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Created November 6, 2018 19:52
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Query NREL weather data
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sys, os
# Our SLAC!
lat, lon, year = 37.420191, -122.204551, 2015
api_key = <API KEY>
# Set the attributes to extract (e.g., dhi, ghi, etc.), separated by commas.
attributes = 'surface_air_temperature_nwp,solar_zenith_angle,ghi,dhi,dni,wind_speed_10m_nwp,wind_direction_10m_nwp,surface_relative_humidity_nwp'
# Choose year of data
year = '2015'
# Set leap year to true or false. True will return leap day data if present, false will not.
leap_year = 'false'
# Set time interval in minutes, i.e., '30' is half hour intervals. Valid intervals are 30 & 60.
interval = '30'
# Specify Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), 'true' will use UTC, 'false' will use the local time zone of the data.
# NOTE: In order to use the NSRDB data in SAM, you must specify UTC as 'false'. SAM requires the data to be in the
# local time zone.
utc = 'false'
# Your full name, use '+' instead of spaces.
your_name = <NAME>
# Your reason for using the NSRDB.
reason_for_use = 'beta+testing'
# Your affiliation
your_affiliation = <AFFILIATION>
# Your email address
your_email = <EMAIL>
# Please join our mailing list so we can keep you up-to-date on new developments.
mailing_list = 'false'
# Declare url string
url = '{lon}%20{lat})&names={year}&leap_day={leap}&interval={interval}&utc={utc}&full_name={name}&email={email}&affiliation={affiliation}&mailing_list={mailing_list}&reason={reason}&api_key={api}&attributes={attr}'.format(year=year, lat=lat, lon=lon, leap=leap_year, interval=interval, utc=utc, name=your_name, email=your_email, mailing_list=mailing_list, affiliation=your_affiliation, reason=reason_for_use, api=api_key, attr=attributes)
# Return just the first 2 lines to get metadata:
info = pd.read_csv(url, nrows=1)
# See metadata for specified properties, e.g., timezone and elevation
timezone, elevation = info['Local Time Zone'], info['Elevation']
df = pd.read_csv('{lon}%20{lat})&names={year}&leap_day={leap}&interval={interval}&utc={utc}&full_name={name}&email={email}&affiliation={affiliation}&mailing_list={mailing_list}&reason={reason}&api_key={api}&attributes={attr}'.format(year=year, lat=lat, lon=lon, leap=leap_year, interval=interval, utc=utc, name=your_name, email=your_email, mailing_list=mailing_list, affiliation=your_affiliation, reason=reason_for_use, api=api_key, attr=attributes), skiprows=2)
df = df.set_index(pd.date_range('1/1/{yr}'.format(yr=year), freq=interval+'Min', periods=525600/int(interval)))
print df
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