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Created May 9, 2012 14:35
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Okasaki's purely functional queues.
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
module Queue
( Queue
, isEmpty
, ($*), head, tail
, size
, fromList
) where
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Prelude hiding (head, tail)
import qualified Prelude as P
data Queue β α = Queue [α] [α] β β
instance Show α ⇒ Show (Queue β α) where
show (Queue xs ys _ _) = "fromList " ++ show (xs ++ reverse ys)
instance Integral β ⇒ Functor (Queue β) where
fmap f (Queue xs ys xl yl) = queue (map f xs) (map f ys) xl yl
instance Integral β ⇒ Monoid (Queue β α) where
mempty = Queue [] [] 0 0
mappend (Queue axs ays axl ayl) (Queue bxs bys bxl byl) = queue (axs ++ reverse ays) (bys ++ reverse bxs) (axl + ayl) (bxl + byl)
isEmpty ∷ Integral β ⇒ Queue β α → Bool
isEmpty (Queue [] [] 0 0) = True
isEmpty _ = False
snoc ∷ Integral β ⇒ α → Queue β α → Queue β α
snoc t (Queue xs ys xl yl) = queue xs (t:ys) xl (succ yl)
($*) ∷ Integral β ⇒ Queue β α → α → Queue β α
($*) = flip snoc
head ∷ Queue β α → α
head (Queue (x:_) _ _ _) = x
head _ = error "Queue.head: empty queue"
tail ∷ Integral β ⇒ Queue β α → Queue β α
tail (Queue [] [] _ _) = error "Queue.tail: empty queue"
tail (Queue xs ys xl yl) = queue (P.tail xs) ys (pred xl) yl
size ∷ Integral β ⇒ Queue β α → β
size (Queue _ _ a b) = fromIntegral $ a + b
fromList ∷ Integral β ⇒ [α] → Queue β α
fromList = foldl' ($*) mempty
queue ∷ Integral β ⇒ [α] → [α] → β → β → Queue β α
queue xs ys xl yl
| yl < xl = Queue xs ys xl yl
| otherwise = Queue (xs ++ reverse ys) [] (xl + yl) 0
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