- SENDING DATA ACROSS INTERWEBS ---------------->>" ) ;
char* rxOverHTTP = asciiB64E ; // Simulate Internet connection by a pointer reference
printf( "\nRECEIVED some base64 string:\n%s\n", rxOverHTTP ) ;
puts( "\n * * * What could it be?" ) ;
// Now decrypt this very string with the private key
RSA *privKey = loadPRIVATEKeyFromString( b64priv_key ) ;
// Now we got the data at the server. Time to decrypt it.
int rBinLen ;
unsigned char* rBin = rsaDecryptThisBase64( privKey, rxOverHTTP, &rBinLen ) ;
printf("Decrypted %d bytes, the recovered data is:\n%.*s\n\n", rBinLen, rBinLen, rBin ) ; // rBin is not necessarily NULL
// terminated, so we only print rBinLen chrs
RSA_free(privKey) ;
bool allEq = true ;
for( int i = 0 ; i < dataSize ; i++ )
allEq &= (str[i] == rBin[i]) ;
if( allEq ) puts( "DATA TRANSFERRED INTACT!" ) ;
else puts( "ERROR, recovered binary does not match sent binary" ) ;
free( str ) ;
free( asciiB64E ) ; // rxOverHTTP
free( rBin ) ;
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I tried to run your code with a different base64 encoded key. I am using Qt for my application. The problem is that the program returns 'segmentation fault' if the key is changed. I kept care to maintain the format of the key array as explained in your code. Can you give any idea as to what the problem might be.
Also, The base64 key used in your program, if decoded, either in Qt or by using online converter, fails; and a null array is returned.
Thanks in advance.

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ghost commented Nov 7, 2015

I have following error.
ERROR: Could not load PRIVATE KEY! PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey FAILED: error: 0D0680A8:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_CHECK_TLEN:wrong tag

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everything works fine. thanks!

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Thanks for sharing the code! 😄

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