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Created April 15, 2015 10:39
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arvorezinha v1 Alpha Assembly (May/2010)
true64> gcc arvore.S -o arvorezinha
true64> ./arvorezinha
true64> cat arvore.S
LF: .ascii "\n\0"
GAY: .ascii "*"
.align 4
.set noreorder
.arch ev4
.globl main
.ent main
ldgp $gp,0($27) # load ao global pointer
stq $26,0($sp) # inicializar o stack pointer (só naquela)
lda $10,5 # RFC_MAX para o loop principal
lda $9,0 # counter do loop1
cmpeq $9,$10,$7 # se $9 igual $10, branchar para o final
bne $7,final
lda $11,0 # counter para o loop2
cmple $11,$9,$7 # se $11 menor ou igual q $9, estrelar!
bne $7,estrela
lda $16,LF # new line pl0x
jsr $26,printf
ldgp $gp,0($26)
lda $9,1($9) # uma maneira gay de incrementar
br loop1
lda $16,GAY # printar estrelinha...
jsr $26,printf # é sempre preciso fazer reset ao $gp
ldgp $gp,0($26) # depois de usar uma função
addq $11,1,$11 # outra maneira gay de incrementar :p
br loop2
mov $31,$0 # return = 0
ldq $26,0($sp) # limpar a stacka, se bem q nao foi usado mas pronto..
ret $31,($26),1 # returnarrrrrrrrr
.end main
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