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Created March 7, 2016 16:24
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  • Save surajssd/216b52e04a6e98543a9e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save surajssd/216b52e04a6e98543a9e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[hummer@dhcp35-121 OS] $ vagrant up
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'libvirt' provider...
==> default: Creating image (snapshot of base box volume).
==> default: Creating domain with the following settings...
==> default: -- Name: OS_default
==> default: -- Domain type: kvm
==> default: -- Cpus: 4
==> default: -- Memory: 4096M
==> default: -- Management MAC:
==> default: -- Loader:
==> default: -- Base box: projectatomic/adb
==> default: -- Storage pool: default
==> default: -- Image: /var/lib/libvirt/images/OS_default.img (41G)
==> default: -- Volume Cache: default
==> default: -- Kernel:
==> default: -- Initrd:
==> default: -- Graphics Type: vnc
==> default: -- Graphics Port: 5900
==> default: -- Graphics IP:
==> default: -- Graphics Password: Not defined
==> default: -- Video Type: cirrus
==> default: -- Video VRAM: 9216
==> default: -- Keymap: en-us
==> default: -- INPUT: type=mouse, bus=ps2
==> default: -- Command line :
==> default: Creating shared folders metadata...
==> default: Starting domain.
==> default: Digest: sha256:d204846eee027e023c8d81507d15e56fd0196a28c4f7e9641cde501c2fa51469
==> default: Status: Downloaded newer image for
==> default: Trying to pull repository ...
==> default: v1.1.1: Pulling from openshift/origin-sti-builder
==> default: 9be72521c351: Pulling fs layer
==> default: e390abddd027: Pulling fs layer
==> default: 47d44cb6f252: Already exists
==> default: 838c1c5c4f83: Already exists
==> default: 5764f0a31317: Already exists
==> default: 60e65a8e4030: Already exists
==> default: befc3e448942: Already exists
==> default: 2d5ac43b36d9: Already exists
==> default: 359237930c6a: Already exists
==> default: bb1a73504ce1: Already exists
==> default: 1a58e5b7094e: Already exists
==> default: 156c203ea96d: Already exists
==> default: 36761a9b44e9: Already exists
==> default: e601643d77c2: Already exists
==> default: 247f5a5a0b09: Already exists
==> default: f09fd95e9c8e: Already exists
==> default: 046b182a952b: Already exists
==> default: 9be72521c351: Verifying Checksum
==> default: 9be72521c351: Download complete
==> default: e390abddd027: Verifying Checksum
==> default: e390abddd027: Download complete
==> default: 9be72521c351: Pull complete
==> default: e390abddd027: Pull complete
==> default: Digest: sha256:c806632e5e4962a27fbf5e423aeb0d57bbada34824cce53ca5034fa2a6b2feb8
==> default: Status: Downloaded newer image for
==> default: Running provisioner: shell...
default: Running: inline script
==> default: Job for openshift.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status openshift.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant
assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command
should be in the log above. Please read the output to determine what
went wrong.
[hummer@dhcp35-121 OS] $ vagrant ssh
vagrant@centos7-adb ~]$ sudo systemctl status openshift -l
● openshift.service - Docker Application Container for OpenShift
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/openshift.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2016-03-07 11:06:32 EST; 9min ago
Process: 13374 ExecStop=/usr/bin/sh -c /opt/adb/openshift/openshift_stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 13610 ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/sh /opt/adb/openshift/openshift_provision (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 13497 ExecStartPost=/bin/sleep 30 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 13408 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/sh /opt/adb/openshift/docker_config $OPTIONS (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 13402 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/docker tag ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/${IMAGE} openshift (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Process: 13396 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/docker rm openshift (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 13391 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/docker stop openshift (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 13496 (sh)
Memory: 1.9M
CGroup: /system.slice/openshift.service
├─13496 /usr/bin/sh /opt/adb/openshift/openshift -host adb.vm -ip
└─13504 docker run --name openshift --privileged --net=host --pid=host -v /:/rootfs:ro -v /var/run:/var/run:rw -v /sys:/sys:ro -v /var/lib/docker:/var/lib/docker:rw -v /var/lib/origin/openshift.local.volumes:/var/lib/origin/openshift.local.volumes:z -v /var/lib/origin/openshift.local.config:/var/lib/origin/openshift.local.config:z -v /var/lib/origin/openshift.local.etcd:/var/lib/origin/openshift.local.etcd:z openshift start --master-config=/var/lib/origin/openshift.local.config/master/master-config.yaml --node-config=/var/lib/origin/openshift.local.config/node-centos7-adb/node-config.yaml
Mar 07 11:06:22 centos7-adb sh[13610]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 11:06:24 centos7-adb sh[13610]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 11:06:25 centos7-adb sh[13610]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 11:06:27 centos7-adb sh[13610]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 11:06:28 centos7-adb sh[13610]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 11:06:30 centos7-adb sh[13610]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 11:06:32 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Started Docker Application Container for OpenShift.
Mar 07 11:06:35 centos7-adb sh[13496]: W0307 16:06:35.384754 13541 kubelet.go:1750] Orphaned volume "79c0b88f-e47e-11e5-b0a2-5254005c84c0/deployer-token-lkzkg" found, tearing down volume
Mar 07 11:06:35 centos7-adb sh[13496]: E0307 16:06:35.425759 13541 manager.go:309] Failed to detect containers: readdirent: no such file or directory
Mar 07 11:07:25 centos7-adb sh[13496]: W0307 16:07:25.382854 13541 kubelet.go:1750] Orphaned volume "7a830759-e47e-11e5-b0a2-5254005c84c0/deployer-token-lkzkg" found, tearing down volume
[vagrant@centos7-adb ~]$
[vagrant@centos7-adb ~]$ sudo journalctl -u openshift > error
[vagrant@centos7-adb ~]$ ll
total 32
-rw-rw-r--. 1 vagrant vagrant 29390 Mar 7 11:12 error
[vagrant@centos7-adb ~]$ cat error
-- Logs begin at Mon 2016-03-07 09:42:25 EST, end at Mon 2016-03-07 09:50:01 EST. --
Mar 07 09:47:37 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:47:37 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-4, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:47:37 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:37 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:37 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:47:37 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-4, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:47:37 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:38 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:38 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:47:38 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-4, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:47:38 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:38 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:38 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:47:38 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-4, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:47:39 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:39 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:39 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:47:39 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-4, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:47:39 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:39 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:39 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:47:39 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-4, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:47:40 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:41 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:41 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:47:41 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-4, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:47:41 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:42 centos7-adb docker[5082]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:42.200361101-05:00" level=info msg="POST /v1.20/images/create?fromImage=openshift%2Forigin-sti-builder%3Av1.1.1"
Mar 07 09:47:50 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:50 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:47:50 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-4, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:47:50 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:50 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:50 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:47:50 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-4, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb sudo[12920]: vagrant : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/home/vagrant ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/bash -l
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb sudo[12964]: vagrant : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/home/vagrant ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/bash -l
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb sudo[12982]: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/home/vagrant ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/systemctl start openshift
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Starting Docker Application Container for OpenShift...
-- Subject: Unit openshift.service has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit openshift.service has begun starting up.
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb docker[5082]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:51.466057858-05:00" level=info msg="POST /v1.20/containers/openshift/stop?t=10"
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb docker[5082]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:51.466299769-05:00" level=error msg="Handler for POST /containers/{name:.*}/stop returned error: no such id: openshift"
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb docker[5082]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:51.466317889-05:00" level=error msg="HTTP Error" err="no such id: openshift" statusCode=404
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb docker[12984]: Error response from daemon: no such id: openshift
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb docker[12984]: Error: failed to stop containers: [openshift]
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb docker[5082]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:51.481883069-05:00" level=info msg="DELETE /v1.20/containers/openshift"
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb docker[5082]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:51.482032098-05:00" level=error msg="Handler for DELETE /containers/{name:.*} returned error: no such id: openshift"
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb docker[5082]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:51.482049498-05:00" level=error msg="HTTP Error" err="no such id: openshift" statusCode=404
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb docker[12989]: Error response from daemon: no such id: openshift
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb docker[12989]: Error: failed to remove containers: [openshift]
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb docker[5082]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:51.495397534-05:00" level=info msg="POST /v1.20/images/"
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Stopping Docker Application Container Engine...
-- Subject: Unit docker.service has begun shutting down
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker.service has begun shutting down.
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb docker[5082]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:51.516530569-05:00" level=info msg="Processing signal 'terminated'"
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Starting Docker Storage Setup...
-- Subject: Unit docker-storage-setup.service has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-storage-setup.service has begun starting up.
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb docker-storage-setup[13011]: Logical volume "docker-pool" changed.
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Started Docker Storage Setup.
-- Subject: Unit docker-storage-setup.service has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-storage-setup.service has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is done.
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Starting Docker Application Container Engine...
-- Subject: Unit docker.service has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker.service has begun starting up.
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:51.874286661-05:00" level=info msg="Listening for HTTP on tcp ("
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:51.874549980-05:00" level=info msg="Listening for HTTP on unix (/var/run/docker.sock)"
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:51.898893869-05:00" level=info msg="Option DefaultDriver: bridge"
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:51.898916506-05:00" level=info msg="Option DefaultNetwork: bridge"
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:51.902729278-05:00" level=warning msg="Running modprobe bridge nf_nat br_netfilter failed with message: modprobe: WARNING: Module br_netfilter not found.\n, error: exit status 1"
Mar 07 09:47:51 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:51.905788480-05:00" level=info msg="Firewalld running: false"
Mar 07 09:47:52 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Scope libcontainer-13049-systemd-test-default-dependencies.scope has no PIDs. Refusing.
Mar 07 09:47:52 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:52.011844378-05:00" level=info msg="Loading containers: start."
Mar 07 09:47:52 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:52.012331162-05:00" level=info msg="Loading containers: done."
Mar 07 09:47:52 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:52.012349935-05:00" level=info msg="Daemon has completed initialization"
Mar 07 09:47:52 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:52.012365489-05:00" level=info msg="Docker daemon" commit="a01dc02/1.8.2" execdriver=native-0.2 graphdriver=devicemapper version=1.8.2-el7.centos
Mar 07 09:47:52 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Started Docker Application Container Engine.
