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create index for annovar database
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
our $VERSION = '$Revision: ba2461d35c1c0732560fce2c19319479f5232d60 $';
our $LAST_CHANGED_DATE = '$LastChangedDate: 2012-10-23 23:32:05 -0700 (Tue, 23 Oct 2012) $';
our ($verbose, $help, $man);
our ($dbfile);
our ($filetype, $bin, $outfile, $skipsort, $commentfile);
GetOptions('verbose|v'=>\$verbose, 'help|h'=>\$help, 'man|m'=>\$man, 'filetype=s'=>\$filetype, 'bin=i'=>\$bin, 'outfile=s'=>\$outfile,
'skipsort'=>\$skipsort, 'commentfile=s'=>\$commentfile) or pod2usage ();
$help and pod2usage (-verbose=>1, -exitval=>1, -output=>\*STDOUT);
$man and pod2usage (-verbose=>2, -exitval=>1, -output=>\*STDOUT);
@ARGV or pod2usage (-verbose=>0, -exitval=>1, -output=>\*STDOUT);
@ARGV == 1 or pod2usage ("Syntax error");
($dbfile) = @ARGV;
$filetype ||= 'A';
$filetype =~ m/^[ABC]$/ or pod2usage ("Error in argument: the -filetype argument can be only 'A' or 'B' or 'C'");
$bin ||= 1000;
$outfile ||= "$dbfile.newdb";
print STDERR "NOTICE: the bin size is set as $bin (use -bin to change this)\n";
print STDERR "NOTICE: Two output files will be generated for use by ANNOVAR: $outfile and $outfile.idx (use -outfile to override)\n";
if (not $skipsort) {
#step 1: generate the new output file
print STDERR "NOTICE: Running the first step of indexing (generating $outfile) ...\n";
if ($dbfile eq $outfile) {
die "Error: your -outfile is identical to input file. Use -skipsort if you are sure that inputfile is sorted\n";
my $command;
#$command = "echo -n > $outfile"; #create a new empty file
#system ($command);
if (defined $commentfile) {
$command = qq{grep -P '^#' $commentfile > $outfile}; #keep the comment lines in the output file
system ($command);
print STDERR "NOTICE: Adding comments from commentfile by <$command>\n";
} else {
$command = qq{grep -P '^#' $dbfile > $outfile}; #keep the comment lines in the output file
system ($command);
for my $i (1 .. 22, 'X', 'Y', 'M', 'MT') {
if ($filetype eq 'A') {
$command = qq#grep -P '^(chr)?$i\\t\\d+' $dbfile | sort -n -k 2 >> $outfile#;
} elsif ($filetype eq 'B') {
$command = qq#grep -P '^\\w+\\t(chr)?$i\\t\\d+' $dbfile | sort -n -k 3 >> $outfile#;
} elsif ($filetype eq 'C') {
$command = qq#grep -P '^\\w+\\t\\w+\\t(chr)?$i\\t\\w+\\t\\d+' $dbfile | sort -n -k 5 >> $outfile#;
$verbose and print STDERR "NOTICE: Running command: $command\n";
system ($command);
} else {
my $command;
#step 1: generate the new output file
if ($dbfile ne $outfile) {
if ($commentfile) {
print STDERR "NOTICE: Running the first step of indexing (combining $commentfile and $dbfile to generate $outfile) ...\n";
$command = qq{grep -P '^#' $commentfile > $outfile}; #keep the comment lines in the output file
print STDERR "NOTICE: Running <$command>\n";
system ($command);
$command = qq{grep -v -P '^#' $dbfile >> $outfile}; #keep the comment lines in the output file
print STDERR "NOTICE: Running <$command>\n";
system ($command);
} else {
print STDERR "NOTICE: Running the first step of indexing (copying $dbfile to $outfile) ...\n";
system ("cp $dbfile $outfile") and die "Error: cannot run system command 'cp $dbfile $outfile'\n";
} else {
if (defined $commentfile) {
pod2usage ("Error in argument: -outfile must be different from input file when --commentfile is specified");
#step 2: generate the index file
print STDERR "NOTICE: Running the second step of indexing (generating $outfile.idx) ...\n";
$dbfile = $outfile; #now the dbfile is the newdb generated in step 1
my $filesize = -s $dbfile;
my %region = ();
my ($offset, $lastregion, $firstoffset, $firstline) = (0, undef, 0, undef);
open (DB, $dbfile) or die "Error: cannot read from dbfile $dbfile: $!\n";
