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Created May 29, 2012 17:52
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Simple NFA-driven regexp engine.
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
module NFA
( single, (×), (⧺), star
) where
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Prelude hiding (concat)
import qualified Prelude
data NFA p = NFA { match ∷ (p → Maybe [p]) }
single ∷ Eq β ⇒ β → NFA [β]
single a = NFA $ go
where go [] = Nothing
go (x:xs)
| a == x = Just [xs]
| otherwise = Nothing
(×) ∷ NFA β → NFA β → NFA β
(×) = concat
concat ∷ NFA β → NFA β → NFA β
concat μ ν = NFA $ \γ → do
r ← match μ γ
let ys = Prelude.concat $ mapMaybe (match ν) r
if null ys
then Nothing
else Just $ ys
(⧺) ∷ NFA β → NFA β → NFA β
(⧺) = union
union ∷ NFA β → NFA β → NFA β
union μ ν = NFA $ \γ →
let r = match μ γ
s = match ν γ
t = fromMaybe [] r ++ fromMaybe [] s
in if null t then Nothing else Just t
star ∷ NFA β → NFA β
star μ = NFA $ Just . go
where go xs = case match μ xs of
Just ys → xs : concatMap go ys
Nothing → [xs]
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