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Last active November 26, 2023 18:15
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release config
const config = {
// Define the branches where releases are allowed
branches: ['main', { name: 'release', prerelease: true }],
plugins: [
'@semantic-release/commit-analyzer', // Use the commit-analyzer plugin to analyze commit messages.
preset: 'conventionalcommits',
releaseRules: [
{ type: 'docs', scope: 'README', release: 'patch' }, // For 'docs' commits with scope 'README', release a patch version.
{ type: 'refactor', release: 'patch' }, // For 'refactor' commits, release a patch version.
{ type: 'style', release: 'patch' }, // For 'style' commits, release a patch version.
parserOpts: { noteKeywords: 'BREAKING' },
'@semantic-release/release-notes-generator', // Use the release-notes-generator plugin to generate release notes.
preset: 'conventionalcommits', // Configure it to use the conventional commits preset.
parserOpts: { noteKeywords: 'BREAKING' }, // Specify note keywords for breaking changes.
'@semantic-release/changelog', // Use the changelog plugin to manage changelog files.
changelogFile: 'docs/', // Specify the location of the changelog file.
"npmPublish": false,
'@semantic-release/github', // Use the GitHub plugin to interact with GitHub repositories.
successComment: false, // Disable posting a success comment on GitHub.
releasedLabels: false, // Disable updating released labels on GitHub.
'semantic-release-slack-bot', // Use the semantic-release-slack-bot plugin for Slack notifications.
notifyOnSuccess: true, // Notify on successful releases.
notifyOnFail: true, // Notify on failed releases.
console.log('branch', process.env.CURRENT_BRANCH);
if (process.env.CURRENT_BRANCH === "main") {
'@semantic-release/git', // Use the git plugin to commit and push changes to Git.
assets: ['docs/', 'package.json'], // Specify assets to be included in the Git release commit.
module.exports = config;
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