open (IDX, ">$dbfile.idx") or die "Error: cannot write to index file $dbfile.idx: $!\n";
print IDX "#BIN\t$bin\t$filesize\n";
while (<DB>) {
my ($chr, $start);
my $length = length ($_);
if (m/^#/) { #comment line is skipped
$offset += $length;
if ($filetype eq 'A') {
($chr, $start) = split (/\t/, $_);
} elsif ($filetype eq 'B') {
(undef, $chr, $start) = split (/\t/, $_);
$start++; #UCSC use zero-start
} elsif ($filetype eq 'C') {
(undef, undef, $chr, undef, $start) = split (/\t/, $_);
defined $start or die "Error: unable to find start site from input line <$_>\n";
$start =~ m/^\d+$/ or die "Error: the start site ($start) is not a positive integer in input line <$_>\n";
my $curbin = $start - ( $start % $bin );
my $region = "$chr\t$curbin";
$region{ $region }{ 'min' } = $offset unless defined( $region{ $region }{ 'min' } );
$region{ $region }{ 'max' } = $offset + $length;
$offset =~ m/000$/ and print STDERR sprintf("NOTICE: Indexing $dbfile: %d%%\r", int(100*$offset/$filesize));
$offset += $length;
for my $k ( sort {$a cmp $b} keys %region ) {
print IDX join("\t", $k, $region{ $k }{ 'min' }, $region{ $k }{ 'max' }), "\n";
print STDERR "\nDone!\n";
=head1 SYNOPSIS [arguments] <db-file>
Optional arguments:
-h, --help print help message
-m, --man print complete documentation
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--filetype <A|B|C> file type (default: A)
--bin <int> BIN size (default: 1000)
--outfile <file> prefix of output file name
--skipsort skip the pre-sorting procedure
--commentfile <file> provie comment lines (starting with #) from a comment file
Function: generate index for ANNOVAR database files. type A start with chr, type B starts with bin
Example: tempdb/hg19_cg69.txt -outfile humandb/hg19_cg69.txt tempdb/hg19_snp131.txt -outfile humandb/hg19_snp131.txt -filetype B
Version: $LastChangedDate: 2012-10-23 23:32:05 -0700 (Tue, 23 Oct 2012) $
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<--help>
print a brief usage message and detailed explanation of options.
=item B<--man>
print the complete manual of the program.
=item B<--verbose>
use verbose output.
This program will generate a new database file as well as an index file, given a
user-specified database.
The file type A, B and C are explained below:
=over 8
A: first two tab-delimited fields are chr and start
B: first three tab-delimited fields are anything, chr and start
C: first five tab-delimited fields are anything, anything, chr, anything and start
SYNOPSIS [arguments] <db-file>
Optional arguments:
-h, --help print help message
-m, --man print complete documentation
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--filetype <A|B|C> file type (default: A)
--bin <int> BIN size (default: 1000)
--outfile <file> prefix of output file name
--skipsort skip the pre-sorting procedure
--commentfile <file> provie comment lines (starting with #) from a comment file
Function: generate index for ANNOVAR database files. type A start with chr, type B starts with bin
Example: tempdb/hg19_cg69.txt -outfile humandb/hg19_cg69.txt tempdb/hg19_snp131.txt -outfile humandb/hg19_snp131.txt -filetype B
Version: $LastChangedDate: 2012-10-23 23:32:05 -0700 (Tue, 23 Oct 2012) $
--help print a brief usage message and detailed explanation of options.
--man print the complete manual of the program.
use verbose output.
This program will generate a new database file as well as an index file,
given a user-specified database.
The file type A, B and C are explained below:
A: first two tab-delimited fields are chr and start
B: first three tab-delimited fields are anything, chr and start
C: first five tab-delimited fields are anything, anything, chr,
anything and start
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