-- Subject: Unit docker.service has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker.service has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is done.
Mar 07 09:47:52 centos7-adb sh[13086]: [INFO] Copying the OpenShift 'oc' binary to host /usr/bin/oc
Mar 07 09:47:52 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:52.041796224-05:00" level=info msg="POST /v1.20/containers/create"
Mar 07 09:47:52 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:52 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:47:52 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-4, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:47:52 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:52 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:52 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:47:52 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-4, type xfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:47:52 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:53.252000572-05:00" level=info msg="POST /v1.20/containers/934c391bd59a961a317d3ec9e6b537a6d32c7e555a754607200c579051a880fd/attach?stderr=1&stdout=1&stream=1"
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:47:53.252610762-05:00" level=info msg="POST /v1.20/containers/934c391bd59a961a317d3ec9e6b537a6d32c7e555a754607200c579051a880fd/start"
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-4, type xfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb kernel: device veth78dba34 entered promiscuous mode
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): veth78dba34: link is not ready
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(veth78dba34) entered forwarding state
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(veth78dba34) entered forwarding state
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(veth78dba34) entered disabled state
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (vetha66010a): failed to find device 5 'vetha66010a' with udev
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (vetha66010a): new Veth device (carrier: OFF, driver: 'veth', ifindex: 5)
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (veth78dba34): failed to find device 6 'veth78dba34' with udev
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (veth78dba34): new Veth device (carrier: OFF, driver: 'veth', ifindex: 6)
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (docker0): bridge port veth78dba34 was attached
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (veth78dba34): enslaved to docker0
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (vetha66010a): failed to disable userspace IPv6LL address handling
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): veth78dba34: link becomes ready
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(veth78dba34) entered forwarding state
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(veth78dba34) entered forwarding state
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): docker0: link becomes ready
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (veth78dba34): link connected
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (docker0): link connected
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev mqueue, type mqueue), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev proc, type proc), uses genfs_contexts
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Started docker container 934c391bd59a961a317d3ec9e6b537a6d32c7e555a754607200c579051a880fd.
-- Subject: Unit docker-934c391bd59a961a317d3ec9e6b537a6d32c7e555a754607200c579051a880fd.scope has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-934c391bd59a961a317d3ec9e6b537a6d32c7e555a754607200c579051a880fd.scope has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is done.
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Starting docker container 934c391bd59a961a317d3ec9e6b537a6d32c7e555a754607200c579051a880fd.
-- Subject: Unit docker-934c391bd59a961a317d3ec9e6b537a6d32c7e555a754607200c579051a880fd.scope has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-934c391bd59a961a317d3ec9e6b537a6d32c7e555a754607200c579051a880fd.scope has begun starting up.
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev devpts, type devpts), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev sysfs, type sysfs), uses genfs_contexts
Mar 07 09:47:53 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:48:00 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Stopped docker container 934c391bd59a961a317d3ec9e6b537a6d32c7e555a754607200c579051a880fd.
-- Subject: Unit docker-934c391bd59a961a317d3ec9e6b537a6d32c7e555a754607200c579051a880fd.scope has finished shutting down
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-934c391bd59a961a317d3ec9e6b537a6d32c7e555a754607200c579051a880fd.scope has finished shutting down.
Mar 07 09:48:00 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Stopping docker container 934c391bd59a961a317d3ec9e6b537a6d32c7e555a754607200c579051a880fd.
-- Subject: Unit docker-934c391bd59a961a317d3ec9e6b537a6d32c7e555a754607200c579051a880fd.scope has begun shutting down
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-934c391bd59a961a317d3ec9e6b537a6d32c7e555a754607200c579051a880fd.scope has begun shutting down.
Mar 07 09:48:00 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:00.960234030-05:00" level=info msg="POST /v1.20/containers/934c391bd59a961a317d3ec9e6b537a6d32c7e555a754607200c579051a880fd/wait"
Mar 07 09:48:00 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(veth78dba34) entered disabled state
Mar 07 09:48:00 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (vetha66010a): failed to find device 5 'vetha66010a' with udev
Mar 07 09:48:00 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (vetha66010a): new Veth device (carrier: OFF, driver: 'veth', ifindex: 5)
Mar 07 09:48:00 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (veth78dba34): link disconnected
Mar 07 09:48:00 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (docker0): link disconnected (deferring action for 4 seconds)
Mar 07 09:48:01 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(veth78dba34) entered disabled state
Mar 07 09:48:01 centos7-adb kernel: device veth78dba34 left promiscuous mode
Mar 07 09:48:01 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(veth78dba34) entered disabled state
Mar 07 09:48:01 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (vetha66010a): failed to disable userspace IPv6LL address handling
Mar 07 09:48:01 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (docker0): bridge port veth78dba34 was detached
Mar 07 09:48:01 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (veth78dba34): released from master docker0
Mar 07 09:48:01 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (veth78dba34): failed to disable userspace IPv6LL address handling
Mar 07 09:48:01 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:48:01 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:01.406334216-05:00" level=info msg="GET /v1.20/containers/934c391bd59a961a317d3ec9e6b537a6d32c7e555a754607200c579051a880fd/json"
Mar 07 09:48:01 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:01.407097838-05:00" level=info msg="DELETE /v1.20/containers/934c391bd59a961a317d3ec9e6b537a6d32c7e555a754607200c579051a880fd?v=1"
Mar 07 09:48:01 centos7-adb sh[13086]: [INFO] Copying the OpenShift 'oadm' binary to host /usr/bin/oadm
Mar 07 09:48:01 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:01.793720273-05:00" level=info msg="POST /v1.20/containers/create"
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-4, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-4, type xfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:02.744321188-05:00" level=info msg="POST /v1.20/containers/3d0be77826bdc45cebd64a20ffcf2730e9995ce3a3542c721808004752844bdd/attach?stderr=1&stdout=1&stream=1"
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:02.744943802-05:00" level=info msg="POST /v1.20/containers/3d0be77826bdc45cebd64a20ffcf2730e9995ce3a3542c721808004752844bdd/start"
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-4, type xfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: device veth0cce9ab entered promiscuous mode
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): veth0cce9ab: link is not ready
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(veth0cce9ab) entered forwarding state
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(veth0cce9ab) entered forwarding state
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(veth0cce9ab) entered disabled state
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (veth761ba95): failed to find device 7 'veth761ba95' with udev
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (veth761ba95): new Veth device (carrier: OFF, driver: 'veth', ifindex: 7)
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (veth0cce9ab): failed to find device 8 'veth0cce9ab' with udev
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (veth0cce9ab): new Veth device (carrier: OFF, driver: 'veth', ifindex: 8)
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (docker0): bridge port veth0cce9ab was attached
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (veth0cce9ab): enslaved to docker0
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (veth761ba95): failed to disable userspace IPv6LL address handling
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (veth0cce9ab): link connected
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (docker0): link connected
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): veth0cce9ab: link becomes ready
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(veth0cce9ab) entered forwarding state
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(veth0cce9ab) entered forwarding state
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev mqueue, type mqueue), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev proc, type proc), uses genfs_contexts
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Started docker container 3d0be77826bdc45cebd64a20ffcf2730e9995ce3a3542c721808004752844bdd.
-- Subject: Unit docker-3d0be77826bdc45cebd64a20ffcf2730e9995ce3a3542c721808004752844bdd.scope has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-3d0be77826bdc45cebd64a20ffcf2730e9995ce3a3542c721808004752844bdd.scope has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is done.
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Starting docker container 3d0be77826bdc45cebd64a20ffcf2730e9995ce3a3542c721808004752844bdd.
-- Subject: Unit docker-3d0be77826bdc45cebd64a20ffcf2730e9995ce3a3542c721808004752844bdd.scope has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-3d0be77826bdc45cebd64a20ffcf2730e9995ce3a3542c721808004752844bdd.scope has begun starting up.
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev devpts, type devpts), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev sysfs, type sysfs), uses genfs_contexts
Mar 07 09:48:02 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:48:06 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Stopped docker container 3d0be77826bdc45cebd64a20ffcf2730e9995ce3a3542c721808004752844bdd.
-- Subject: Unit docker-3d0be77826bdc45cebd64a20ffcf2730e9995ce3a3542c721808004752844bdd.scope has finished shutting down
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-3d0be77826bdc45cebd64a20ffcf2730e9995ce3a3542c721808004752844bdd.scope has finished shutting down.
Mar 07 09:48:06 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Stopping docker container 3d0be77826bdc45cebd64a20ffcf2730e9995ce3a3542c721808004752844bdd.
-- Subject: Unit docker-3d0be77826bdc45cebd64a20ffcf2730e9995ce3a3542c721808004752844bdd.scope has begun shutting down
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-3d0be77826bdc45cebd64a20ffcf2730e9995ce3a3542c721808004752844bdd.scope has begun shutting down.
Mar 07 09:48:06 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(veth0cce9ab) entered disabled state
Mar 07 09:48:06 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (veth761ba95): failed to find device 7 'veth761ba95' with udev
Mar 07 09:48:06 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (veth761ba95): new Veth device (carrier: OFF, driver: 'veth', ifindex: 7)
Mar 07 09:48:06 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (veth0cce9ab): link disconnected
Mar 07 09:48:06 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (docker0): link disconnected (deferring action for 4 seconds)
Mar 07 09:48:06 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(veth0cce9ab) entered disabled state
Mar 07 09:48:06 centos7-adb kernel: device veth0cce9ab left promiscuous mode
Mar 07 09:48:06 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(veth0cce9ab) entered disabled state
Mar 07 09:48:06 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (veth761ba95): failed to disable userspace IPv6LL address handling
Mar 07 09:48:06 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (docker0): bridge port veth0cce9ab was detached
Mar 07 09:48:06 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (veth0cce9ab): released from master docker0
Mar 07 09:48:06 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (veth0cce9ab): failed to disable userspace IPv6LL address handling
Mar 07 09:48:06 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:06.454138932-05:00" level=info msg="POST /v1.20/containers/3d0be77826bdc45cebd64a20ffcf2730e9995ce3a3542c721808004752844bdd/wait"
Mar 07 09:48:11 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (docker0): link disconnected (calling deferred action)
Mar 07 09:48:11 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:48:11 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:11.781285055-05:00" level=info msg="GET /v1.20/containers/3d0be77826bdc45cebd64a20ffcf2730e9995ce3a3542c721808004752844bdd/json"
Mar 07 09:48:11 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:11.781964170-05:00" level=info msg="DELETE /v1.20/containers/3d0be77826bdc45cebd64a20ffcf2730e9995ce3a3542c721808004752844bdd?v=1"
Mar 07 09:48:12 centos7-adb sh[13086]: [INFO] Preparing OpenShift config
Mar 07 09:48:12 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:12.179971686-05:00" level=info msg="POST /v1.20/containers/create?name=openshift"
Mar 07 09:48:12 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:48:12 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:48:12 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-4, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:48:12 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:48:12 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:48:12 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:48:12 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-4, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:48:12 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:48:13 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:13.139131981-05:00" level=info msg="POST /v1.20/containers/cf7cf9ee404e8b4a05284732f2dacb8bf8e9457b89729d3f96bbb1ebab9e3c97/start"
Mar 07 09:48:13 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:48:13 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:48:13 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-4, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:48:13 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:48:13 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev mqueue, type mqueue), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:48:13 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Started docker container cf7cf9ee404e8b4a05284732f2dacb8bf8e9457b89729d3f96bbb1ebab9e3c97.
