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Last active December 12, 2017 13:13
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Generating synthetic graph with communities
# To generate synthetic graphs with communitites and finding these communitites uing Girvan-Newman algorithm
installation steps:
1) pip install networkx
2) pip install python-louvain
3) pip install community
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import community
# random_partition_graph(sizes, p_in, p_out, seed=None, directed=False)
# sizes= sizes (list of ints) – Sizes of groups | p_in (float) – probability of edges with in groups | p_out (float) – probability of edges between groups
G = nx.random_partition_graph([10,10,10],0.9,0.1)
# best_partition algorithm finds best split using Louvain heuristic
# Compute the partition of the graph nodes which maximises the modularity (or try..) using the Louvain heuristices
partition = community.best_partition(G)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G,pos=pos,, node_color=list(partition.values()))
plt.title("random partition graph")
for networkx version 2.0
community detection using girvan-newman algorithm(uses centrlity measure to detect community):
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