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Created September 24, 2016 08:52
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#!/usr/bin/env groovy
def getBuildNumber() {
stage 'Get Build Number'
def job = build job: 'ios-buildnumber'
env.BUILD_ID = job.getNumber()
node('your node name') {
echo "Starting Pipeline"
stage 'Clear WorkSpace'
stage 'Checkout'
dir('app') {
echo "BranchName: ${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
git url: 'your git URL',
branch: "${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
latest_commit = sh(script:'git log -n 1 --pretty="%s"', returnStdout: true)
echo "latest_commit: ${latest_commit}"
echo "skip"
stage 'Check Gemfile'
stage 'Unit Test'
stage 'Build'
} else {
stage 'Check Gemfile'
sh "bundle install"
stage 'Unit Test'
sh "bundle exec fastlane test"
if (env.BRANCH_NAME.contains("release")) {
stage 'Build'
sh "bundle exec fastlane production"
} else if (env.BRANCH_NAME.contains("develop")) {
stage 'Build'
sh "bundle exec fastlane beta"
stage 'Clear WorkSpace After Success'
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