-- Subject: Unit docker-cf7cf9ee404e8b4a05284732f2dacb8bf8e9457b89729d3f96bbb1ebab9e3c97.scope has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-cf7cf9ee404e8b4a05284732f2dacb8bf8e9457b89729d3f96bbb1ebab9e3c97.scope has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is done.
Mar 07 09:48:13 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Starting docker container cf7cf9ee404e8b4a05284732f2dacb8bf8e9457b89729d3f96bbb1ebab9e3c97.
-- Subject: Unit docker-cf7cf9ee404e8b4a05284732f2dacb8bf8e9457b89729d3f96bbb1ebab9e3c97.scope has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-cf7cf9ee404e8b4a05284732f2dacb8bf8e9457b89729d3f96bbb1ebab9e3c97.scope has begun starting up.
Mar 07 09:48:13 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:48:13 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev devpts, type devpts), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:48:13 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:48:13 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:48:13 centos7-adb sh[13086]: [INFO] Waiting for OpenShift config files to be created
Mar 07 09:48:13 centos7-adb sh[13086]: [INFO] ...
Mar 07 09:48:18 centos7-adb sh[13086]: [INFO] ...
Mar 07 09:48:20 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Stopped docker container cf7cf9ee404e8b4a05284732f2dacb8bf8e9457b89729d3f96bbb1ebab9e3c97.
-- Subject: Unit docker-cf7cf9ee404e8b4a05284732f2dacb8bf8e9457b89729d3f96bbb1ebab9e3c97.scope has finished shutting down
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-cf7cf9ee404e8b4a05284732f2dacb8bf8e9457b89729d3f96bbb1ebab9e3c97.scope has finished shutting down.
Mar 07 09:48:20 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Stopping docker container cf7cf9ee404e8b4a05284732f2dacb8bf8e9457b89729d3f96bbb1ebab9e3c97.
-- Subject: Unit docker-cf7cf9ee404e8b4a05284732f2dacb8bf8e9457b89729d3f96bbb1ebab9e3c97.scope has begun shutting down
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-cf7cf9ee404e8b4a05284732f2dacb8bf8e9457b89729d3f96bbb1ebab9e3c97.scope has begun shutting down.
Mar 07 09:48:20 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:20.627343973-05:00" level=warning msg="open /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer/system.slice/docker-cf7cf9ee404e8b4a05284732f2dacb8bf8e9457b89729d3f96bbb1ebab9e3c97.scope/freezer.state: no such file or directory"
Mar 07 09:48:20 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:20.627548048-05:00" level=warning msg="open /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct/system.slice/docker-cf7cf9ee404e8b4a05284732f2dacb8bf8e9457b89729d3f96bbb1ebab9e3c97.scope/cgroup.procs: no such file or directory"
Mar 07 09:48:20 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:48:22 centos7-adb sh[13271]: [ERROR] OpenShift failed to start:
Mar 07 09:48:22 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:22.048246014-05:00" level=info msg="GET /v1.20/containers/openshift/json"
Mar 07 09:48:22 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:22.049238491-05:00" level=info msg="GET /v1.20/containers/openshift/logs?stderr=1&stdout=1&tail=all"
Mar 07 09:48:22 centos7-adb sh[13271]: Generated new key pair as /var/lib/origin/openshift.local.config/master/serviceaccounts.public.key and /var/lib/origin/openshift.local.config/master/serviceaccounts.private.key
Mar 07 09:48:22 centos7-adb sh[13271]: Wrote master config to: /var/lib/origin/openshift.local.config/master/master-config.yaml
Mar 07 09:48:22 centos7-adb sh[13271]: Generating node credentials ...
Mar 07 09:48:22 centos7-adb sh[13271]: Created node config for centos7-adb in /var/lib/origin/openshift.local.config/node-centos7-adb
Mar 07 09:48:22 centos7-adb systemd[1]: openshift.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
Mar 07 09:48:22 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:22.067254925-05:00" level=info msg="POST /v1.20/containers/openshift/stop?t=10"
Mar 07 09:48:22 centos7-adb sh[13278]: openshift
Mar 07 09:48:22 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:22.080471228-05:00" level=info msg="GET /v1.20/containers/json"
Mar 07 09:48:22 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Failed to start Docker Application Container for OpenShift.
-- Subject: Unit openshift.service has failed
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit openshift.service has failed.
-- The result is failed.
Mar 07 09:48:22 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Unit openshift.service entered failed state.
Mar 07 09:48:22 centos7-adb systemd[1]: openshift.service failed.
Mar 07 09:48:22 centos7-adb sshd[3586]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user vagrant
Mar 07 09:48:22 centos7-adb systemd-logind[610]: Removed session 2.
-- Subject: Session 2 has been terminated
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Documentation:
-- A session with the ID 2 has been terminated.
Mar 07 09:48:52 centos7-adb systemd[1]: openshift.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Mar 07 09:48:52 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Starting Docker Application Container for OpenShift...
-- Subject: Unit openshift.service has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit openshift.service has begun starting up.
Mar 07 09:48:52 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:52.134450643-05:00" level=info msg="POST /v1.20/containers/openshift/stop?t=10"
Mar 07 09:48:52 centos7-adb docker[13292]: openshift
Mar 07 09:48:52 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:52.148146134-05:00" level=info msg="DELETE /v1.20/containers/openshift"
Mar 07 09:48:52 centos7-adb docker[13297]: openshift
Mar 07 09:48:52 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:52.556424528-05:00" level=info msg="POST /v1.20/images/"
Mar 07 09:48:52 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:52.556882671-05:00" level=error msg="Handler for POST /images/{name:.*}/tag returned error: Conflict: Tag latest is already set to image 046b182a952b3830492d9c4bcb8cfd417947e146d23d4f1690387ef9535b0a7e, if you want to replace it, please use -f option"
Mar 07 09:48:52 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:52.556922964-05:00" level=error msg="HTTP Error" err="Conflict: Tag latest is already set to image 046b182a952b3830492d9c4bcb8cfd417947e146d23d4f1690387ef9535b0a7e, if you want to replace it, please use -f option" statusCode=409
Mar 07 09:48:52 centos7-adb docker[13303]: Error response from daemon: Conflict: Tag latest is already set to image 046b182a952b3830492d9c4bcb8cfd417947e146d23d4f1690387ef9535b0a7e, if you want to replace it, please use -f option
Mar 07 09:48:52 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Stopping Docker Application Container Engine...
-- Subject: Unit docker.service has begun shutting down
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker.service has begun shutting down.
Mar 07 09:48:52 centos7-adb docker[13049]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:52.575457419-05:00" level=info msg="Processing signal 'terminated'"
Mar 07 09:48:52 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Starting Docker Storage Setup...
-- Subject: Unit docker-storage-setup.service has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-storage-setup.service has begun starting up.
Mar 07 09:48:52 centos7-adb docker-storage-setup[13318]: Logical volume "docker-pool" changed.
Mar 07 09:48:52 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Started Docker Storage Setup.
-- Subject: Unit docker-storage-setup.service has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-storage-setup.service has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is done.
Mar 07 09:48:52 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Starting Docker Application Container Engine...
-- Subject: Unit docker.service has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker.service has begun starting up.
Mar 07 09:48:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:52.983567391-05:00" level=info msg="Listening for HTTP on tcp ("
Mar 07 09:48:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:52.984295854-05:00" level=info msg="Listening for HTTP on unix (/var/run/docker.sock)"
Mar 07 09:48:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:53.045120762-05:00" level=info msg="Option DefaultDriver: bridge"
Mar 07 09:48:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:53.045152622-05:00" level=info msg="Option DefaultNetwork: bridge"
Mar 07 09:48:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:53.048809998-05:00" level=warning msg="Running modprobe bridge nf_nat br_netfilter failed with message: modprobe: WARNING: Module br_netfilter not found.\n, error: exit status 1"
Mar 07 09:48:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:53.052428275-05:00" level=info msg="Firewalld running: false"
Mar 07 09:48:53 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Scope libcontainer-13358-systemd-test-default-dependencies.scope has no PIDs. Refusing.
Mar 07 09:48:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:53.162599716-05:00" level=info msg="Loading containers: start."
Mar 07 09:48:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:53.162802000-05:00" level=info msg="Loading containers: done."
Mar 07 09:48:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:53.162822280-05:00" level=info msg="Daemon has completed initialization"
Mar 07 09:48:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:53.162841729-05:00" level=info msg="Docker daemon" commit="a01dc02/1.8.2" execdriver=native-0.2 graphdriver=devicemapper version=1.8.2-el7.centos
Mar 07 09:48:53 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Started Docker Application Container Engine.
-- Subject: Unit docker.service has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker.service has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is done.
