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Created August 23, 2013 16:07
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -W #-}
module Format where
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..), liftA2)
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.Semigroup
infixr 4 :+:
-- | AST for formats:
-- (%one|%aanother%)hi%onemore%
data FormatTree m a =
| Pure a
| FormatTree m a :+: FormatTree m a
| Meta (Int -> m a)
| Alternatives [FormatTree m a]
data Nat = Z | S Nat
-- |
-- >>> let table xs n | length xs > n = Just "world" | otherwise = Nothing
-- >>> formatString 7 (parse table "")
-- Nothing
-- >>> formatString 7 (parse table "hello")
-- Just "hello"
-- >>> formatString 7 (parse table "hello(world|!!!)")
-- Just "helloworld"
-- >>> formatString 4 (parse table "hello(%foobar%|!!!)")
-- Just "helloworld"
-- >>> formatString 7 (parse table "hello(%foobar%|!!!)")
-- Just "hello!!!"
parse :: (String -> Int -> Maybe String) -> String -> FormatTree Maybe String
parse table = go "" where
go acc ('\\':'(':cs) = go ('(':acc) cs
go acc ('\\':'%':cs) = go ('%':acc) cs
go acc ('(':cs) =
let (as, rest) = alternatives cs
in accformat acc :+: Alternatives (map (go "") as) :+: go "" rest
go acc ('%':cs) =
let (key, rest) = meta cs
in accformat acc :+: Meta (table key) :+: go "" rest
go acc (c:cs) = go (c:acc) cs
go acc [] = accformat acc
accformat [] = Empty
accformat xs = Pure (reverse xs)
-- |
-- >>> alternatives ""
-- *** Exception: Woot!
-- >>> alternatives "hello|world|!!!)"
-- (["hello","world","!!!"],"")
-- >>> alternatives "hello|world|!!!)yay!"
-- (["hello","world","!!!"],"yay!")
-- >>> alternatives "(hello|bye)|world|!!!)yay!"
-- (["(hello|bye)","world","!!!"],"yay!")
-- >>> alternatives "(hell\\(o|bye)|world|!!!)yay!"
-- (["(hell\\(o|bye)","world","!!!"],"yay!")
-- >>> alternatives "(hell\\)o|bye)|world|!!!)yay!"
-- (["(hell\\)o|bye)","world","!!!"],"yay!")
alternatives :: String -> ([String], String)
alternatives = go Z [] "" where
go n strings acc ('\\':'(':xs) = go n strings ('(':'\\':acc) xs
go n strings acc ('\\':')':xs) = go n strings (')':'\\':acc) xs
go n strings acc ('\\':'|':xs) = go n strings ('|':'\\':acc) xs
go n strings acc ('(':xs) = go (S n) strings ('(':acc) xs
go Z strings acc (')':xs) = (reverse (reverse acc : strings), xs)
go (S n) strings acc (')':xs) = go n strings (')':acc) xs
go Z strings acc ('|':xs) = go Z (reverse acc : strings) [] xs
go n strings acc (x:xs) = go n strings (x:acc) xs
go _ _ _ [] = error "Woot!"
-- |
-- >>> meta ""
-- *** Exception: Woot!
-- >>> meta "hello%"
-- ("hello","")
-- >>> meta "hello%!!!"
-- ("hello","!!!")
-- >>> meta "hell\\%o%!!!"
-- ("hell%o","!!!")
meta :: String -> (String, String)
meta = go "" where
go acc ('\\':'%':xs) = go ('%':acc) xs
go acc ('%':xs) = (reverse acc, xs)
go acc (x:xs) = go (x:acc) xs
go _ [] = error "Woot!"
-- |
-- >>> let meta n | n > 4 = Just "world" | otherwise = Nothing
-- >>> formatString 7 Empty
-- Nothing
-- >>> formatString 7 (Pure "hello")
-- Just "hello"
-- >>> formatString 7 (Pure "hello" :+: Pure "world")
-- Just "helloworld"
-- >>> formatString 7 (Pure "hello" :+: Empty)
-- Just "hello"
-- >>> formatString 7 (Pure "hello" :+: Alternatives [Pure "world", Pure "!!!"])
-- Just "helloworld"
-- >>> formatString 7 (Pure "hello" :+: Alternatives [Meta meta, Pure "!!!"])
-- Just "helloworld"
-- >>> formatString 4 (Pure "hello" :+: Alternatives [Meta meta, Pure "!!!"])
-- Just "hello!!!"
formatString :: Int -> FormatTree Maybe String -> Maybe String
formatString = format
format :: (Alternative m, Semigroup a) => Int -> FormatTree m a -> m a
format n = go where
go Empty = empty
go (Pure a) = pure a
go (x :+: y) = let x' = go x; y' = go y in liftA2 (<>) x' y' <|> x' <|> y'
go (Alternatives xs) = asum $ fmap go xs
go (Meta f) = f n
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