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The world is constantly being attracted towards containers and its orchestration especially in large and dynamic environments which has also led to the rising of various tools and platforms in trend.

As we all know that Docker is a major player in the world of containers and therefore in this blog, we will be exploring what it offers in terms of orchestration.

Yes, we will be looking at Docker-Swarm and some of its key components !!!

Also here I am assuming that the reader is prior aware of the basic docker concepts like container, image, etc.

surajsaini95 /
Last active August 5, 2020 09:25
A blog on unsupervised ML algorithm


K-means is one of the most popular unsupervised learning techniques due to its simplicity and efficiency. It is an iterative and unsupervised clustering algorithm used in machine learning.

Quick Introduction

A cluster is a group of data points that are grouped together due to similarities in their features.The k-means clustering algorithm assigns data points to categories, or clusters, by finding the mean distance between data points. It then iterates through this technique in order to perform more accurate classifications over time.

enter image description here

Init Containers in Kubernetes

This is the era of containerization and orchestration where majority of the application are following the trend of running on a container which are further deployed in a Kubernetes cluster. It’s sometimes necessary to prepare the main container which will be running our application or the main logic.

There can also be situations where we need to execute a particular utilities or setup scripts that are not present in our main image ( as it would make it heavy and we only need it once in the beginning ).

What are Init Containers ?

Kubernetes provides special type of containers that runs to completion before the main app's container and Kubernetes will repeatedly restarts the Pod until the init container succeeds. Some of its properties are :