Mar 07 09:48:53 centos7-adb sh[13398]: [INFO] Starting OpenShift server
Mar 07 09:48:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:53.197011973-05:00" level=info msg="POST /v1.20/containers/create?name=openshift"
Mar 07 09:48:53 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:48:53 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:48:53 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-4, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:48:53 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:48:53 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:48:53 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:48:53 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-4, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:48:53 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:48:54 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:54.168271438-05:00" level=info msg="POST /v1.20/containers/4c6da4775c32236886395b1672e868123e11b04088954917d22b095b2a4b6951/attach?stderr=1&stdout=1&stream=1"
Mar 07 09:48:54 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:48:54.168702923-05:00" level=info msg="POST /v1.20/containers/4c6da4775c32236886395b1672e868123e11b04088954917d22b095b2a4b6951/start"
Mar 07 09:48:54 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:48:54 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:48:54 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-4, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:48:54 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:48:54 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev mqueue, type mqueue), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:48:54 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Started docker container 4c6da4775c32236886395b1672e868123e11b04088954917d22b095b2a4b6951.
-- Subject: Unit docker-4c6da4775c32236886395b1672e868123e11b04088954917d22b095b2a4b6951.scope has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-4c6da4775c32236886395b1672e868123e11b04088954917d22b095b2a4b6951.scope has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is done.
Mar 07 09:48:54 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Starting docker container 4c6da4775c32236886395b1672e868123e11b04088954917d22b095b2a4b6951.
-- Subject: Unit docker-4c6da4775c32236886395b1672e868123e11b04088954917d22b095b2a4b6951.scope has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-4c6da4775c32236886395b1672e868123e11b04088954917d22b095b2a4b6951.scope has begun starting up.
Mar 07 09:48:54 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:48:54 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev devpts, type devpts), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:48:54 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:48:54 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:48:54 centos7-adb sh[13398]: W0307 14:48:54.622406 13443 start_master.go:269] assetConfig.loggingPublicURL: invalid value '', Details: required to view aggregated container logs in the console
Mar 07 09:48:54 centos7-adb sh[13398]: W0307 14:48:54.622921 13443 start_master.go:269] assetConfig.metricsPublicURL: invalid value '', Details: required to view cluster metrics in the console
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:48:55.089863 13443 plugins.go:71] No cloud provider specified.
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:48:55.204550 13443 start_master.go:380] Starting master on (v1.1.1)
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:48:55.204571 13443 start_master.go:381] Public master address is
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:48:55.204583 13443 start_master.go:385] Using images from "openshift/origin-<component>:v1.1.1"
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:55.549326 I | etcdserver: name = openshift.local
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:55.549347 I | etcdserver: data dir = /var/lib/origin/openshift.local.etcd
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:55.549352 I | etcdserver: member dir = /var/lib/origin/openshift.local.etcd/member
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:55.549356 I | etcdserver: heartbeat = 100ms
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:55.549360 I | etcdserver: election = 1000ms
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:55.549363 I | etcdserver: snapshot count = 0
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:55.549370 I | etcdserver: advertise client URLs =
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:55.549374 I | etcdserver: initial advertise peer URLs =
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:55.549381 I | etcdserver: initial cluster = openshift.local=
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:55.716395 I | etcdserver: starting member 1d43f69106e110d3 in cluster dc02df4130171d66
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:55.716447 I | raft: 1d43f69106e110d3 became follower at term 0
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:55.716473 I | raft: newRaft 1d43f69106e110d3 [peers: [], term: 0, commit: 0, applied: 0, lastindex: 0, lastterm: 0]
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:55.716479 I | raft: 1d43f69106e110d3 became follower at term 1
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:55.716541 I | etcdserver: set snapshot count to default 10000
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:55.716553 I | etcdserver: starting server... [version: 2.1.2, cluster version: to_be_decided]
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:48:55.717530 13443 etcd.go:68] Started etcd at
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:55.718449 N | etcdserver: added local member 1d43f69106e110d3 [] to cluster dc02df4130171d66
Mar 07 09:48:55 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:48:55.740019 13443 run_components.go:181] Using default project node label selector:
Mar 07 09:48:56 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:56.916792 I | raft: 1d43f69106e110d3 is starting a new election at term 1
Mar 07 09:48:56 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:56.916891 I | raft: 1d43f69106e110d3 became candidate at term 2
Mar 07 09:48:56 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:56.917049 I | raft: 1d43f69106e110d3 received vote from 1d43f69106e110d3 at term 2
Mar 07 09:48:56 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:56.917114 I | raft: 1d43f69106e110d3 became leader at term 2
Mar 07 09:48:56 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:56.917149 I | raft: raft.node: 1d43f69106e110d3 elected leader 1d43f69106e110d3 at term 2
Mar 07 09:48:56 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:56.918134 I | etcdserver: published {Name:openshift.local ClientURLs:[]} to cluster dc02df4130171d66
Mar 07 09:48:56 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:56.918213 I | etcdserver: setting up the initial cluster version to 2.1.0
Mar 07 09:48:56 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:48:56.962127 N | etcdserver: set the initial cluster version to 2.1.0
Mar 07 09:48:57 centos7-adb sh[13398]: W0307 14:48:57.062407 13443 controller.go:259] Resetting endpoints for master service "kubernetes" to &{{ } {kubernetes default 0 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC <nil> <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ <nil>}] [] [{https 8443 TCP} {dns 53 UDP} {dns-tcp 53 TCP}]}]}
Mar 07 09:48:57 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:48:57.366447 13443 master.go:237] Started Kubernetes API at
Mar 07 09:48:57 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:48:57.366495 13443 master.go:237] Started Kubernetes API Extensions at
Mar 07 09:48:57 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:48:57.366501 13443 master.go:237] Started Origin API at
Mar 07 09:48:57 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:48:57.366505 13443 master.go:237] Started OAuth2 API at
Mar 07 09:48:57 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:48:57.366508 13443 master.go:237] Started Login endpoint at
Mar 07 09:48:57 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:48:57.366511 13443 master.go:237] Started Web Console
Mar 07 09:48:57 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:48:57.366515 13443 master.go:237] Started Swagger Schema API at
Mar 07 09:48:57 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:48:57.580162 13443 ensure.go:177] No cluster policy found. Creating bootstrap policy based on: /var/lib/origin/openshift.local.config/master/policy.json
Mar 07 09:48:59 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:48:59.082083 13443 ensure.go:167] Created default security context constraint privileged
Mar 07 09:48:59 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:48:59.120500 13443 ensure.go:167] Created default security context constraint nonroot
Mar 07 09:48:59 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:48:59.137121 13443 ensure.go:167] Created default security context constraint hostmount-anyuid
Mar 07 09:48:59 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:48:59.294539 13443 ensure.go:167] Created default security context constraint hostaccess
Mar 07 09:48:59 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:48:59.315294 13443 ensure.go:167] Created default security context constraint restricted
Mar 07 09:48:59 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:48:59.337980 13443 ensure.go:167] Created default security context constraint anyuid
Mar 07 09:49:00 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:49:00.928288 I | skydns: ready for queries on cluster.local. for tcp4:// [rcache 0]
Mar 07 09:49:00 centos7-adb sh[13398]: 2016-03-07 14:49:00.928311 I | skydns: ready for queries on cluster.local. for udp4:// [rcache 0]
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:01.029814 13443 run_components.go:176] DNS listening at
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:01.033588 13443 start_master.go:507] Controllers starting (*)
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:01.212864 13443 start_node.go:180] Starting a node connected to
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:01.219442 13443 plugins.go:71] No cloud provider specified.
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:01.219468 13443 start_node.go:257] Starting node centos7-adb (v1.1.1)
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:01.297572774-05:00" level=info msg="GET /_ping"
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:01.314500 13443 node.go:54] Connecting to Docker at unix:///var/run/docker.sock
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:01.318294873-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:01.326170 13443 manager.go:128] cAdvisor running in container: "/system.slice/docker-4c6da4775c32236886395b1672e868123e11b04088954917d22b095b2a4b6951.scope"
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:01.347550610-05:00" level=info msg="GET /info"
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:01.550985 13443 fs.go:108] Filesystem partitions: map[/dev/mapper/docker-253:0-25932980-4c6da4775c32236886395b1672e868123e11b04088954917d22b095b2a4b6951:{mountpoint:/ major:253 minor:4 fsType: blockSize:0} /dev/mapper/vg001-root:{mountpoint:/rootfs major:253 minor:0 fsType: blockSize:0} /dev/vda2:{mountpoint:/rootfs/boot major:252 minor:2 fsType: blockSize:0} vg001-docker--pool:{mountpoint: major:253 minor:2 fsType:devicemapper blockSize:1024}]
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:01.683066 13443 manager.go:163] Machine: {NumCores:2 CpuFrequency:2194916 MemoryCapacity:1929216000 MachineID: SystemUUID:761AB6C9-34F8-A346-8136-858FB50EFA35 BootID:26e9b812-74fd-4524-8459-b00786014e79 Filesystems:[{Device:/dev/mapper/docker-253:0-25932980-4c6da4775c32236886395b1672e868123e11b04088954917d22b095b2a4b6951 Capacity:107313364992} {Device:/dev/mapper/vg001-root Capacity:8579448832} {Device:/dev/vda2 Capacity:311078912} {Device:vg001-docker--pool Capacity:13597933568}] DiskMap:map[252:0:{Name:vda Major:252 Minor:0 Size:44023414784 Scheduler:none} 253:0:{Name:dm-0 Major:253 Minor:0 Size:8589934592 Scheduler:none} 253:1:{Name:dm-1 Major:253 Minor:1 Size:46137344 Scheduler:none} 253:2:{Name:dm-2 Major:253 Minor:2 Size:13597933568 Scheduler:none} 253:3:{Name:dm-3 Major:253 Minor:3 Size:13597933568 Scheduler:none} 253:4:{Name:dm-4 Major:253 Minor:4 Size:107374182400 Scheduler:none}] NetworkDevices:[{Name:eth0 MacAddress:52:54:00:c9:d4:52 Speed:0 Mtu:1500} {Name:eth1 MacAddress:52:54:00:4e:29:49 Speed:0 Mtu:1500}] Topology:[{Id:0 Memory:2146951168 Cores:[{Id:0 Threads:[0] Caches:[{Size:32768 Type:Data Level:1} {Size:32768 Type:Instruction Level:1} {Size:4194304 Type:Unified Level:2}]}] Caches:[]} {Id:1 Memory:0 Cores:[{Id:0 Threads:[1] Caches:[{Size:32768 Type:Data Level:1} {Size:32768 Type:Instruction Level:1} {Size:4194304 Type:Unified Level:2}]}] Caches:[]}] CloudProvider:Unknown InstanceType:Unknown}
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:01.689591813-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:01.690660 13443 manager.go:169] Version: {KernelVersion:3.10.0-327.10.1.el7.x86_64 ContainerOsVersion:CentOS Linux 7 (Core) DockerVersion:1.8.2-el7.centos CadvisorVersion: CadvisorRevision:}
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:01.691662 13443 server.go:819] Watching apiserver
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:01.692999494-05:00" level=info msg="GET /info"
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:01.789684 13443 node.go:236] Started Kubernetes Proxy on
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:01.827274 13443 plugins.go:56] Registering credential provider: .dockercfg
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:01.833206841-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:01.870409 13443 server.go:781] Started kubelet
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb sh[13398]: E0307 14:49:01.870607 13443 kubelet.go:856] Image garbage collection failed: unable to find data for container /
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:01.877696 13443 kubelet.go:877] Running in container "/kubelet"
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:01.877739 13443 server.go:104] Starting to listen on
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:01.882060343-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json?all=1"
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:01.882579650-05:00" level=info msg="GET /images/json"
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:01.932558224-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:01.956269554-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json?all=1"
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:01.968906 13443 factory.go:194] System is using systemd
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:01.977490240-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:01.977600288-05:00" level=info msg="GET /images/json"
Mar 07 09:49:01 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:01.999431652-05:00" level=info msg="GET /info"
Mar 07 09:49:02 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:02.010835517-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json?all=1"
Mar 07 09:49:02 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:02.005704 13443 kubelet.go:1019] Successfully registered node centos7-adb
Mar 07 09:49:02 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:02.082596184-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:02 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:02.125354 13443 factory.go:236] Registering Docker factory
Mar 07 09:49:02 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:02.128760 13443 factory.go:93] Registering Raw factory
Mar 07 09:49:02 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:02.133115823-05:00" level=info msg="GET /info"
Mar 07 09:49:02 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:02.255267750-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:02 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:02.256159729-05:00" level=info msg="GET /images/json"
Mar 07 09:49:02 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:02.276814 13443 manager.go:1006] Started watching for new ooms in manager
Mar 07 09:49:02 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:02.291972 13443 oomparser.go:183] oomparser using systemd
Mar 07 09:49:02 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:02.292548 13443 manager.go:250] Starting recovery of all containers
Mar 07 09:49:02 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:02.334674240-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/4c6da4775c32236886395b1672e868123e11b04088954917d22b095b2a4b6951/json"
Mar 07 09:49:02 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:02.338637262-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/4c6da4775c32236886395b1672e868123e11b04088954917d22b095b2a4b6951/json"
Mar 07 09:49:02 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:02.352956 13443 manager.go:255] Recovery completed
Mar 07 09:49:02 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:02.406854 13443 manager.go:118] Starting to sync pod status with apiserver
Mar 07 09:49:02 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:02.406873 13443 kubelet.go:2116] Starting kubelet main sync loop.
Mar 07 09:49:02 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:02.420695293-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:02 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:02.701503 13443 nodecontroller.go:133] Sending events to api server.
Mar 07 09:49:02 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:02.702960 13443 start_master.go:562] Started Kubernetes Controllers
Mar 07 09:49:02 centos7-adb sh[13398]: W0307 14:49:02.925406 13443 nodecontroller.go:572] Missing timestamp for Node centos7-adb. Assuming now as a timestamp.
Mar 07 09:49:02 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:02.926035 13443 event.go:216] Event(api.ObjectReference{Kind:"Node", Namespace:"", Name:"centos7-adb", UID:"centos7-adb", APIVersion:"", ResourceVersion:"", FieldPath:""}): reason: 'RegisteredNode' Node centos7-adb event: Registered Node centos7-adb in NodeController
Mar 07 09:49:03 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:03.387404 13443 start_master.go:581] Started Origin Controllers
Mar 07 09:49:07 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:07.421908335-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:12 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:12.161527386-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:12 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:12.407230294-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:12 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:12.407812667-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:12 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:12.422423334-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:12 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:12.508041667-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:12 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:12.608965086-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:12 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:12.709868309-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:12 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:12.810619585-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:12 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:12.911349216-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:13 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:13.012151892-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:13 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:13.112795086-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:13 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:13.213549474-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:13 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:13.314334613-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:13 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:13.414999822-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:13 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:13.515661144-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:13 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:13.616388889-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:13 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:13.717007545-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:13 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:13.817874007-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:13 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:13.918857480-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:14 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:14.019743340-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:14 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:14.120508124-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:14 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:14.221012397-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:14 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:14.321617408-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:14 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:14.422274355-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:17 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:17.423079655-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:22 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:22.167128864-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:22 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:22.407217754-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:22 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:22.407696761-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:22 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:22.423539022-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:22 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:22.507951179-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:22 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:22.608618493-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:22 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:22.712184233-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:22 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:22.813078127-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:22 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:22.913891780-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:23 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:23.014641114-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:23 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:23.115330749-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:23 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:23.217877832-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:23 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:23.318662825-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:23 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:23.421937271-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:23 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:23.522676348-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:23 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Configuring Docker Registry
Mar 07 09:49:23 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:23.624187206-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:23 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:23.729862755-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:23 centos7-adb sh[13510]: DeploymentConfig "docker-registry" created
Mar 07 09:49:23 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:23.830547378-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:23 centos7-adb sh[13510]: Service "docker-registry" created
Mar 07 09:49:23 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:23.940396404-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:24 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:24.060609491-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:24 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:24.176810248-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:24 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Configuring HAProxy router
Mar 07 09:49:24 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:24.279635510-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:24 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:49:24 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:24.388299447-05:00" level=info msg="GET /images/openshift/origin-pod:v1.1.1/json"
Mar 07 09:49:24 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:24.388368967-05:00" level=error msg="Handler for GET /images/{name:.*}/json returned error: No such image: openshift/origin-pod:v1.1.1"
Mar 07 09:49:24 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:24.388386763-05:00" level=error msg="HTTP Error" err="No such image: openshift/origin-pod:v1.1.1" statusCode=404
Mar 07 09:49:24 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:24.388444374-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:24 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:24.402551 13443 provider.go:91] Refreshing cache for provider: *credentialprovider.defaultDockerConfigProvider
Mar 07 09:49:24 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:24.419735350-05:00" level=info msg="POST /images/create?fromImage=openshift%2Forigin-pod&tag=v1.1.1"
Mar 07 09:49:24 centos7-adb sh[13510]: serviceaccount "router" created
Mar 07 09:49:24 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:24.494717071-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:24 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:24.595682828-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:24 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:24.699536080-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:24 centos7-adb sh[13510]: securitycontextconstraints "privileged" replaced
Mar 07 09:49:24 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:24.803388895-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:24 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:24.905675673-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:25 centos7-adb sh[13510]: password for stats user admin has been set to qrEfUui0Rd
Mar 07 09:49:25 centos7-adb sh[13510]: DeploymentConfig "router" created
Mar 07 09:49:25 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:25.013508984-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:25 centos7-adb sh[13510]: Service "router" created
Mar 07 09:49:25 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:25.119566079-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:25 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:25.197592876-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:25 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:25.226141054-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:25 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:49:25 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:25.337540477-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:25 centos7-adb sh[13510]: route "docker-registry" exposed
Mar 07 09:49:25 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Installing OpenShift templates
Mar 07 09:49:25 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 09:49:25 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:25.425567489-05:00" level=info msg="GET /images/openshift/origin-pod:v1.1.1/json"
Mar 07 09:49:25 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:25.425624281-05:00" level=error msg="Handler for GET /images/{name:.*}/json returned error: No such image: openshift/origin-pod:v1.1.1"
Mar 07 09:49:25 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:25.425641967-05:00" level=error msg="HTTP Error" err="No such image: openshift/origin-pod:v1.1.1" statusCode=404
Mar 07 09:49:25 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:25.444137338-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:25 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:25.545034187-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:25 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:25.645977696-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:25 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:25.746914878-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:25 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:25.847607867-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:25 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:25.948244318-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:26 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:26.049063711-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:26 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:26.149734501-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:26 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:26.255449776-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:26 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:26.356453316-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:26 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:26.457079881-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:26 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:26.557875477-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:26 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:26.658620436-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:26 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:26.759216108-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:26 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:26.859946141-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:26 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:26.960634344-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:27 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:27.061232699-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:27 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:27.161873788-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:27 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:27.262637853-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:27 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:27.424169219-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:29 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 09:49:30 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 09:49:32 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:32.173856255-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:32 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:32.413572147-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:32 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:32.416534170-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:32 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:32.424840516-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:32 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 09:49:32 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:32.514862884-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:32 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:32.621390353-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:32 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:32.722487338-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:32 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:32.823233788-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:32 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:32.923908714-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:33 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:33.024681480-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:33 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:33.125489855-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:33 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:33.226142359-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:33 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:33.326771606-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:33 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:33.427366907-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:33 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:33.528099757-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:33 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:33.628850527-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:33 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:33.729418725-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:33 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:33.830259918-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:33 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 09:49:33 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:33.931159686-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:34 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:34.031847221-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:34 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:34.132443064-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:34 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:34.233190310-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:34 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:34.333852038-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:34 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:34.434543815-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:35 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 09:49:36 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 09:49:37 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:37.425352999-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:38 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 09:49:39 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-5
Mar 07 09:49:39 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-5): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:39 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-5): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:39 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-5, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:49:39 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-5): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:39 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 09:49:40 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-5
Mar 07 09:49:40 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-5): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:40 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-5): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:40 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-5, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:49:40 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-5): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:40 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:40.510735012-05:00" level=info msg="POST /images/create?fromImage=openshift%2Forigin-pod&tag=v1.1.1"
Mar 07 09:49:40 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:40.511706862-05:00" level=info msg="POST /containers/create?name=k8s_POD.4864dc9e_docker-registry-1-deploy_default_c86faa97-e473-11e5-9a6d-525400c9d452_4ced30e9"
Mar 07 09:49:40 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-5
Mar 07 09:49:40 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-5): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:40 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-5): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:40 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-5, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:49:40 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-5): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-5
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-5): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-5): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-5, type xfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-5): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:41.678071266-05:00" level=info msg="POST /containers/7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573/start"
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-5
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-5): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-5): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-5, type xfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: device vethf15cf3d entered promiscuous mode
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): vethf15cf3d: link is not ready
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(vethf15cf3d) entered forwarding state
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(vethf15cf3d) entered forwarding state
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (vethf2e9b97): failed to find device 9 'vethf2e9b97' with udev
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (vethf2e9b97): new Veth device (carrier: OFF, driver: 'veth', ifindex: 9)
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (vethf15cf3d): failed to find device 10 'vethf15cf3d' with udev
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (vethf15cf3d): new Ethernet device (carrier: OFF, driver: 'veth', ifindex: 10)
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (docker0): bridge port vethf15cf3d was attached
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (vethf15cf3d): enslaved to docker0
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(vethf15cf3d) entered disabled state
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (vethf2e9b97): failed to disable userspace IPv6LL address handling
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (vethf15cf3d): link connected
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (docker0): link connected
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): vethf15cf3d: link becomes ready
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(vethf15cf3d) entered forwarding state
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(vethf15cf3d) entered forwarding state
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev mqueue, type mqueue), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev proc, type proc), uses genfs_contexts
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Started docker container 7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573.
-- Subject: Unit docker-7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573.scope has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573.scope has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is done.
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Starting docker container 7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573.
-- Subject: Unit docker-7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573.scope has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573.scope has begun starting up.
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:41.872379533-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573/json"
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev devpts, type devpts), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev sysfs, type sysfs), uses genfs_contexts
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:41.894684140-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573/json"
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:41.943961551-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573/json"
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:41.945867649-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573/json"
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb sh[13398]: W0307 14:49:41.966693 13443 manager.go:1892] Hairpin setup failed for pod "docker-registry-1-deploy_default": open /sys/devices/virtual/net/vethf15cf3d/brport/hairpin_mode: read-only file system
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:41.967754430-05:00" level=info msg="GET /images/openshift/origin-deployer:v1.1.1/json"
Mar 07 09:49:41 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:41.970784668-05:00" level=info msg="POST /containers/create?name=k8s_deployment.ad058f83_docker-registry-1-deploy_default_c86faa97-e473-11e5-9a6d-525400c9d452_e43f84d0"
Mar 07 09:49:42 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:42.178892941-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:42 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-6
Mar 07 09:49:42 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-6): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:42 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-6): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:42 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-6, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:49:42 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:42.407274000-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:42 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:42.407901710-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:42 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:42.426150033-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:42 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-6): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:42 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:42.508207349-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:42 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:42.609253055-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:42 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:42.710261591-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:42 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-6
Mar 07 09:49:42 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-6): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:42 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:42.814101875-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:42 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-6): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:42 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-6, type xfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:42 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-6): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:42 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 09:49:42 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:42.915698894-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.016918516-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.117863954-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.198880140-05:00" level=info msg="POST /containers/071117a0b207a86fa58d48bd02663b01531e41c68e57f45193479405a0999857/start"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.218815039-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-6
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-6): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-6): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-6, type xfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev proc, type proc), uses genfs_contexts
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Started docker container 071117a0b207a86fa58d48bd02663b01531e41c68e57f45193479405a0999857.
-- Subject: Unit docker-071117a0b207a86fa58d48bd02663b01531e41c68e57f45193479405a0999857.scope has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-071117a0b207a86fa58d48bd02663b01531e41c68e57f45193479405a0999857.scope has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is done.
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Starting docker container 071117a0b207a86fa58d48bd02663b01531e41c68e57f45193479405a0999857.
-- Subject: Unit docker-071117a0b207a86fa58d48bd02663b01531e41c68e57f45193479405a0999857.scope has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-071117a0b207a86fa58d48bd02663b01531e41c68e57f45193479405a0999857.scope has begun starting up.
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.292016648-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/071117a0b207a86fa58d48bd02663b01531e41c68e57f45193479405a0999857/json"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev devpts, type devpts), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.422680012-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/071117a0b207a86fa58d48bd02663b01531e41c68e57f45193479405a0999857/json"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.423121484-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/071117a0b207a86fa58d48bd02663b01531e41c68e57f45193479405a0999857/json"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.424986234-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json?all=1"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.426140535-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/071117a0b207a86fa58d48bd02663b01531e41c68e57f45193479405a0999857/json"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.427406896-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573/json"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.430556440-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.446768947-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json?all=1"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.447723050-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/071117a0b207a86fa58d48bd02663b01531e41c68e57f45193479405a0999857/json"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.448723108-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573/json"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.451447954-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573/json"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.452316500-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json?all=1"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.453050377-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/071117a0b207a86fa58d48bd02663b01531e41c68e57f45193479405a0999857/json"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.453969039-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573/json"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.529057337-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.632618931-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.733593972-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.834710174-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:43 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:43.935493997-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:44 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:44.036277172-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:44 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:44.137043637-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:44 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:44.147040018-05:00" level=info msg="POST /containers/create?name=k8s_POD.4864dc9e_router-1-deploy_default_c91d696a-e473-11e5-9a6d-525400c9d452_cddd4389"
Mar 07 09:49:44 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:44.237821755-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:44 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:44.403632819-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:44 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-7
Mar 07 09:49:44 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-7): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:44 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:44.504735554-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:44 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-7): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:44 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-7, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:49:44 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:44.605592520-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:44 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-7): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:44 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:44.706392809-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:44 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:44.819544812-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:44 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:44.854831 13443 event.go:216] Event(api.ObjectReference{Kind:"ReplicationController", Namespace:"default", Name:"docker-registry-1", UID:"c85cac9d-e473-11e5-9a6d-525400c9d452", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"334", FieldPath:""}): reason: 'SuccessfulCreate' Created pod: docker-registry-1-ktecv
Mar 07 09:49:44 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:44.905539649-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:44 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 09:49:44 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:44.923204818-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:44 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:49:45 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:45.035552290-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:45 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-7
Mar 07 09:49:45 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-7): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:45 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-7): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:45 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-7, type xfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:45 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-7): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:45 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:45.137049132-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:45 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:45.146144196-05:00" level=info msg="GET /images/openshift/origin-pod:v1.1.1/json"
Mar 07 09:49:45 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:45.151598250-05:00" level=info msg="POST /containers/create?name=k8s_POD.ead7fdb7_docker-registry-1-ktecv_default_d4dbef23-e473-11e5-9a6d-525400c9d452_cfc751ab"
Mar 07 09:49:45 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:45.238119998-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:45 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:45.650318758-05:00" level=info msg="POST /containers/643d97437fde7ebdb29cb6295143d8614ae13060e5c1e39bba3519337607b460/start"
Mar 07 09:49:45 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:45.707198576-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:45 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-7
Mar 07 09:49:45 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-7): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:45 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-7): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:45 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-7, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:49:46 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-7): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:46 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 09:49:46 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-7
Mar 07 09:49:46 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-7): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:46 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-7): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:46 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-7, type xfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:46 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-7): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:47.103810212-05:00" level=info msg="POST /containers/8aabbbd0b9e4ae011b2364c7c10b691ca2e0c87d1359c5ec476bb039b56e1e60/start"
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-7
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-7): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-7): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-7, type xfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (vethd8cd2a8): failed to find device 11 'vethd8cd2a8' with udev
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (vethd8cd2a8): new Veth device (carrier: OFF, driver: 'veth', ifindex: 11)
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (veth87af9ed): failed to find device 12 'veth87af9ed' with udev
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (veth87af9ed): new Veth device (carrier: OFF, driver: 'veth', ifindex: 12)
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: device veth87af9ed entered promiscuous mode
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): veth87af9ed: link is not ready
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (docker0): bridge port veth87af9ed was attached
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (veth87af9ed): enslaved to docker0
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-8
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-8): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-8): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-8, type xfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: device veth937e550 entered promiscuous mode
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): veth937e550: link is not ready
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 3(veth937e550) entered forwarding state
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 3(veth937e550) entered forwarding state
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (vethfff7190): failed to find device 13 'vethfff7190' with udev
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (vethfff7190): new Veth device (carrier: OFF, driver: 'veth', ifindex: 13)
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (veth937e550): failed to find device 14 'veth937e550' with udev
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (veth937e550): new Ethernet device (carrier: OFF, driver: 'veth', ifindex: 14)
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (docker0): bridge port veth937e550 was attached
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (veth937e550): enslaved to docker0
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (vethd8cd2a8): failed to disable userspace IPv6LL address handling
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 3(veth937e550) entered disabled state
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): veth87af9ed: link becomes ready
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 2(veth87af9ed) entered forwarding state
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 2(veth87af9ed) entered forwarding state
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (veth87af9ed): link connected
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (vethfff7190): failed to disable userspace IPv6LL address handling
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (veth937e550): link connected
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): veth937e550: link becomes ready
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 3(veth937e550) entered forwarding state
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 3(veth937e550) entered forwarding state
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev mqueue, type mqueue), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev proc, type proc), uses genfs_contexts
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Started docker container 643d97437fde7ebdb29cb6295143d8614ae13060e5c1e39bba3519337607b460.
-- Subject: Unit docker-643d97437fde7ebdb29cb6295143d8614ae13060e5c1e39bba3519337607b460.scope has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-643d97437fde7ebdb29cb6295143d8614ae13060e5c1e39bba3519337607b460.scope has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is done.
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:47.308481965-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/643d97437fde7ebdb29cb6295143d8614ae13060e5c1e39bba3519337607b460/json"
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Starting docker container 643d97437fde7ebdb29cb6295143d8614ae13060e5c1e39bba3519337607b460.
-- Subject: Unit docker-643d97437fde7ebdb29cb6295143d8614ae13060e5c1e39bba3519337607b460.scope has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-643d97437fde7ebdb29cb6295143d8614ae13060e5c1e39bba3519337607b460.scope has begun starting up.
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev mqueue, type mqueue), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev proc, type proc), uses genfs_contexts
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev devpts, type devpts), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev sysfs, type sysfs), uses genfs_contexts
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Started docker container 8aabbbd0b9e4ae011b2364c7c10b691ca2e0c87d1359c5ec476bb039b56e1e60.
-- Subject: Unit docker-8aabbbd0b9e4ae011b2364c7c10b691ca2e0c87d1359c5ec476bb039b56e1e60.scope has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-8aabbbd0b9e4ae011b2364c7c10b691ca2e0c87d1359c5ec476bb039b56e1e60.scope has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is done.
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Starting docker container 8aabbbd0b9e4ae011b2364c7c10b691ca2e0c87d1359c5ec476bb039b56e1e60.
-- Subject: Unit docker-8aabbbd0b9e4ae011b2364c7c10b691ca2e0c87d1359c5ec476bb039b56e1e60.scope has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-8aabbbd0b9e4ae011b2364c7c10b691ca2e0c87d1359c5ec476bb039b56e1e60.scope has begun starting up.
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev devpts, type devpts), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev sysfs, type sysfs), uses genfs_contexts
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:47.385094710-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/643d97437fde7ebdb29cb6295143d8614ae13060e5c1e39bba3519337607b460/json"
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:47.385514472-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/643d97437fde7ebdb29cb6295143d8614ae13060e5c1e39bba3519337607b460/json"
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:47.401246001-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/8aabbbd0b9e4ae011b2364c7c10b691ca2e0c87d1359c5ec476bb039b56e1e60/json"
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:47.401670752-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/643d97437fde7ebdb29cb6295143d8614ae13060e5c1e39bba3519337607b460/json"
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:47.401990387-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/8aabbbd0b9e4ae011b2364c7c10b691ca2e0c87d1359c5ec476bb039b56e1e60/json"
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:47.402755350-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/8aabbbd0b9e4ae011b2364c7c10b691ca2e0c87d1359c5ec476bb039b56e1e60/json"
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:47.403074875-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/8aabbbd0b9e4ae011b2364c7c10b691ca2e0c87d1359c5ec476bb039b56e1e60/json"
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb sh[13398]: W0307 14:49:47.415689 13443 manager.go:1892] Hairpin setup failed for pod "docker-registry-1-ktecv_default": open /sys/devices/virtual/net/veth937e550/brport/hairpin_mode: read-only file system
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:47.416413375-05:00" level=info msg="GET /images/openshift/origin-docker-registry:v1.1.1/json"
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:47.419112654-05:00" level=info msg="POST /containers/create?name=k8s_registry.7a098347_docker-registry-1-ktecv_default_d4dbef23-e473-11e5-9a6d-525400c9d452_56171b1f"
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb sh[13398]: W0307 14:49:47.421750 13443 manager.go:1892] Hairpin setup failed for pod "router-1-deploy_default": open /sys/devices/virtual/net/veth87af9ed/brport/hairpin_mode: read-only file system
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:47.422146372-05:00" level=info msg="GET /images/openshift/origin-deployer:v1.1.1/json"
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:47.424919533-05:00" level=info msg="POST /containers/create?name=k8s_deployment.96cf8be1_router-1-deploy_default_c91d696a-e473-11e5-9a6d-525400c9d452_0ac98025"
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:47.427748666-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-9
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-9): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-9): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-9, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:49:47 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 09:49:48 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-10): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:48 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-10
Mar 07 09:49:48 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-10): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:48 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-10, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:49:48 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-9): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:48 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-9
Mar 07 09:49:48 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-9): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:48 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-9): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:48 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-9, type xfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:48 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-9): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:49 centos7-adb sshd[13978]: Accepted publickey for vagrant from port 41604 ssh2: RSA bd:e9:ad:2d:d9:d6:09:b9:97:4a:db:c0:78:bf:13:45
Mar 07 09:49:49 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Started Session 4 of user vagrant.
-- Subject: Unit session-4.scope has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit session-4.scope has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is done.
Mar 07 09:49:49 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Starting Session 4 of user vagrant.
-- Subject: Unit session-4.scope has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit session-4.scope has begun starting up.
Mar 07 09:49:49 centos7-adb systemd-logind[610]: New session 4 of user vagrant.
-- Subject: A new session 4 has been created for user vagrant
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Documentation:
-- A new session with the ID 4 has been created for the user vagrant.
-- The leading process of the session is 13978.
Mar 07 09:49:49 centos7-adb sshd[13978]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user vagrant by (uid=0)
Mar 07 09:49:49 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:49.146015594-05:00" level=info msg="POST /containers/08f2e50ae93cb1777764ddbb286b24d385366cc48a5f7336a7d87d920c3ca7c4/start"
Mar 07 09:49:49 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-10): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:49 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 09:49:49 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-9
Mar 07 09:49:49 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-9): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:49 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-9): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:49 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-9, type xfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:49 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-9): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.050236607-05:00" level=info msg="POST /containers/860470e3fe3d548c0d3d2e72c634e22dcc37080dccd7eb57e7ebb3046c8925ed/start"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-9): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-9
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-9): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-9, type xfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev proc, type proc), uses genfs_contexts
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Started docker container 08f2e50ae93cb1777764ddbb286b24d385366cc48a5f7336a7d87d920c3ca7c4.
-- Subject: Unit docker-08f2e50ae93cb1777764ddbb286b24d385366cc48a5f7336a7d87d920c3ca7c4.scope has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-08f2e50ae93cb1777764ddbb286b24d385366cc48a5f7336a7d87d920c3ca7c4.scope has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is done.
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Starting docker container 08f2e50ae93cb1777764ddbb286b24d385366cc48a5f7336a7d87d920c3ca7c4.
-- Subject: Unit docker-08f2e50ae93cb1777764ddbb286b24d385366cc48a5f7336a7d87d920c3ca7c4.scope has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-08f2e50ae93cb1777764ddbb286b24d385366cc48a5f7336a7d87d920c3ca7c4.scope has begun starting up.
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.127527276-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/08f2e50ae93cb1777764ddbb286b24d385366cc48a5f7336a7d87d920c3ca7c4/json"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-10
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-10): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev devpts, type devpts), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-10): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-10, type xfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev proc, type proc), uses genfs_contexts
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Started docker container 860470e3fe3d548c0d3d2e72c634e22dcc37080dccd7eb57e7ebb3046c8925ed.
-- Subject: Unit docker-860470e3fe3d548c0d3d2e72c634e22dcc37080dccd7eb57e7ebb3046c8925ed.scope has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-860470e3fe3d548c0d3d2e72c634e22dcc37080dccd7eb57e7ebb3046c8925ed.scope has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is done.
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Starting docker container 860470e3fe3d548c0d3d2e72c634e22dcc37080dccd7eb57e7ebb3046c8925ed.
-- Subject: Unit docker-860470e3fe3d548c0d3d2e72c634e22dcc37080dccd7eb57e7ebb3046c8925ed.scope has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-860470e3fe3d548c0d3d2e72c634e22dcc37080dccd7eb57e7ebb3046c8925ed.scope has begun starting up.
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev devpts, type devpts), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.187428529-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/08f2e50ae93cb1777764ddbb286b24d385366cc48a5f7336a7d87d920c3ca7c4/json"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.187815162-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/08f2e50ae93cb1777764ddbb286b24d385366cc48a5f7336a7d87d920c3ca7c4/json"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.190827580-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json?all=1"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.191311298-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/860470e3fe3d548c0d3d2e72c634e22dcc37080dccd7eb57e7ebb3046c8925ed/json"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.338739933-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/860470e3fe3d548c0d3d2e72c634e22dcc37080dccd7eb57e7ebb3046c8925ed/json"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.339239257-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/08f2e50ae93cb1777764ddbb286b24d385366cc48a5f7336a7d87d920c3ca7c4/json"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.339661639-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/860470e3fe3d548c0d3d2e72c634e22dcc37080dccd7eb57e7ebb3046c8925ed/json"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.339896617-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json?all=1"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.340391512-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/8aabbbd0b9e4ae011b2364c7c10b691ca2e0c87d1359c5ec476bb039b56e1e60/json"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.342192959-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/860470e3fe3d548c0d3d2e72c634e22dcc37080dccd7eb57e7ebb3046c8925ed/json"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.343614806-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/643d97437fde7ebdb29cb6295143d8614ae13060e5c1e39bba3519337607b460/json"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.345981469-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.360751521-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json?all=1"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.361686519-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/860470e3fe3d548c0d3d2e72c634e22dcc37080dccd7eb57e7ebb3046c8925ed/json"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.362616551-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/643d97437fde7ebdb29cb6295143d8614ae13060e5c1e39bba3519337607b460/json"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.365680168-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/643d97437fde7ebdb29cb6295143d8614ae13060e5c1e39bba3519337607b460/json"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.367036148-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json?all=1"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.367897249-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/860470e3fe3d548c0d3d2e72c634e22dcc37080dccd7eb57e7ebb3046c8925ed/json"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.368783489-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/643d97437fde7ebdb29cb6295143d8614ae13060e5c1e39bba3519337607b460/json"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.455886038-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.557942341-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.659546771-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.760456421-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Stopped docker container 071117a0b207a86fa58d48bd02663b01531e41c68e57f45193479405a0999857.
-- Subject: Unit docker-071117a0b207a86fa58d48bd02663b01531e41c68e57f45193479405a0999857.scope has finished shutting down
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-071117a0b207a86fa58d48bd02663b01531e41c68e57f45193479405a0999857.scope has finished shutting down.
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Stopping docker container 071117a0b207a86fa58d48bd02663b01531e41c68e57f45193479405a0999857.
-- Subject: Unit docker-071117a0b207a86fa58d48bd02663b01531e41c68e57f45193479405a0999857.scope has begun shutting down
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-071117a0b207a86fa58d48bd02663b01531e41c68e57f45193479405a0999857.scope has begun shutting down.
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:50.861451807-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-6): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:50 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 09:49:51 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:51.219556105-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:51 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:51.320543225-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:51 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:51.421506545-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:51 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:51.522707603-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:51 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:51.623689566-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:51 centos7-adb sh[13398]: I0307 14:49:51.705217 13443 event.go:216] Event(api.ObjectReference{Kind:"ReplicationController", Namespace:"default", Name:"router-1", UID:"c9124b2b-e473-11e5-9a6d-525400c9d452", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"366", FieldPath:""}): reason: 'SuccessfulCreate' Created pod: router-1-ae6cx
Mar 07 09:49:51 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:51.724633500-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:51 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:51.765287723-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:51 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:49:51 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:51.831690719-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:51 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:51.879648638-05:00" level=info msg="GET /images/openshift/origin-pod:v1.1.1/json"
Mar 07 09:49:51 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:51.882452255-05:00" level=info msg="POST /containers/create?name=k8s_POD.4864dc9e_router-1-ae6cx_default_d8f484ee-e473-11e5-9a6d-525400c9d452_c8fd2229"
Mar 07 09:49:51 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:51.932689223-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-6
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-6): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.102050014-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.183961180-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.203121549-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-6): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-6, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.304178267-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-6): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.407853727-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.424546205-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json?all=1"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.429588958-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.431316574-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json?all=1"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.431978828-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/860470e3fe3d548c0d3d2e72c634e22dcc37080dccd7eb57e7ebb3046c8925ed/json"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.432751166-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/643d97437fde7ebdb29cb6295143d8614ae13060e5c1e39bba3519337607b460/json"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.433431840-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/071117a0b207a86fa58d48bd02663b01531e41c68e57f45193479405a0999857/json"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.434172419-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573/json"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.445953809-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/643d97437fde7ebdb29cb6295143d8614ae13060e5c1e39bba3519337607b460/json"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.446369604-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573/json"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.452384020-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json?all=1"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.453669981-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/860470e3fe3d548c0d3d2e72c634e22dcc37080dccd7eb57e7ebb3046c8925ed/json"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.456661506-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/643d97437fde7ebdb29cb6295143d8614ae13060e5c1e39bba3519337607b460/json"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.456941118-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json?all=1"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.457505454-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573/json"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.463730059-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/08f2e50ae93cb1777764ddbb286b24d385366cc48a5f7336a7d87d920c3ca7c4/json"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.464284551-05:00" level=info msg="POST /containers/7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573/stop?t=30"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.468244740-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/8aabbbd0b9e4ae011b2364c7c10b691ca2e0c87d1359c5ec476bb039b56e1e60/json"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.473787441-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/8aabbbd0b9e4ae011b2364c7c10b691ca2e0c87d1359c5ec476bb039b56e1e60/json"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.474843922-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json?all=1"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.476000317-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/08f2e50ae93cb1777764ddbb286b24d385366cc48a5f7336a7d87d920c3ca7c4/json"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.477073286-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/8aabbbd0b9e4ae011b2364c7c10b691ca2e0c87d1359c5ec476bb039b56e1e60/json"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Stopped docker container 7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573.
-- Subject: Unit docker-7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573.scope has finished shutting down
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573.scope has finished shutting down.
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Stopping docker container 7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573.
-- Subject: Unit docker-7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573.scope has begun shutting down
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573.scope has begun shutting down.
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:52.521950849-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(vethf15cf3d) entered disabled state
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (vethf2e9b97): failed to find device 9 'vethf2e9b97' with udev
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (vethf2e9b97): new Veth device (carrier: OFF, driver: 'veth', ifindex: 9)
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (vethf15cf3d): link disconnected
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(vethf15cf3d) entered disabled state
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb kernel: device vethf15cf3d left promiscuous mode
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb kernel: docker0: port 1(vethf15cf3d) entered disabled state
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (vethf2e9b97): failed to disable userspace IPv6LL address handling
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (docker0): bridge port vethf15cf3d was detached
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <info> (vethf15cf3d): released from master docker0
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb NetworkManager[626]: <warn> (vethf15cf3d): failed to disable userspace IPv6LL address handling
Mar 07 09:49:52 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-5): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:53.081911903-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json?all=1"
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:53.083133824-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/071117a0b207a86fa58d48bd02663b01531e41c68e57f45193479405a0999857/json"
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:53.084060832-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/7b44dcdb32049635a3dbcf77729c36919ca222d048bd2a837ec4605e0b07f573/json"
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:53.183006288-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-5
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-5): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-5): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-5, type xfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-5): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:53.283985705-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:53.386073366-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:53.487074152-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:53.588080877-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:53.619783027-05:00" level=info msg="POST /containers/bd1eb3c5829a20f72acd478125a2f5bfa8976a5c8be05d1b933be4e56f35824b/start"
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-5
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-5): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-5): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-5, type xfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev mqueue, type mqueue), uses transition SIDs
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev proc, type proc), uses genfs_contexts
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Started docker container bd1eb3c5829a20f72acd478125a2f5bfa8976a5c8be05d1b933be4e56f35824b.
-- Subject: Unit docker-bd1eb3c5829a20f72acd478125a2f5bfa8976a5c8be05d1b933be4e56f35824b.scope has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-bd1eb3c5829a20f72acd478125a2f5bfa8976a5c8be05d1b933be4e56f35824b.scope has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is done.
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Starting docker container bd1eb3c5829a20f72acd478125a2f5bfa8976a5c8be05d1b933be4e56f35824b.
-- Subject: Unit docker-bd1eb3c5829a20f72acd478125a2f5bfa8976a5c8be05d1b933be4e56f35824b.scope has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-bd1eb3c5829a20f72acd478125a2f5bfa8976a5c8be05d1b933be4e56f35824b.scope has begun starting up.
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:53.679353765-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/bd1eb3c5829a20f72acd478125a2f5bfa8976a5c8be05d1b933be4e56f35824b/json"
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev devpts, type devpts), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:53.689053832-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:53.702975450-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/bd1eb3c5829a20f72acd478125a2f5bfa8976a5c8be05d1b933be4e56f35824b/json"
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:53.703359203-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/bd1eb3c5829a20f72acd478125a2f5bfa8976a5c8be05d1b933be4e56f35824b/json"
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:53.706759039-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/bd1eb3c5829a20f72acd478125a2f5bfa8976a5c8be05d1b933be4e56f35824b/json"
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:53.707452122-05:00" level=info msg="GET /images/openshift/origin-haproxy-router:v1.1.1/json"
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:53.710668293-05:00" level=info msg="POST /containers/create?name=k8s_router.4dbbd354_router-1-ae6cx_default_d8f484ee-e473-11e5-9a6d-525400c9d452_d5b1fedc"
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:53.802522147-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:53.973591771-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:53 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 09:49:54 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-6
Mar 07 09:49:54 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:54.076907227-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:54 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-6): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:54 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-6): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:54 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-6, type xfs), uses xattr
Mar 07 09:49:54 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:54.178286372-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:54 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:54.279740852-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:54 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-6): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:54 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:54.383524272-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:54 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:54.484687208-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:54 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:54.586296610-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:54 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:54.687383233-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:54 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:54.788517975-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:54 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:54.889673505-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:54 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:54.904572006-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:54 centos7-adb sh[13398]: W0307 14:49:54.905661 13443 kubelet.go:1750] Orphaned volume "c86faa97-e473-11e5-9a6d-525400c9d452/deployer-token-5l5bd" found, tearing down volume
Mar 07 09:49:54 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:54.990764524-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:55.091848094-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:55.192882824-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:55.293955856-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-6
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-6): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-6): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-6, type xfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-6): Unmounting Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:55.395303955-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:55.496647466-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:55.599700242-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:55.700736255-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:55.791800091-05:00" level=info msg="POST /containers/ca6b968c07d29e39633532bad594aa16f80a9ac53b55b2c65f1c309863496ba0/start"
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:55.801791386-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Device dev-disk-by\x2duuid-1ca4dedc\x2d1cc7\x2d4dd8\x2daf88\x2dd97ee29113d6.device appeared twice with different sysfs paths /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-4 and /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-6
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-6): Mounting V4 Filesystem
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb kernel: XFS (dm-6): Ending clean mount
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev dm-6, type xfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev proc, type proc), uses genfs_contexts
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Started docker container ca6b968c07d29e39633532bad594aa16f80a9ac53b55b2c65f1c309863496ba0.
-- Subject: Unit docker-ca6b968c07d29e39633532bad594aa16f80a9ac53b55b2c65f1c309863496ba0.scope has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-ca6b968c07d29e39633532bad594aa16f80a9ac53b55b2c65f1c309863496ba0.scope has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is done.
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:55.874599909-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/ca6b968c07d29e39633532bad594aa16f80a9ac53b55b2c65f1c309863496ba0/json"
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb systemd[1]: Starting docker container ca6b968c07d29e39633532bad594aa16f80a9ac53b55b2c65f1c309863496ba0.
-- Subject: Unit docker-ca6b968c07d29e39633532bad594aa16f80a9ac53b55b2c65f1c309863496ba0.scope has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit docker-ca6b968c07d29e39633532bad594aa16f80a9ac53b55b2c65f1c309863496ba0.scope has begun starting up.
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev devpts, type devpts), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb kernel: SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses mountpoint labeling
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:55.921275107-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/ca6b968c07d29e39633532bad594aa16f80a9ac53b55b2c65f1c309863496ba0/json"
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:55.921777544-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/ca6b968c07d29e39633532bad594aa16f80a9ac53b55b2c65f1c309863496ba0/json"
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:55.922933715-05:00" level=info msg="GET /images/prom/haproxy-exporter:latest/json"
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:55.922988421-05:00" level=error msg="Handler for GET /images/{name:.*}/json returned error: No such image: prom/haproxy-exporter:latest"
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:55.923007138-05:00" level=error msg="HTTP Error" err="No such image: prom/haproxy-exporter:latest" statusCode=404
Mar 07 09:49:55 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:55.924766622-05:00" level=info msg="POST /images/create?fromImage=prom%2Fhaproxy-exporter&tag=latest"
Mar 07 09:49:56 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:56.018701013-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:56 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:56.120962411-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:56 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:56.222515062-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:56 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:56.326654904-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:56 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:56.434452284-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:56 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:56.535752249-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:56 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:56.637405622-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:56 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:56.738673383-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:56 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:56.839703029-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:56 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:56.940745836-05:00" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
Mar 07 09:49:57 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 09:49:57 centos7-adb docker[13358]: time="2016-03-07T09:49:57.435763502-05:00" level=info msg="GET /version"
Mar 07 09:49:58 centos7-adb sh[13510]: [INFO] Importing template
Mar 07 09:50:01 centos7-adb sudo[14271]: vagrant : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/vagrant ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/journalctl -xe
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